Shredded Aspen vs CareFresh


Old Timer
May 17, 2003
Herps&Inverts said:
Of course, we're one of two exotic vets.
Eh? There are only two, and you two are one of them? ;)

What we recommend to people wanting to keep their snakes on aspen (those die-hard fans...) is that they pack the aspen down very well. Often a misting of water, packing and drying of substrate is all that is needed. That generally helps to keep tiny pieces from sticking up and extremely loose substrate from becoming body-borne without some work.
Good advice. I tend to pack mine, mostly to make it less likely to get pushed into water dishes; I hadn't thought about any other advantages.

I still advocate newspaper.
I used to use newspaper a lot. I quit for two reasons: first, oftentimes the snake would get underneath all the paper and do its business there, effectively rendering the paper useless, and second, it just doesn't look good. I also used to have concerns about possible health effects from the ink/bleach, but I haven't seen any evidence of any and don't consider it a problem anymore. Lately, I don't use paper for the additional reason that it's less effective at dealing with large quantities of waste. I keep big, hungry colubrids, and when kept on paper the snakes have a tendency to really foul up the cage before I'm able to get it out. Aspen seems to reduce this by taking on more liquid.

I did like the use that burrowing species made of multiple layers of paper. I used to give my rubber boa a dozen or more sheets with some tears made in them, and it sometimes took me awhile to find her. If I had a lot of smallish snakes I would consider going back to paper.
