Show Us Your Croc Monitors


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Sounds fishy.

i had a friend who owned a 7 foot monitor, and one night while he and a friend were feeding it, the friends buddy did something wrong, and the monitor bit him across the back of his hand, would not let go, and thrashed wildly about.
by the time they got his hand free, it was bitten in two.

not a pleasant deal.

edited to i recall, the secondary infection was almost worse than the initial injury.
And no pics????? A bite requiring stitches and a hand severed in two are very different. I'd believe it if it were the former, but the latter sounds somewhat sensational. After personally being in the ER twice from this species I am somewhat doubtful of that claim without seeing any evidence. The teeth can do quite some damage, but bite a hand in two? Also, secondary infection in a US hospital? Whenever you go in for an animal bite you get injected with so many antibiotics that secondary infections are prevented in many, (not all) cases. Sorry, but hard to believe the experiences of a friend of a friend.


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
And no pics????? A bite requiring stitches and a hand severed in two are very different. I'd believe it if it were the former, but the latter sounds somewhat sensational. After personally being in the ER twice from this species I am somewhat doubtful of that claim without seeing any evidence. The teeth can do quite some damage, but bite a hand in two? Also, secondary infection in a US hospital? Whenever you go in for an animal bite you get injected with so many antibiotics that secondary infections are prevented in many, (not all) cases. Sorry, but hard to believe the experiences of a friend of a friend.
Hey, I got a friend of a friend of a friend....... who caught a baby Nessie!


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
What are you talking about? Its true! Its darn true!

By the way, Jmugle, I decided Ill just get 2 Frillies. I will buy it next week. CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
Here's a pic of one I used to have. I Purchased it from D&J. This one would hang out in the trees/branches within the enclosure during the day, and at night it had it's favorite spot underneath a cork hide. Once I wanted to check it out while it was sleeping...I'll tell you, they do not like to be disturbed from their beauty sleep! The little sucker chased me, bipedal and mouth agape. It actually startled me as I didn't know it would explode like that. I'd advise against any casual varanid fan keeping them. You probably don't have that kind of experience. That's a 6" scale in the pic.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
They are so purrrrty :drool:

You got to watch out cause from what I remember, they don't tame as well as asian water monitors.

I once had a friend that had a savannah monitor, about 3.5-4FT and he was holding it like a baby against his chest and its head was over his shoulders. He did it many times, but one day the savannah somehow took a hold of his throat, just opened its mouth and took a hold of his throat for almost no reason.

Luckily it didn't bite down, but it gave him the scare of a lifetime so he never did that again.

My favorite monitor still so far is my asian water monitor. He's very tame except he's not too fond of being handled. But those croc monitors sure are nice looking!