Seeking Advice From Those Experienced With P. regalis

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
As most of us seem to have a perpetual love-affair with Pokies, I'm seeking advice. I'll be taking that leap into OWs here soon, and was wondering what I'm really in for.
An extensive use of the almighty "Search Function" has whittled my knowledge of Pokies to four common things:
1) They teleport.
2) They're more prone to cowardace, though they will not hesitate to threaten.
3) Being bitten sucks.
4) P. regalis is the best "starter" Pokie.

Being as consensus 4 is probably a good place to start, what is this species really like? I am somewhat familiar with their husbandry, in general (ie: enclosures, caresheet, etc.), and will do more research on that aspect when the time comes. I'm mainly wondering about temperment, and what little tricks o' the trade you guys use in keeping them.


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
LMAO love my regalis. I have a 4" sub male and a 5" female. They are NOT the fierce creatures you may have heard of. I just moved my gal into a larger enclosure and she just strolled into her new home no fuss no muss.

Pokies are however high strung. Whenever they feel the vibrations of me walking on the wood floors, they spaz out until the earthquake stops. Males are higher strungout than females. I can tong feed my gal but not the male.

Your more apt to see teleportation when they are slings, they really motor, to the point of being lil Houdini's when young.

They will not attack, but rather cower when you open their enclosures, all my Pokies do this.

GL, get a couple and enjoy their beauty, and Regalis are sweet looking, wait til they break the 4" mark and start displaying their adult colors...mmmmm



Old Timer
Sep 23, 2008
I myself have a little 1/2incher atm. and its in the making a web and throwing dirt on the web to hid phase(its actually a pretty cool looking setup). so far its been very reclusive and hiding... that might change in a few molts who knows. so far so well tho i might add


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009
That list of things is true, but if you leave them alone and refrain from sticking your hands inside the enclosure you won't have any problems. My Ornata and Regalis prefer to huddle away then make any crazy moves, but I do not consider it an invitation for handling.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
Gosh pokie slings are a pain, my larger pokies are great but chasing down little ones that take off when you open to feed is a pain. Fortunately they generally head to the nearest flat surface and climb a bit then stop, that is when they are not up your sleeve, on your back, on your head, or up your pants leg lol. Chose your sling container wisely, something where you can see clearly and blow through so you can get them down to the substrate easily. Have fun, once you go OW you never go back!


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
My regalis just molted and hit the 4 inch mark. I've had it since 1.5 inches. Awesome little boogers IMO. Every time I open the container it shoots down into it's hide quicker than quick. But it doesn't take long at all for it to come out again. I'm going to rehouse it when it recovers from the molt, and this will be the first time! :D
And I agree, they are nowhere near the scary monsters that some people make them out to be. I love mine and want more pokies!


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
My 7" adult female can be bitey sometimes, but usually she's calm. It helps a lot if you give them a good hide, like a bamboo tube. All of my Pokies have instantly taken them as homes, so I guess they are good for them.

P. regalis is one of the most beautiful Pokies. In fact, it's the most beautiful when it comes to the "black & white" Pokies.

Edit: Oh, they have a tendency to make a run for it when they are small, so always keep a box next to you, when you are doing maintenance.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
Get a Holothele NDS when you can deal with its speed nothing will ever compare and pokies will be easy slow.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Paramite!! Though, I do think the P. miranda is a bit more beautiful of the "Black-and-Whites." This is a good start to the advice. WARPIG, that is a beautiful girl you have there. I'm really looking forward to the experience (and the acquisition of more Pokies). I wasn't exactly looking to get another sling....Out of my 5 spiders, 3 are slings, and I'll probably have a couple more slings added to that total in a week or so. I forgot to mention that one of those slings of mine is a pretty bold little P. irminia....damn thing teleports onto me every time I do maintenance, and throws up multiple threat displays (while still on me) when I try to get it back in. LOL More bark than just wants to have a hug and a role-model.
I was thinking of getting around a 2" - 3" juvie. Anyone have any maintenance / transfer tricks to share?


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Okay, maybe a useless question to some but... do pokies jump or is it just avics?


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2007
I don't think Pokies jump... they're kind of like Looney tunes characters, when they're off the cliff, they just keep running. {D

But really now, if you're going to get a Pokie, get a regalis. I lucked out and got my adult female cheap $40 bucks I think, some guy was moving to the states (I reside in Canada) and needed to sell her bad. So, I bought her.

I had no arboreal experience, no pokie experience. I just used caution, what I learned on the forums, and common-sense.

