hmm, ive looked through his paper, where the ID is mainly on looks, H.xanthopus is nothing like your specimen, yours matches more closely to an H.wroughtoni subadult, but this is a total asumption, i think Nikos' and kaos' specimens of this speices look different to yours
This is one of our new babys that we got from canadianscorp ...They are C.Vitattus second instar and most are very polite except for one that tried to sting bay already lmfao
the substrate is moist just the top looks dry. i set the deli cups up last night for them and misted them just before i transferred the buggers into them.
BTW thanks for sending them out.
No problem man,
i have found these do alot better in almost completely moist soil. if the substrate dries out you might lose some of them. just from my experiences, i had a few die due too the enclosure being to arrid, and since i have kept them on moist substrate at all times, never had any troubles. glad your happy with them .
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