SADS strikes again


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
What "bad husbandry" practice do all these owners have in common then?
I don't know, I am not them. I CAN tell you I have ALOT of avis, out of my 100 plus T's, more than half are avis, and out of those many are avi slings to include:

A avi
A purpurea
A amazonica
A versi
A biceogi
A minatrix
A sp purpurea
A diversipes

Get it I like avis!!!

I have NEVER had a mass die off. Yes I have had losses, and I have noted that they have all been the runts of the lots. Not all avis were made to make it, and I bet the same thing happens in other sp, but that is my speculation as I mostly keep AVIS.

I can't be the only one here that has an avi thumb.

If there is a thing as (and I laugh) SADS or Avi specific virus, well why am I exempt, could it be because I pray to the avi God???

This hobby or better yet the study of T's is at best in its infancy inspite of the 100 plus yrs some of the T's have been described, with that said there is very little serious study on them. So for someone to suggest without a shread of proof that there are specific maladies that strike avis at a whim, well I'm still laughing.

Until there is a comprehensive study what we have is good luck and bad luck.

I am so happy I have really GOOD luck with avis.

My 2 cents and no I did not imply my observations are scientifically based{D


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I don't know, I am not them. I CAN tell you I have ALOT of avis, out of my 100 plus T's, more than half are avis, and out of those many are avi slings to include:

A avi
A purpurea
A amazonica
A versi
A biceogi
A minatrix
A sp purpurea
A diversipes

Get it I like avis!!!

I have NEVER had a mass die off. Yes I have had losses, and I have noted that they have all been the runts of the lots. Not all avis were made to make it, and I bet the same thing happens in other sp, but that is my speculation as I mostly keep AVIS.

I can't be the only one here that has an avi thumb.

If there is a thing as (and I laugh) SADS or Avi specific virus, well why am I exempt, could it be because I pray to the avi God???

This hobby or better yet the study of T's is at best in its infancy inspite of the 100 plus yrs some of the T's have been described, with that said there is very little serious study on them. So for someone to suggest without a shread of proof that there are specific maladies that strike avis at a whim, well I'm still laughing.

Until there is a comprehensive study what we have is good luck and bad luck.

I am so happy I have really GOOD luck with avis.

My 2 cents and no I did not imply my observations are scientifically based{D
Is there anything that you do different with your avics that most other people don't do? :?


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
Is there anything that you do different with your avics that most other people don't do? :?

I don't know what other people do, so I can't answer that. I keep all my avis the same way. 1st-3rd instar in deli cups, small air holes with an inch of peat.

DO NOT keep peat soaked, as a matter of fact I let the strate dry in between mistings.

3rd instar to 1" in small medicine vials with the lid and side ventilated (ventilation is overrated, but works for me).

1.5"-2.5" small hobby cube 2.5" peat top and side ventilated.

2.5"-4" large hobby cube.

4" females get their own PIG made acrylic home.
Males go into 4 qt plastic homes.

I feed 2x a week, all my T's get fed the same day, I feed crix, meal worms and super/mega worms (I can't stand roaches).

I keep a CLOSE eye on slings through 1.5", many tend to dehydrate in the summer and during winter months (base board heating) I run a humidifyer as soon as RH goes below 55pct.

Any sling that does not eat on scheduale, I drop into ICU for two days, no more. Too much water on them will kill them. I only do this if the slighest sign of legs curling.

I take good care of my T's, its my responsibility. I don't over manage, but you have to be able to read a T. I can spot avi sling pre-molt behavior at a mile.

I don't do anymore or less than many hobbyists, but I can read my T's well.

No secrets, no special Mojo, but once you have slings, you have to ck them often. And I NEVER HANDLE my T's.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Pig, didn't you post on another site with pics on how you kept your avics?


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
Pig, didn't you post on another site with pics on how you kept your avics?
Very small slings go into a tub with a lil water, and a plastic lid

My cross ventilation, if you do this, be prepared to mist often, cross ventilation also = dry strate.

various sling enclosures.

My army of avis



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I follow PIG's advice, basically high humidity in the room and LOTs of ventilation. I've had good success so far, but won't know for a year or so how effective my own Avi thumb is.

I too just think Avic slings are more fragile then most. They have some of the smallest slings for arboreals. With that kind of reproductive strategy, most are not expected to survive. Plus, how could it be a virus? These slings are captive bred, and I don't see anyone having a massive die-off. I don't see how a virus could be spread to all corners of the country either.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
There are many who give them lots of humidity and ventilation and lose them anyway, so I doubt it has anything to do with poor husbandry. :?


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Guess that means if I ever get avics again (which I probably will but not for a long time) I'll buy slings in bulk so some may survive..

I might just want to complete the Psalmopoeus genus before moving on and I want my second tarantula after Psalmopoeus to be a P.regalis, H.mac or GBB.

Not all avis are designed to make it. Just because we intervene and give sac mates a great chance to make it, a large number will not make it due to genetic make-up.

I have been raising 10 A versi, 10 A avi, 5 A biceogi, 4 A purpurea slings and I can easily say that not all siblings have the same tools to make it.

Inevitably runts will die. Some are born weak, and some just die regardless of care.

Out of the 10 A versi and A avis, a couple just refused to eat, did not matter what I fed while their siblings thrived, and they just whithered and died.

80 pct of each are doing very well, have so for about 8 months.

There is no malady affecting avi slings, some are just weaker than others.



Aug 30, 2009
I'll chime in, as I started the thread. :)

I have not been keeping T's long. Pretty new, really. But if I had to agree with anyone, I'd probably agree with PIG.

It's a little hard to balance keeping the humidity and temps and ventilation just so for arboreals, Avics in particular. Combine that with varying outside influences (such as changing seasons, personal home conditions, etc.) as well as differing quality of stock.. sometimes it's a crap shoot, especially for beginners as we really start to get into the hobby. Genetics, husbandry, outside influences-- just part of T keeping.

The good news, though, is that there are places like this where folks can come and brainstorm, or pick more experienced keepers' brains like WARPIG's for ideas and methods that can give our T's the best possible chance at survival. (I'm going to give the water in the delicup idea of yours a shot, PIG-- so thanks for posting that pic!!)

Bottom line, I think we just do the best we can, learn from the mistakes, research what species we keep, and do what is necessary to keep our T's healthy and happy. ;)


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2009
A purpurea yea i lost mine too molted great started running, good humidity and temp the bam a week later its in a deat curl


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
A purpurea yea i lost mine too molted great started running, good humidity and temp the bam a week later its in a deat curl
Do you have a picture of how it was housed? You mentioned nothing about ventilation, which is vital.