Roaches!!! Die Die Die


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2005
Hey Im schizophrenic AnY Way Let People who like roachs like roachs and people hate them hate them !
I don't think she was referring to actual schizophrenia. There's a common misconception that it has something to do with multiple/split personality syndrome, which is how she was using it :)


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
if you would have suggested mosquitoes or chiggers as nuisance serve-no-purpose critters i may have sympathized, but roaches, no way-- roaches rock!

Meh, mosquitos are an important part of the food chain. In North America they are bats' primary food source. I'm with you on chiggers (and ticks) though. If somebody can tell me where they fit into the ecological balance i guess i'll agree but I think tiny parasitic buggers like chiggers and ticks could disappear overnight and have little to no effect on the ecological balance.

(Ok, probably not but for the life of me I can't think of anything that depends on them for sustenance.)

My B dubia roaches are great though, they're fun to handle and everything! I gave my 5 yo nephew a male dub as a pet and he's been around for months now. He's actually outlived a hamster... (poor hamster)
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Old Timer
Feb 27, 2005
Parasites of all sorts serve the same role as predators: controlling populations and cleaning up the gene pool.

Chiggers in particular pull kind of a double-shift. Only the immature stage is parasitic; the adult chigger is a free-roaming predator that hunts other mites and eats the eggs of various insects.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Parasites of all sorts serve the same role as predators: controlling populations and cleaning up the gene pool.

Chiggers in particular pull kind of a double-shift. Only the immature stage is parasitic; the adult chigger is a free-roaming predator that hunts other mites and eats the eggs of various insects.
Makes sense I suppose. It's easier to hate 'em though, even though they are arachnids.

Anybody ever had a run-in with larval ticks? They are the worst. Imagine hundreds of ticks so small you can barely see them starting out on your sleeve and pant leg then migrating all over your body. They dig in like chiggers and (at least in me) each one causes a localized topical allergic reaction. So imagine hundreds of pea sized blisters coating my entire left arm and leg and more scattered all over most of my body. The itching was beyond what words can adequately describe. I had to take 4 days off work at my brand new job. I had to email a photo to my boss because he wasn't buying that I was calling out sick "with ticks". 5 years later i still get occasional "ghost itches" on my left ankle where it was the worst.

Now THAT'S a reason to hate a certain bug, but I hated ticks already... ;P


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2007
Well, I absolutely hated spiders... of any kind... then about 2 years ago I went over to Hexd's house and was watching the T's mate... got to hold an adult B. smithi (I think it was.)

Before then I would panic if a spider even got near me. Now I can't stop buying the buggers. ;P

Anyway if your not just trolling and have a general fear of roaches if you want to overcome it I'd suggest to start reading and learning about them then advance to having a colony.

When I got my first colony of dubias my grandmother thought it was so disgusting and was going to smell horrible, etc. Now since she has learned she will give me any left over foods, etc for them.

Although the hissers were a lot harder for her to deal with when I brought them home because of their size and their go anywhere ability unlike the dubias. :rolleyes:


Jul 22, 2008
I have three populations of hissers going right now. And in my opinion they are swell. In winter I keep them in the basement where it is warmest due to the wood stove. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night to toss a piece of wood on the fire. I find that is the best time to watch them. I really like it when a couple of big males are having a territory battle. The are like mini Bison or something. I guess I can understand a "creeped out" feeling from roaches, but I would say that response is environmental rather than based on any inherent quality of the roach. I know some people that eat various insects and I confess that is not appealing to me what-so-ever. Had I been raised differently... I suppose bugs would be dinner as well as pets...:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Makes sense I suppose. It's easier to hate 'em though, even though they are arachnids.

Anybody ever had a run-in with larval ticks? They are the worst. Imagine hundreds of ticks so small you can barely see them starting out on your sleeve and pant leg then migrating all over your body. They dig in like chiggers and (at least in me) each one causes a localized topical allergic reaction. So imagine hundreds of pea sized blisters coating my entire left arm and leg and more scattered all over most of my body. The itching was beyond what words can adequately describe. I had to take 4 days off work at my brand new job. I had to email a photo to my boss because he wasn't buying that I was calling out sick "with ticks". 5 years later i still get occasional "ghost itches" on my left ankle where it was the worst.

Now THAT'S a reason to hate a certain bug, but I hated ticks already... ;P

I have had like 15 chiggers on me at one time but nothing like this :eek: I feel truely sorry that you had to indure that. I had poison ivy in my eye lids before and that was terrible. I was tossing sticks around with some pals and one of them had the vine on it Im guessing. That night I was itching my eyes alot it made its way underneath where I could not itch anymore. I wanted to rip out my eyes!!:wall:


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2009
Want itchy? Dog used to sleep in bed with me, broke out with sarcoptic mange (dang coyotes in area). They burrow into you and die, setting off that allergic type reaction. Oh man, do you itch!!! At that time I used the cream from doctor to get rid of them, but if it happened again, I'd bath in Ivermectin! LOL

I love hissers, but the standard german/oriental roaches creep me out. In college I lived in a townhouse place in MN. Neighbors moved in from someplace bad, brought THREE species of roaches with them, per the Orkin guy. I went into the furnace room next door and whacked the cover off the cold air return and they poured out like running water. That smell is horrific!

After 6 months and STILL roaches, I packed all my stuff into a moving truck in January, threw in several bug bombs. Left the truck out over night. Moved to WI, left truck out again overnight with another group of bug bombs. Moved my now pesticide saturated belongings into my new house. No roaches ever again.

However, still love the hissers! :)