Savannah Monitor Growth Question


Jul 23, 2011
So I've recently acquired a Savannah Monitor on Craigslist and was having a chat with the owner when I arrived. The monitor is about 14" long but the owner claimed to have raised it from a baby over the past two years. There aren't many signs of health issues but the monitor just seems very small for it's age, and possibly underfed. I was wondering if the growth period for a monitor is on a specific timeline, as in there not being a chance for it to reach their average size since it is already relatively old? Or would I be able to do something along the lines of power feeding to get the guy up to speed and hopefully have a large and healthy monitor in future years? Thank you for the help.


Dec 15, 2008
"Keep em hot, and feed em alot!" has always been my general motto to keeping Varanus. He may have been underfed/kept badly, but Give a Bosc Lots and lots of sandy soil substrate(they will burrow), a hot basking spot, big water dish, hides/things to burrow under, and lots and lots of appropriate sized bugs and he will be and stay a happy camper. I wouldn't worry about him "catching up", just provide him with what he needs, and he will thrive.