Roach that doesn't climb, bite or dig?


Old Timer
Sep 30, 2004

The lightweight nymphs can and will simply use it for traction with their spikey little leggies.
To avoid climbing all together in B.dubia; simply use a glass tank. They can be bought on the cheap at any resale shop or garage sale. Most of our very large glass tanks have been bought for less money than a small plastic bin (new). We keep literally thousands upon thousands of roaches...and the dubia do not even have a lid!
Not a single escape in all this time. ;)
If you are keeping the species of roaches that can climb glass; consider using the liquid Bug Barrier available from James Tuttle (blaberus). It lasts forever, is easy to use, is cheap, and does not get on your sleeves when you need to reach into your tank.
To avoid digging; do not use substrate in your roach tank. If burrowing in a T. tank is an issue - follow above advice and squish their head. They will wiggle most enticingly for several hours and attract their intended diner.

Hope this was helpful. :)
Actually cheap class tanks are not very good for dubia. The dubia nymphs can climb the silicone holding the glass together. If you do get a glass tank you should make sure there isn't much silicone to climb.

Digby Rigby

Old Timer
Feb 5, 2005
Clarifying non climbing

When the term non climbing is used for cockroaches it means unable to climb smooth surfaces like glass and smooth plastics not ones with matte surfaces. If you use completely smooth surfaces like glass and some shiny polycarbonates among others they can not climb. Mineral build up from hard water and dust accumulation on even smooth surfaces can, over time, allow non climbers to climb. Fluon is the superior substance to use to keep roaches from getting out it is unaffected by humidity or heat. It was designed for use by entomolgists funnel traps. It is superior to both bug stop and vaseline.

Digby Rigby


Old Timer
Sep 13, 2008
Well vaseline you should have a barrier about 3 inches wide and spread it on very THIN or babies of most species will walk through it with ease. Vaseline is very cheap and only needs to be re apply'd every 1-2 years in most cases, its like that here anyways, but my roaches have tons of room so they dont go up glass much.