Just be careful, and be on the lookout whenever your doing something in the cage. I always do most of my plant pruning with my hands, but I do use forceps when I get close to her web dome thinger.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2008
P Regalis

I think my P Regalis was my 3rd T, behind the Rose and an Avic.....if you use some common sense, there's really no reason why you shouldn't do very well with one....mine was very secretive, not aggressive, but couldn't be trusted, either. Just give it the respect they deserve, (if for nothing else due to the toxic venom) and you will do just fine!!! They are gorgeous and mine ate very well, and grew FAST!!! Go for it!!!


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
Okay, maybe a useless question to some but... do pokies jump or is it just avics?
Yes, they have the ability to do so, but they don't do it as often as Avics. I'm pretty sure all of the arboreals can. I've seen P. irminia and T. gigas jump too.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone!!! I'm definately gonna do it, and get one. I don't think any T is a "monster." I heard all these stories about P. irminia being more spirited than Pokies, and to really watch out with them....only to find out they weren't all that bad (yes, my P. irminia does jump, teleport, and threaten...sometimes all in one motion :eek: ). That sling ended up being my "happy-accident." I love that thing about as much as my versicolor!!! Now, if Pokies really aren't as bad as a SunTiger, then I think I've just found my new niche....:D

The P. regalis is on my list for sure, but I was wondering about the P. striata as well. I was at the LPS yesterday getting a supply of crickets, and saw a 3-4" P. striata in need of a rescue. It's about $45, and may be a male from what little I can see of it. Even if it is a male, it might be worth it...this place really doesn't keep their spydies all that well, even though most of the staff has their own T collections. Dead crickets, pieces of molts, heavily soiled containers...and no water dishes. This is especially true with their arborials, the containers are about 3" in height by about 8" in diameter. I was in there with a buddy of mine about a month ago, and spotted a dead P. irminia...broke my heart to see that, cuz she was such a beautiful girl. :(


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
Now, if Pokies really aren't as bad as a SunTiger, then I think I've just found my new niche....:D
How big is your P. irminia? They start to get additude when they are sub-adults. And the speed can be a problem, because they won't slow down either...They are easy to deal with as slings though. I've had more problems with P. ornata slings.

But yeah, Pokies are generally easier to deal with, except as slings.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
How big is your P. irminia? They start to get additude when they are sub-adults. And the speed can be a problem, because they won't slow down either...They are easy to deal with as slings though. I've had more problems with P. ornata slings.

But yeah, Pokies are generally easier to deal with, except as slings.
My sling is about 1.75" now. Not quite a sub-adult, but from what you say, the damned thing thinks it's one already.


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
My sling is about 1.75" now. Not quite a sub-adult, but from what you say, the damned thing thinks it's one already.
Yeah, I used to have a juvenile that didn't hesitate to bite. They are all different.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I don't think Pokies jump... they're kind of like Looney tunes characters, when they're off the cliff, they just keep running. {D

But really now, if you're going to get a Pokie, get a regalis. I lucked out and got my adult female cheap $40 bucks I think, some guy was moving to the states (I reside in Canada) and needed to sell her bad. So, I bought her.

I had no arboreal experience, no pokie experience. I just used caution, what I learned on the forums, and common-sense.

Just be careful, and be on the lookout whenever your doing something in the cage. I always do most of my plant pruning with my hands, but I do use forceps when I get close to her web dome thinger.
LOL, I will try. Spiders even with hot bites don't seem to perturb me. I had a black widow female when I was a little girl. I didn't handle it of course, not that derf. Think I can live with pokies just being a kind of aquarium just to view. I have jumpers that don't mind at all being handled.

When I do maintence, think I'll stick a blockade over the hide if it dashes in there. {D From bite reports, some patterns seem to run into the territorial lines. Others just a T scared out of it's wits like a friend popping over.

I get the question quite a bit from some ppl of "Why a pokie?" when I describe it to them. Mainly, it's conservation. I really want OW sp. of tarantula because there very well may not be any wild pokies left if we keep at the pace we're going. I think we are better about deforestation now than we were.

Plus, they sound a whole lot more fun than a hole in the substrate. I was looking at suntigers, too but the only thing that I didn't like was the heavy webbing.

Okay, think that's all for this post. I need to lay off the caffeine... :razz:

Anthony Straus

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2008
Yes, they have the ability to do so, but they don't do it as often as Avics. I'm pretty sure all of the arboreals can. I've seen P. irminia and T. gigas jump too.

My biggest H. maculata is quite the jumper as well, easily cleared a 1.5' gap during my last rehousing adventure...