Should Non-adults be allowed to own/care for OW species

Should non-adults be allowed to own/care for OW species

  • Yes

    Votes: 136 40.2%
  • No

    Votes: 76 22.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 126 37.3%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
no they just compare the times to each other
the fast the death the ore potent it is
the slower the least potent

so then you could put them in order form most potent to least

upwith inverts!

Old Timer
Oct 12, 2008
There is no 1-10 scale for it, so the only real way to measure it is in how much time it took for the mouse to die.

Clam typed faster


Old Timer
Nov 14, 2008
I used to live in Toronto. A couple of children were bit by Pit Bulls a few months apart and this caused the local politicians to enact a sweeping ban on the breed. They literally started euthanizing pit bull puppies born after a certain grandfathering-in date. Many people who owned pit bulls had to give up their pets. The definition of "pit bull" was also very broad in the legislation leading to a lot of hybrids and near breeds being caught up in the ban.

Do not underestimate what a little bad press will do. Pit Bulls are dogs - man's best friend. Tarantulas are "scary bugs" to the vast majority of people. They do not and will never understand the difference between species. To them a pokie and a G.Rosea are literally the same creature.

In my opinion this hobby is probably only one child in the hospital + slow news day away from a similar situation.


Old Timer
Nov 14, 2008
I sell a lot, and I am never going to do an age check or restrict someone from buying from me. Now someday could that come back to bite me in the butt. Maybe...... but I don't think it is my place as a seller to establish if someone is mature enough or experienced enough to have something or not. That is the job of the parent.
I agree wholeheartedly but unfortunately I think you'd find that a court of law will almost always rule otherwise. As a "for example" someone quite close to me is currently suing a restaurant. A bartender at one of the franchises owned by the restaurant served alcohol to someone who ended up causing a fatal car accident. The lawyers involved are not arguing about whether or not the owners of the restaurant chain are liable for the damages - only how much money they are liable for. Even the lowest amounts that have been tabled thus far are considerable.

You're an expert on the spiders. If you sold a hot species to a minor without the permission of their parents and they ended up getting hurt...well thats going to be some tough times ahead for you, I'm afraid :(


Old Timer
Nov 14, 2008
Just to be clear on my position here:
I do not believe that minors should own dangerous Ts. I agree that it is true that it is unfair to slap an age requirement down since age does not equal maturity. Unfortunately we do not have an accepted "maturity test" and age strongly correlates to maturity so it is the best we are capable of doing.

My nightmare scenario is this:

1) A minor buys a hot T, his/her parents none the wiser.

2) This T ends up escaping and bites someone who is immune compromised, in poor health, or extremely young (what would a pokie bite do to an infant?).

3) The news catches hold of it.

It wouldn't take much public outcry to get hot species banned from imports or breeding. The spillover could be pretty dramatic as well as neither the public nor the politicians are likely to do much research into what is and is not a dangerous species.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
1,185 T..........
Like I said, hot and medically significant are mere opinions but I find it extremely far fetched for anyone to so much as have an opinion that some T's are hot.


Old Timer
May 31, 2008
I let my son own pretty much what he wants. He's been dealing with exotics most of his life in one way or another. He is totally into the 60 or so T's that we currently have. He helps but more importantly, he listens. I guess it helps to have support within your own home to educate, guide and help.



Old Timer
Oct 21, 2007
You can if you want but if you want to be an idiot about it and get bitten then well, that is your problem. It only takes one time, except if your Nature Boy. I think the venom got to his head a little bit. lol.. ;P


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2008
ive been on this board for a couple months now and i see that clam here is only 17 and that blew my mind, hes got alot of knowledge under his belt already and i say let it be, i vote yes. becuz i know alot of "minors" that are WAY more intelligent than adults, and ive seen people who just have a natural knack for being good with animals. so its just like anything else, if u can handle it then cool if not, then i guess we'll be reading some pretty funny bite reports.
totally agree im 14 and have 2 Ts, and 1 scorp. (and many vertebrates). If minors that have as much knowledge as i do, they should do fine. I am proud to say that all my arachnids are healthy.

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
Hell, when I was 8 years old I had 8-10 black widows. They pack alot more punch than any tarantula does which just goes to show age means nothing. Sure some kids have no right to keep a hamster however some kids have a good head on their shoulders and are quite capable of keeping an OW tarantula


Old Timer
Mar 19, 2004
For those who answered yes or maybe. Would your answer be different if the non-adult was a 10 year old child?


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
I think mature people should be able to keep ow t's. There are still plenty of adults that are retarded that i could see trying to hand feed them when they are drunk. If a kid is mature and knowlegable enough i say go for it. One thing though is that their parents should know their level of venom, and agression before the kid can get one. As long as its given a suitable enviroment and the kid or its parents will pay for upkeep i think it is fine. Generally, i wouldnt say anybody under 14, but if a kids father or someone kept t's or something and hes been around them and has plenty of experience i dont think it would be wrong for him to keep an ow species provided his parents know exactly what he is keeping and its level of danger.

I don't think any kid should keep one, since they would most likly not be mature enough, however if a kid is mature enough and has at least abit of invert experience i dont think it would be wrong for them to keep one (or more).


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
For those who answered yes or maybe. Would your answer be different if the non-adult was a 10 year old child?
well it depends when i was 10 i loved bugs and collected the regularly
i would say yes if that was the case especially since any questions that he has he can answer with the internet
and at ten im not sure if hed be able to get an old world if his parents didnt support it
because hed have to have help with ordering on the web and you cant buy an animal from a pet shop unless your 18
and in the case of ordering on the web it some dealers have descriptions that say to watch out for their bite
and if a parent orders it without asking about it then its shame on them:embarrassed:

i know when i first ordered swift asked me a couple questions and he helped me get exactly what i was looking for;)


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2008
For those who answered yes or maybe. Would your answer be different if the non-adult was a 10 year old child?
I most likley would have said maybe on this one. Depends on the 10 yr old, if he loves animals and is dedicated and even tells his or her parents about the venomous animals he/she might get then yes I think he/she should be able to have OW sp.