Shipping Tarantulas - Heat Packs or COLD Packs???


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Windchaser said:
The most common reason is injury due to improper packing and handling.
agree 100%

the ONLY shipping deaths i've had were from packaging errors


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Nerri1029 said:

Here's my 2 cents.. sorry no refunds..

I propose the following for shipping under extreme conditions.
I buy and receive temperature sensitive items all the time.. and I've seen MANY different ways that people treat packing these things

I've attached a pic that shows a technique that would be useful in extreme shipping conditions.. e.g. shipping to me now.. It will reach single digits tonight.

I'll talk about shipping in cold weather using a heat pack but it will work well with a cold pack in extreme heat too.
The spider ( other organism if you like ) is separated from the heat source by a heat sink. That is a large mass (yes it will increase postage) like a large hot/cold pack. This heat sink will absorb the heat from the heat source and transfer it slowly (making the pack last longer ) and store it up some. It will also SLOW down any changes in temp considerably ( the back of a truck for 6 hours at night, your stoop until you get home, etc.)

again this is only an idea, let me know
wow, it's like you know about physics or something :)

the heatsink is a great idea!


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Lover of 8 legs said:
The second supplier had them in deli cups with some soil. The Ts could easily move around inside the cup as could the soil. The cups were packed in a styrofoam box with a heat pack. The shipment took 4 days. A 1.75" B smithi & a 4" A seemani survived (Perfect condition) an A avicularia sling was DOA.
i HATE shipping with soil!

especially moist soil!
it is so heavy/dense and clumps funny that it makes containers shift around

i would have to say most of the problems i've had recieving shipments were dirt related. sometimes spiderlings arrive in a form fitting bubble in the soil... they look well and truly miserable

my personal favorite shipping medium is paper towels
sometimes i will use strips of compressed coconut fiber and wet them just after i put the bug in to be packaged.. but that's more something i do for scorps and centipedes... tarantulas just get multiple multiple layers paper towels, to the point the really can't move around much at all. it makes packing a little more diffifult, but i think it's better for the tarantula


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
Um what would this heat sink wiegh, and what then would it cost to overnight it? You still would want to over night it right?
At that level of paranoia (I can relate) you might as well look into delta dash type shipping where you drop it off at the counter and they pick it up on the other end when it lands.....HEY I am shipping $1000 order soon, I better look into this!

EDIT I called, and at first it Was cut and dried...They go as air cargo, for about $75..Then came the "someone informed me tarantulas will not be accepted as air cargo unless your a verified shipper AS PER TSA. Fill out a form , TSA will come evaluate your "facility", also you need to ship 6 times a year or we drop your verification. Perhaps try shipping them as pets . Website though mentions inverts go as air cargo NOT pets...The pet guy was much easier to deal with...They wanted a container constructed of wood or something, LINED with fine mesh (per insect regs) or be made out of molded plastic. I said like a medium Tupperware container?....He thought so...And it was $75 or so too....That will be my route, but I will probably go there in advance with everything I plan on using to Ok it before I nail down a date and flight... But $75 is great insurance on a $1000 box, esp if I were to go DHL and double box etc..It would go over $50 quick I think
Box must be less than 90 Total linear inches (IE 12x12x12...=36 inches, add dont multiply) under 50Lbs. and must be CHECKED in minimum one hour before flight leaves and it will be ready for pickup no more than one hour after landing

Hope this helps Someone...whew
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