Scorpion Sting Recurring Symptoms

Rob Allen

Jun 11, 2017
About 2 months ago I was stung by a bark scorpion in North Phoenix. I did fully recover from it after about a week, but every so often I will occasionally experience a recurrence of the symptoms of the sting. It usually starts off feeling almost exactly like the initial sting, with the sharp sting like stepping on a small piece of glass, in the exact same spot, then a numbness spreads through the part of my foot that was numb for the longest time (most of the right side). But the symptoms fade quickly and are usually gone after about 5 minutes. Every time it occurs, it is exactly the same. Usually recurrences are about 3-4 weeks apart.

My question is, is this normal? And secondly, will it ever go away?


Jun 8, 2017
It sounds like nerve damage. I have a problem in my face like that from extreme cold. It comes and goes. The nature of the nerves was permanently altered by the injury in my case. Also how does the human body process venom? Is it flushed out through the the kidneys and liver or does it stay resident like lysergic acid dithalimide in the muscles causing recurrence?


Dec 4, 2016
I have heard of residual effects but "re enacting " the whole envenomation is quite interesting. Sorry you are dealing with this.


Apr 27, 2017
Could be nerve damage I'd expect it to get better...give it a year and it should be back to normal.


Jul 15, 2013
Thats sounds alot like what im dealing with. Got stung on end of my pinky in december by a very nasty scorpion ( i will not mention the species - but its in top 5 worst) just touching the sight of the sting still hurts and doesnt take much to make it start throbbing all over again. My kidneys + liver were almost shut down but have slowly been getting better. I hope your symptoms start to get better as its a pain ..... really it is :)

Rob Allen

Jun 11, 2017
Thats sounds alot like what im dealing with. Got stung on end of my pinky in december by a very nasty scorpion ( i will not mention the species - but its in top 5 worst) just touching the sight of the sting still hurts and doesnt take much to make it start throbbing all over again. My kidneys + liver were almost shut down but have slowly been getting better. I hope your symptoms start to get better as its a pain ..... really it is :)
That sounds terrible, no-one should have to go through that. My symptoms weren't that bad, maybe because it only got my toe, it only numbed my foot and part of my leg. Good thing it seems to be healing.

I checked the site many times after the incident, I'm pretty sure the stinger didn't break off, though for a while there was a tiny dot where the sting had occured. But the area has healed smooth and now it seems there is no visible sign that anything had happened. I can live with it if I know it'll go away, so far I haven't had another recurrence since my last post.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
It sounds like nerve damage. I have a problem in my face like that from extreme cold. It comes and goes. The nature of the nerves was permanently altered by the injury in my case.
According to a very highly acclaimed neurologist, Dr. Jeff Minckler, that is exactly what it is. His diagnosis was in regards to my Latro bite but it sounds identical. Nerves can be reprogrammed and they pass the programming on the subsequent generations.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
I am sorry to hear that @Rob Allen
I hope it heals in time and is not permanent.

Also, @ everyone else in this thread, my sympathies for your injuries too. :(


Jul 15, 2013
That sounds terrible, no-one should have to go through that. My symptoms weren't that bad, maybe because it only got my toe, it only numbed my foot and part of my leg. Good thing it seems to be healing.

I checked the site many times after the incident, I'm pretty sure the stinger didn't break off, though for a while there was a tiny dot where the sting had occured. But the area has healed smooth and now it seems there is no visible sign that anything had happened. I can live with it if I know it'll go away, so far I haven't had another recurrence since my last post.
Yes it is absolutely terrible and i agree my own carelessness created this situation i now have to deal with every day and everybody should learn from my stupidity
Glad to hear you havent had any relapses since you posted. Hope you recover fully and only have the memory of the sting to remind you :)