Sivka's First outing!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
And she was terrified lol..
I am not sure how to introduce her to the outside. She doesn't like it, gets all scared.. she ran around the leash for a few times, but I was scared she would dart or something lol (harness)

Any tips on getting her used to the outdoors? Maybe when she is bigger she will feel more manly lol

When I brought her back in she didn't 'look' at me for like 2 days.. just went about and did her business now shes all lovey again.. lol

Sivka Buns being terrified (garbage can from neighbors was being rolled on pavement lol)

Getting a little more comfy



Her good angles.

Her bad angles.. lol (my bad camera work)

I love her color so much..its like steel blue or something.. reminds me of a chinchilla


Old Timer
Sep 16, 2009
Yes, very pretty colour! I like silvery-blues in almost any animal. Is she a bunny that you handle yourself? Does she like being in your arms? If so, I would start outside with that. If she is held in a way that is feels safe and comfortable to her, then a new experience won't be so terrifying. I would hold her and not go far into the new sit just outside the door quietly and calmly. Maybe pet her and talk to her a bit. Then she can press up against you and feel something familiar, not just like she as been dropped into the completely unfamiliar.
Remember she is in nature a prey animal and she still has those instincts. Even though you know she is safe on the leash in the little cage thing in your yard, to her that feels terribly exposed. It is open to the sky and she can be seen from all sides, and on top of that she doesn't even know where her "home" (her artificial burrow) is to dash to for safety if something happened.
If she is not a cuddly bunny, I would still try to give her something familiar to relate to out there. Her regular shelter in her hutch, or a favorite blanket or something like that. And, again, I would try just a little ways outside first, close to a door or a wall so she doesn't feel stimuli coming at her from every direction.
Hope that helps. Good luck!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
thank you! I appreciate the info :) yep I can handle her, she's very calm being picked up. Will stay in my arms till I nudge her, or if mistakinly hold improperly she will squiggle a little till she's comfy. Very stubbrown though aha

Good idea on holding her outside ill definatly try that. But since I am in vancouver theres a bunch of rain... so its hard to be consistant with that ahah!


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
I had rabit once. I was like ten or so. It was an initially unwanted gift, an impluse buy that turned into my "birthday present". Anyway it was a little male lop ear thing. I had him house broken and all that. It had the complete run of my room most of the time. It was usually very nice. It could on occasion be the nastiest little monster. I'm talking the Caerbannog nasty. This little thing chased off every dog we owned including a chow. Now "BunnyBunny" (I know :barf:) would be a real pain in the rear when he got under my bed and refused to come out when it was time for me to go to sleep and him to go into his cage. He would scratch and make this horrible grunting, growl sound. Now when he went out on the leash he wasn't that scared at all. A few minutes of sitting quietly next to me then he was hopping around eating grass. Maybe being a male made him more aggressive and therefore sure of himself. It could also have been my presence that made him less afraid.



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
How darn cute is SHE! You're gonna get some funny looks running around the front yard with a harnessed bunny, I'd think lol

The only time I see bunnies up close these days are when the hunt dogs bring them in :eek:


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
I had rabit once. I was like ten or so. It was an initially unwanted gift, an impluse buy that turned into my "birthday present". Anyway it was a little male lop ear thing. I had him house broken and all that. It had the complete run of my room most of the time. It was usually very nice. It could on occasion be the nastiest little monster. I'm talking the Caerbannog nasty. This little thing chased off every dog we owned including a chow. Now "BunnyBunny" (I know :barf:) would be a real pain in the rear when he got under my bed and refused to come out when it was time for me to go to sleep and him to go into his cage. He would scratch and make this horrible grunting, growl sound. Now when he went out on the leash he wasn't that scared at all. A few minutes of sitting quietly next to me then he was hopping around eating grass. Maybe being a male made him more aggressive and therefore sure of himself. It could also have been my presence that made him less afraid.

Haha yeah I had a male rabbit once that wasn't fixed back when i was young, he was a dweeb lol, so I am glad I have this girl shes a sweet heart so far :)

How darn cute is SHE! You're gonna get some funny looks running around the front yard with a harnessed bunny, I'd think lol

The only time I see bunnies up close these days are when the hunt dogs bring them in :eek:
Haha wait till my girls 20lbs with a leash running around the yard walking me lol

i must admit bunny does taste yummy ;d {D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
LOL I want pictures from afar of that sight.. you, bunny, and yard! :D
I haven't had a pet rabbit since I was a small child.. but I remember having one named BamBam that was tiny, and he ran around the house :)

I'd never eaten rabbit.. we let the dogs eat what they bring back, because they are hunting in competitions.


