

Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Hey there let me help clear this up for you.

I use Rep Cal phos free calcium and Rep cal Hertivite only, I have been doing so for years. When you get a Vitamin plus calcium one in all suppliment, the tendancies for the beta carotine in the vitamins to become damanged and useless in the calcium crushing process is high.

Thats why it is suggested to use a calcium and a vitamin powder seppratly. Also Calcium powder on its own highs a longer shelf life than the vitamins themselves and it more cost effective in the long run

About D-3. You need this vitamin if you are not using a full specturm (UVA and UVB) light on the cage. It will be in the form of a flourescent fixture (and say UVA UVB on the package) or a screw in mercury vapor bulb (you'll know it becuase they are expensive and also produce heat) The reason you would not need this vitamin is the high end specturum lighting causes the reptiles to produce this on their own. Being as reptiles don't dust theuir food in the wild (though have a broader spectrum of prey items) I really reccommend GUT LOADING. More on this at the end.

There are forms of geckos that do not require UBA and UVB (Eyelash geckos that I own), however this doesn't mean don't dust the crickets with a d-3 containing suppliment. I do. And I've never had a problem with my gex

GUTLOADING!! I like this because you do not need all that messy powder, it doesn't fall off of the cricket after about 5 min, and its much more tastey (Imagine a burger covered in powdered eggshell--yuck)
Purchase a high quality gutloader (I like Flukers) and you can also get the cricket quencher gel (it adds more nutrients). I put my crickets in a 5 gallon container with it and some TP tubes for 24 hours (it must be this long or the crickets will not all absob the nutrients) and then feed to reptiles.

Remeber the food you feed your crickets goes into the reptile, so if the store feeds them crap, then your reptile is going to get little nutrition out of it no matter how much dust your throwing at it.

PM me if you have anymore questions ;)


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2006
What Barbed wire cat has to say is perfect! I have no geckos at home, I do however have other reptiles. What I can say is that you should dust the crickets with vitamin powder right before feeding, and make sure you have proper lighting. Not only do they require heat lamps but also UV lighting as well. And thats the second time I have heard of a gecko biting someone, is that common?
:) :) :)

Black Hawk

Old Timer
Feb 15, 2005
mine tries to bite me every chance it gets, i think tokays are pretty good biters too. every gecko i've held, including the ones i caught at night in hawaii have all bit, or tried to bite me. i don't think leos bite very much tho do they?:confused:


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
No they are not heavy biters. It realy depends on temperment too. I got two eyelashes out of the same clutch and the petstore that had them put them in with gargoyle geckos, of course ones tail got bitten off. That one will always try to bite me when I handle him, he's alot more tempermental. The one with the tail tho, he's chill.

Tokays are on my list as permanent earrings, they latch on and don't wanna let go.

I have a tendancy towards the terriestrial lizards not being too bitey. Wall climbers tho it just depends. The caledonians are pretty tame tho. *shrug*