Should I take burrowing Dubia's out ?


May 10, 2011
Well I transferred my B. Smithi to a new 40x30x25 cm tank a week ago.
Since then she is quite skittish, and hiding inside her hide all the time.

Anyways, I used to feed her Dubia roaches in her old enclosure, and she would pounce on them within a few seconds.
However, I haven't fed her in 1,5 weeks, so I decided to try to feed her a Dubia.
When the Dubia got close to her, my Smithi ran away and the roach immidiatly burrowed into the substrate...

My question is, should I just leave the dubia in the enclosure, or TRY to find it and remove it.
Also, could the reason for her sudden loss of appitite/nervousness still be the rehousing ? (she molted 1,5 month ago, so that's not it)