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
i used to just take my old rabbit outside and let him run, no leash or anything. it was basically the only time he seemed happy, usually he seemed pretty miserable.

after i lost him to diarrhea i got a couple dwarfs. the damn things refuse to potty train, and the one sits in her own poop, to the point where i have to bathe her and clean clumps of poop out from around her bottom every week or two. they don't have very good personalities either. i haven't taken them outside yet but maybe i will next spring.

i like them but honestly i'm pretty disappointed with how high maintainence they are and how much they only tolerate being touched, if they can't get away from me of course.

do bigger rabbits have better personalities? i've read dwarfs can be not very friendly. if they don't i think i'll just go back to rats. they rats i used to keep were like mini-best friends lol.


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
LOL I want pictures from afar of that sight.. you, bunny, and yard! :D
I haven't had a pet rabbit since I was a small child.. but I remember having one named BamBam that was tiny, and he ran around the house :)

I'd never eaten rabbit.. we let the dogs eat what they bring back, because they are hunting in competitions.
Ill get that for you next time when i lost a few lbs ! lol

Bambam.. where does that sound familliar?

you should try rabbit, its good (hides screen from BunBuns..)

i used to just take my old rabbit outside and let him run, no leash or anything. it was basically the only time he seemed happy, usually he seemed pretty miserable.
My girl is awesome, I must have lucked out. She loves pets and being picked up. Litter trained herself to her cage, doesn't do any dropping on the floor and I let her free roam the house all day, even when I am not home..

(bunny proofed)
I only have a 2 room apartment so that probably makes it easier for her.

She's just so cute overall like 7lbs now! o.o
and staring at me demanding carrots... lol

She's a Queen with manners and all.

Wish you luck on your rabbitness. I clean the cage every 2 days so that gives you an idea of her peeingness. and my apartment doesn't stink :)


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Ill get that for you next time when i lost a few lbs ! lol

Bambam.. where does that sound familliar?

you should try rabbit, its good (hides screen from BunBuns..)

My girl is awesome, I must have lucked out. She loves pets and being picked up. Litter trained herself to her cage, doesn't do any dropping on the floor and I let her free roam the house all day, even when I am not home..

(bunny proofed)
I only have a 2 room apartment so that probably makes it easier for her.

She's just so cute overall like 7lbs now! o.o
and staring at me demanding carrots... lol

She's a Queen with manners and all.

Wish you luck on your rabbitness. I clean the cage every 2 days so that gives you an idea of her peeingness. and my apartment doesn't stink :)
That is awesome! I was thinking about possibly getting a rabbit, but it would have to be good with kids and litter trained. I was not sure how hard that would be to litter train a rabbit, but knew it was possible. It came down to a rabbit or a cat, and I think the rabbit would be less likely to get into things, claw furniture, and the litter wont stink up the whole apartment!

Definitely going to show the boss lady this post to maybe get a few points for the rabbit for Christmas idea ;P


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
"My girl is awesome, I must have lucked out. She loves pets and being picked up. Litter trained herself to her cage, doesn't do any dropping on the floor and I let her free roam the house all day, even when I am not home.."

you are either very lucky or maybe just got a better breed lol

my rabbits are so messy. they make such a huge mess when i get them out! i have to spend quite a bit of time picking up turds and sponging piss out of the carpet. i used to lay down newspaper for them where they went, but after a while they just started going in different spots. they go freaking everywhere! it makes me feel bad b/c it means i can't get them out every day b/c i have to spend so much time cleaning up after them.

they can be sweet sometimes though. if i lay flat on the floor they come up and nudge me with their noses. thats about as much affection as i get ;)


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
That is awesome! I was thinking about possibly getting a rabbit, but it would have to be good with kids and litter trained. I was not sure how hard that would be to litter train a rabbit, but knew it was possible. It came down to a rabbit or a cat, and I think the rabbit would be less likely to get into things, claw furniture, and the litter wont stink up the whole apartment!

Definitely going to show the boss lady this post to maybe get a few points for the rabbit for Christmas idea ;P
Well the thing you need to know about rabbits, is that they are 20 times more stubborn then a cat, and require a daily schedule or they will get messy with their litter.

