skadiwolf "where do you guys get those deli cups???"
Yeah, where do you get them from? do you buy them brand new or do you just save the tubs from your local deli(catessen) store?
I thought about this but if I ask my girlfriend to save tubs for me instead of throwing them away she just gives me a dirty look and says "You can't have any more spiders"
I have some of my slings in vials and a few in these jars.
There actually a medium sized pill bottle. I ordered them from
USA Plastics on the net.
This one has an Usambabra in it, you can see a little of its web
next to the corkbark.
Last night all this little T had was a dirt volcano and now it has
a nice little tube web=D
As for deli cups, you can order them, but i usually just pander to the pet stores i get in good with.. they have TONS and TONS and TONS.. after doing it for years, you build up your own little stockpile...
also after going to rep shows for years, you stockpile deli cups and vials fromthere, too. From thenon out, its just rotating and cleaning.
Now, when i did my first eggsac, my dad's friend works for a pharm. supply company, so he got me tons of little pill vials.. (small and large basically)... but you can even order those for really cheap.. i forget the link.. i never used this one company i'm thinking of, but they have great prices if youre thinking of breeding (which really isn't as hard as it seems sometimes). You just need nylon, a good environment, and an eggsac You don't even need a chicken egg- turner.. you can do it yourself...its justputting the little suckers in the vials and then spending time feeding,weeding out dead ones, weeding out half-dead ones, trying to find them, misting.....
good fun though -- skad, are you going to be breeding your albos?
nice pic marcie! Do you use those for all your slings? I usually keep mine in pretty small surroundings untill they get to be about 1"- 1.5", when i move them to bigger deli cups, and then onto my stockpile of small cages, where they start to work their way up to thebig cages
Thanks Dave
I have 3 Usambara slings. I picked them up last month at my local
show, from Cronoss Exotic Bugs=D
He has a banner ad here and visits the site all the time
The Usambara are about an inch leg span and seem to like thier
new homes I still have one more to move into a jar though.
That promises to be fun! Every time I feed this one it tries to
get out of its vial! I open the lid and it shoots out onto my hand So, once I convince this "Beast" a jar is a nice place to live, it will be much easier to feed.
I went looking for sling-housing today...and no matter where I went, I couldn't find any translucent jars made out of plastic..grrr..well, I got a 12pack of beer glasses made out of plastic instead. And some 'hobby' cloth that's supposed to be resistant to mold. Cut a piece a lil bigger than the opening of the glass, take a rubberband, and voilá. Remains to be seen how good it actually works though.
Is it generally regarded as enough ventilation, making a home for a sling with a piece of cloth thusly?
Do smalll mealworms work for slings? Sorry if this has been asked.
I think I have recommended these before in other threads but it seems to be on topic:
I love the 5.5oz and 8oz plastice spice jars you can get from for s'lings. Just burn or drill some appropriate sized holes (high and low) and you're set.
The best part is that you can pop 1/2 the top open pretty easily and drop in a cricket without disturbing the s'ling.
jcohen -- those things work perfectly!!! im going over there to try to order some more..
and vys -- depending on how big or small your sling is, anything from small crickets, big 'drumsticks' of larger crickets, small mealworms, cut up mealworms.. basically anything thats not too big for it (i stick to half its body size for smaller slings. i notice they tend to run away from anything over half their body size, even if its a half mashed up cricket.. but each sling is different, and some wont.. but mine def. run away )
as for cheesecloth and the like, i know a few people who use it, and i feel like i've read an article on the ATS about it a while back..
i'd say as long as you can drill or burn some extra little holes in the top, it should be fine.
Hmm, I prefer not to cut up anything, and micro-crickets are annoying as hell and not really available (I can breed them I guess, but they're annoying ) but if this sling I get is afraid of small mealies, then yes, I shall have to get some pinheads.
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