Should Non-adults be allowed to own/care for OW species

Should non-adults be allowed to own/care for OW species

  • Yes

    Votes: 136 40.2%
  • No

    Votes: 76 22.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 126 37.3%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
OK, now we're getting silly, eh?

However, as this is a "hobby/pet" related question. Perhaps we should only consider "hobby/pet" related bites, and any deaths reported. So far to date, reading the bite reports on this site, no deaths. Not sure, but it's possible AB bite reports could possibly be most extensive list to date within the hobby.
Let us now pray it stays that way...

BUT - if someone has already died, how exactly would that get posted on the arachnoboard bite report section anyway? Their ghost? Their grieving family that don't even know this place exists? How about those that have no internet access whose pet just dropped his baby brother?

Just a thought... perhaps I really should revise my will to include that if I die after being bitten from my Burmese cobalt blue, my executor shall notify the arachnoboard bite report section... done! {D
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Let us now pray it stays that way...
Dear G...

BUT - if someone has already died, how exactly would that get posted on the arachnoboard bite report section anyway? Their ghost? Their grieving family that don't even know this place exists? How about those that have no internet access whose pet just dropped his baby brother?
...od, Please let it stay that way. Amen.

D'oh! :wall:


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Pg. 18 "The Guide to Owning a Tarantula" - Jerry G Wells ~ talking about the tarantulas from the African continent: '...known to cause human deaths in rare cases.' :cool:
In the book Firefly Encyclopedia of the Vivarium: Keeping Amphibians, Reptiles, and Insects, Spiders and other Invertebrates in Terraria, Aquaterraria, and Aquaria by Alderton it says that South American tarantulas have a deadly bite and there are no tarantulas in Africa.

Sorry Ceratogyrus, Citharischius, Encyocratella, Hysterocrates, Pterinochilus, Heteroscodra, Eucratoscelus (among many others) - since books are always right, you guys aren't from Africa.

And before you say something about how that book isn't based solely on tarantulas, so mistakes are more common, here are some more examples:

In Tarantulas and Scorpions by W. Ranking and J. G. Walls, there's a picture of a tarantula and scorpion in the same enclosure. And it's not provided as an example of how not to house your inverts.

In Tarantulas by John G. Browning, there was a picture of a tibial spur on a MM and it said to make sure you inspect your pet for broken legs. Looks like we were wrong all along about tibial spurs - they're not spurs at all, some males break their legs in their ultimate molt. We all better start patching up their legs so they can heal.

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She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
Admin Note

Let us now pray it stays that way...

BUT - if someone has already died, how exactly would that get posted on the arachnoboard bite report section anyway? Their ghost? Their grieving family that don't even know this place exists? How about those that have no internet access whose pet just dropped his baby brother?
I can't take it anymore. My silence is now lifted. I refuse to allow you to continue to spread misinformation to my users here. I just can't allow it anymore ...

What is it going to take to get it through your extremely thick skull, that there are NO confirmed deaths DIRECTLY from an actual bite? :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Really .... is it that you have an issue comprehending what you read? Having a "reaction" is NOT the same as dying from a bite directly. Dying from a rash is not directly a cause from the bite. Dying from gangrene is not directly a cause from the bite. Seriously, why is it so difficult for you to get it through your (apparently) thick skull? Ignorance maybe? :?

Or is it that you just are here to be a troll and think that all of your statements can never ever be wrong or misguided or misinformed? If you have all of the answers to everything, well why are you here? Please do NOT tell me it is to share your (lack of) knowledge? You have been nothing but confrontational with every single person here that has tried their very best to help steer you on the right track and correct what you thought was correct information. Yet all you can do is be argumentative and fight them every step of the way. Is that how you think you learn? :confused:

Maybe, just maybe, if everyone else is on the same page but you, then they're not the ones with the "obsessive denial syndrome" ... :embarrassed:


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
In the book...
Wow, those are pretty funny! :)

Good thing none of the absurdities are corroborated in other literature, eh? Now, as far as the 'Guide to owning a tarantula', and 'Tarantula keepers guide', and... seems some corroboration exists it these books and in many other places, therefore we have issues with being told we can not say what is corroborated... that old world tarantuls can cause death in rare cases.:eek:


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Wow, those are pretty funny! :)

Good thing none of the absurdities are corroborated in other literature, eh? Now, as far as the 'Guide to owning a tarantula', and 'Tarantula keepers guide', and... seems some corroboration exists it these books and in many other places, therefore we have issues with being told we can not say what is corroborated... that old world tarantuls can cause death in rare cases.:eek:
The misinformation continues, in two different threads no less. You might as well start a third thread in case somebody hasn't seen these other two.:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
What is it going to take to get it through your extremely thick skull, that there are NO confirmed deaths DIRECTLY from an actual bite? :wall::wall::wall::wall:
I think the :wall::wall::wall::wall: would do it...:worship:

you just are here to be a troll and think that all of your statements can never ever be wrong
Actually, I have admitted errors in several places ~ nobody's "perfect" (or are they?){D

they're not the ones with the "obsessive denial syndrome"
But the symptoms are classic all the way down the list! I mean... really.:eek:

