Hi! im a newbie on this board, can anyone help me identifying a few species of Scytodes that exists here on the Philippines, i study at a known school here in our country and Biology is included in my course. I have four specimen of them and has no idea of their sp. nor their sex. I also have a few saltacids, some are unidentified like Chalcotropis sp. that have those long jaws, some beautiful Portia sp., Siler sp., and some common ones like Plexippus sp., Phintella vittata and Menenerus sp. I don't have any pictures yet, and it might take a long time. About those Scytodes, what I only know is that they spit web at their prey, do you guys know any website sources where i can find list of species of them with pictures?
I've already check a few pictures of S. pallida but they seems to be too pale compared to what I have. Thanks!
I've already check a few pictures of S. pallida but they seems to be too pale compared to what I have. Thanks!
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