I havn't deviated from the schedule except once when I let her outside to run but that didn't bother her much except scare the bejezers out of her. lol

They also require bedding, cage, chew toys, a litter pan, bedding, and various vegetables compared to the cats 1 litter box, and 1 protein.

I left my girl in the cage for about 6 days so she could get used to peeing in one spot (way back corner.) This she would claim as her 'territory'

I once saw her starting to get into pee position and picked her up and ran her to the cage. She peed the moment i set her down in the enclosure.. I think she got the point. There are a few turd pellets sometimes (like 5 aweek) that get left behind as a trail to the cage when she holds in in too long lol.

Hm for a cat you don't need to watch your wires. For A rabbit you need to tape them up when not suppervised. I also have the fridge encased in egg cartons so she doesn't get currious and run behind there. ( i'd do this for any inaccessable area to you, like behind tv (wires!)

They will dominate books so be careful (personal paper shredder.)

If you rather something that will sleep with you in the bed at night, get a cat. Want something that likes to do its own thing(maybe stay under the bed for 7hrs or keep running around the room, and jump around demanding attention, and you want to watch out for wires, get a rabbit.

If you keep them in a cage a long time theres a lot of chance they will get obese (flemmies get big! not a lot to run if its indoors) but I killed that concept with having 2 rooms for her to have access to almost 24 hrs aday except when I sleep.

I only had a rabbit for 1 month so far, so my info might have some holes in it, but this is what i've learned so far :)

They live about 10yrs?

She goes through 2 carrots a day, 1cup leafy greens, an apple or some banana (including peel really good for their digestive system) and 1/4 cup of alfalfa pellets, and about a handful of hay. I personally thought my buns would eat more then this, but she's pacing herself well which I am happy for.

I also feed flax seed for good digestion and a shiny coat, and soft skin since these guys lick themselves alot and can't regurge or fart. (they feed this to horses for a good coat as well)

Bunny moment
Right now Sivka is bitting my book bag, and when I turn around to look at her she runs away really fast like she knows shes being bad.... When I am staring at the monitor she bites it again... peek a bite... {D

5 mins later she's done that activity and flopped on the floor to rest..

That's about what I have for you jade :) hope you can make a decision on something you will enjoy for years to come! :)

you are either very lucky or maybe just got a better breed lol
That's probably what happened, but you always need to take into consideration the rabbits personality as well.

my rabbits are so messy. they make such a huge mess when i get them out! i have to spend quite a bit of time picking up turds and sponging piss out of the carpet. i used to lay down newspaper for them where they went, but after a while they just started going in different spots. they go freaking everywhere! it makes me feel bad b/c it means i can't get them out every day b/c i have to spend so much time cleaning up after them.
Ew. that would drive me nuts if sivka buns took the turn for the worst. I'd be making an outdoor hutch for them to live in permanently..

they can be sweet sometimes though. if i lay flat on the floor they come up and nudge me with their noses. thats about as much affection as i get ;)
haha that's cute, at leas that's something to look forward too!

wow i type a lot.. lol :)


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
She is SO ADORABLE!!! I just wanna squeeze the heck out of every bunny I see! I'm a new rabbit owner as well (well, for about 2 months now) and it's very interesting to observe their personalities, isn't it? Currently, my Jessica Rabbit seems to be going through this horrible teenage-type attitude. Doesn't listen anymore, won't go in her cage, thumps her foot at me when I'm not paying direct attention to her, etc. Bratty bunny... Hehe

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
I had rabit once. I was like ten or so. It was an initially unwanted gift, an impluse buy that turned into my "birthday present". Anyway it was a little male lop ear thing. I had him house broken and all that. It had the complete run of my room most of the time. It was usually very nice. It could on occasion be the nastiest little monster. I'm talking the Caerbannog nasty. This little thing chased off every dog we owned including a chow. Now "BunnyBunny" (I know :barf:) would be a real pain in the rear when he got under my bed and refused to come out when it was time for me to go to sleep and him to go into his cage. He would scratch and make this horrible grunting, growl sound. Now when he went out on the leash he wasn't that scared at all. A few minutes of sitting quietly next to me then he was hopping around eating grass. Maybe being a male made him more aggressive and therefore sure of himself. It could also have been my presence that made him less afraid.

I don't know what's more funny, the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog reference or "BunnyBunny" hahaha