The misinformation continues, in two different threads no less. You might as well start a third thread in case somebody hasn't seen these other two.:rolleyes:
fyi - I've started a few threads - I'm only getting attacked en mass in two... fighting a two front war it seems, and it is difficult to watch my back. If only you guys would stop going at me then I'd have no reason to defend myself and I can get on with enjoying the board. But as soon as one stops attacking another starts attacking, then the ones who stopped go into a feeding frenzy again and join in. :(


She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
fyi - I've started a few threads - I'm only getting attacked en mass in two... fighting a two front war it seems, and it is difficult to watch my back. If only you guys would stop going at me then I'd have no reason to defend myself and I can get on with enjoying the board. But as soon as one stops attacking another starts attacking, then the ones who stopped go into a feeding frenzy again and join in. :(
LOL! Ok, you can quit the persecution complex right here and now. Not buying it one bit. No one attacked you or waged a war against you. You were corrected on your faulty information and then got all offended and pissy about it and started to lash out at those who were trying to help you get the correct information. Honeslty, at this point, it is like beating a dead horse (or a stubborn mule). :rolleyes:

FYI, a war would imply 2 active parties, so if you want to be done with it, then just stop responding and trying to have the last word. Pretty obvious to me.



Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Tryes not to add Gasoline to the Fire [¥]

Seem's to me that similar mind's play well
together ... even though their opinion's
may differ ...

"Or how did that ole wordsay go"

One way to move forward can be to Agree
to disagree ... as some wont easily change
their opinion.

Alas ... i do enjoy debates .. as long as
they're kept Civil and done in style.

Freedom of Speach is the right and all that,
And thus it is up to the educated to
inform and enlighten ... and at the same
time all may not be easily educated.
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] ¥AMEON wonder's a bit [¥]

xHexdx Wrote:
Quote:It's arguable that spiders are too primitive to be able to recognize someone or to be 'tamed'. :EndQuote

Makes me wonder about those Docile Tarantulas
that let's their owner Pick them up and manually
Re'locate/handle them .. and does show no
defensive behaviour.

Wonder what kind of "Stimulus*" is going on there.

* Stimulus: for lack of a better Description of above
mentioned reaction to said event.

** Also not saying they would be "Tamed"

*** This may be material for a whole different
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Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
goodby - the point is made, everything else is subterfuge

Freedom of Speech is the right and all that, And thus it is up to the educated to inform and enlighten ... and at the same time all may not be easily educated.
Just correcting the spelling of 'speech'... seemed an important statement!
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] ^^ [¥]

Thanks BatGirl :D

Yep ... im the king of Typos he he.

"And now i got the last word, he he he"


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2010
Wow.... this thread took off.

My two cents... I grew up with entomologists for parents. That meant we went traipsing around through jungle after jungle in search of ants (exciting I know). But my parents raised me around exotic animals. I remember catching and milking rattle snakes when I was like... 10.

Because of that, I have an appreciation and immense respect for every kind of animal (not just the cute ones). And I also have more understanding of how invertebrates behave, and how not to piss them off.

I think that's really important, and I intend to instill that same kind of education in my own children (I love the picture of the little girl with the Ts!)

As to the parents who would go off and buy a cute, blue spider for their child without taking any action to protect their child... Yeah, that happens. It's unfortunate and the kid could end up really getting hurt. BUT.... that's probably the same parent that has their kid doing lots of other dangerous things. If the T doesn't get 'em, something else will. I think the T market is fine. You have to really look for them, and I don't think a lot of people impulsively buy slings. I think they're more likely to impulsively buy something like a rose.


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2010
xHexdx Wrote:
Quote:It's arguable that spiders are too primitive to be able to recognize someone or to be 'tamed'. :EndQuote

Makes me wonder about those Docile Tarantulas
that let's their owner Pick them up and manually
Re'locate/handle them .. and does show no
defensive behaviour.

Wonder what kind of "Stimulus*" is going on there.

* Stimulus: for lack of a better Description of above
mentioned reaction to said event.

** Also not saying they would be "Tamed"

*** This may be material for a whole different
You can pick up Ts in the wild like that, and they will behave the same. Also, a pet T that has never been handled could be docile as a cat. It just depends on the species.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] I Live and Learn [¥]

Oo ... i never knew that ... that is interesting indeed.
Thanks for the Information there spangly ^^

Maybe it depend's on the person Picking them up to
know the "right" moves too .. I'E: how to behave and
some knowledge in what trigger's this and that