Rehabilitating a Tarantula after Tarantula Hawk encounter


Jul 31, 2018
You guys! Good grief... I turned him over So now what? I don't want to hurt him. The thing is, he's weak so he can't turn himself over to molt. Did I do the right thing? Have I hurt him now? Well, I knowbthat this molt can be fatal for him due to his weakened condition so, I'll just.hope for the best...
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Jun 4, 2018
You guys! Good grief... I turned him over So now what? I don't want to hurt him. The thing is, he's weak so he can't turn himself over to molt. Did I do the right thing? Have I hurt him now?
This is a special situation, hard to know what's best. Under normal circumstances, never turn a T over when it's molting, if it's molting upright it's probably for a reason. Your T was stung and is recovering, maybe leaving him be was best, maybe flipping over was best since he couldn't right now.

I would *not* move him anymore though, what's done is done, hope it helped and hope for the best.

Even if he doesn't make it, that doesn't mean it will have been because you flipped him, he was hurt, very badly, and is now going through a stressful process. Hunker down, turn of the light on him, and don't bother him anymore, he's got some spidering to focus on now.


Jul 31, 2018
Yes, I agree. He's in the dark and I'm not going to bother him. I know he couldn't flip himself, so I hope I did the right thing. You're right though. I've read argurments for both sides. In the end, I can say I've done my best. This molt could very well be fatal for him upside down or right side up. I never knew I could become so attached to a little hairy spider.

How long does molting take for a healthy Aphonopelma chalcodes? I can't find that information on the Internet.


Jul 31, 2018
Thank you. That's very interesting and very helpful. I hope he lasts until morning because I don't have anything soft like paint brushes. I don't know how long this process takes for a healthy Aphonopelma chalcodes, so I have no idea what to expect with my ill T. I hope to wake up tp a completed molt. If not, I' out and get some brushes. Thank you.


May 18, 2018
Thank you. That's very interesting and very helpful. I hope he lasts until morning because I don't have anything soft like paint brushes. I don't know how long this process takes for a healthy Aphonopelma chalcodes, so I have no idea what to expect with my ill T. I hope to wake up tp a completed molt. If not, I' out and get some brushes. Thank you.
Got any Q-tips laying around? I’ve seen those suggested too


Aug 25, 2018
Thanks for all the great info! Is New World Tarantula the same as Aphonopelma? I am very careful with this one. Being so allergic to mosquito bites and in danger with bee stings, I'll keep my distance. The hairs are a concern, as well. I just read about that, thank you. Very interesting defense! This one is still having difficulty moving much but, improving all the time, so I keep a lid on the container now.
New World and Old World are just terms to describe where the tarantula species comes from. Old World includes Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe, while New World includes North America and South America. The exact species you have (as you've already figured out) is a New World more specifically an Aphonopelma Chalcodes (Arizona/Desert Blonde). Luckily A. Chalcodes are fairly docile compared to other T's so you shouldn't have too many issues.

I wish you luck and hope the T recovers safely!


Jul 31, 2018
He hasn't moved since he started this process around 9 pm last night. omg:( I fell asleep at 1 a.m. I do have Q-tips...didn't see that suggestion until a few minutes ago:(:bigtears:
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Apr 24, 2018
Thank you. That's very interesting and very helpful. I hope he lasts until morning because I don't have anything soft like paint brushes. I don't know how long this process takes for a healthy Aphonopelma chalcodes, so I have no idea what to expect with my ill T. I hope to wake up tp a completed molt. If not, I' out and get some brushes. Thank you.
Molting can take hours,
He hasn't moved since he started this process around 9 pm last night. omg:( I fell asleep at 1 a.m. I do have Q-tips...didn't see that suggestion until a few minutes ago:(:bigtears:
Is he still laying on his back? Depending on size some t's may lay there several hours before finally popping the carapace. He might take longer than normal in his weakened state.


Jul 31, 2018
He's still on his back but, he's weak and wouldn't ve able to turn himself over, I don't think. It looks like the carapace has popped, but I'm not sure. I'm afraid to touch him for fear of injuring him, but want to help him if he needs it. It's been 10 hrs since ge started the process...:( What should I do?


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
He's still on his back but, he's weak and wouldn't ve able to turn himself over, I don't think. It looks like the carapace has popped, but I'm not sure. I'm afraid to touch him for fear of injuring him, but want to help him if he needs it. It's been 10 hrs since ge started the process...:( What should I do?
From what I can see in the pictures your tarantula has already started the actual molting process - it looks as if the abdomen skin has ripped open.

It also looks as if he's too uncoordinated and weak to properly molt. I'm not sure, but it seems as if the carapace has NOT popped in the pictures, just the abdoment ripped open, probably because he couldn't muster the strength needed to pop the carapace.

I'd intervene, and NOW. It's a really bad situation if the carapace hasn't popped, but the old abdomen skin has rippen open. At that point you can't make anything worse - that's already as bad as it gets. If I interpret what I'm seeing in the pics right, then he's doomed unless you interfere, and soon.

You really have to find out if the carapace has popped. If it has, peel him out of his skin, NOW, don't be afraid to touch him, you can't make anything worse, as I've already stated.

If the carapace hasn't popped you need to find a way to do so for him. The carapace breaks off rather easily above the legs if it's molting time. Please, post more and clearer pics of the edge of the carapace and the abdomen.


Jul 31, 2018
The carpace didn't pop. I tried to move it with q-tios and water, but it wouldn't budge. Now, he's gone.. I killed him because I didn't act quickly enough...:( I knew this could happen, but I didn't expect it to happen.:(

Thank you everyone, for helping me to help Floyd. My sadness is overwhelming... I'm sorry I ley everyone down.


May 18, 2018
The carpace didn't pop. I tried to move it with q-tios and water, but it wouldn't budge. Now, he's gone.. I killed him because I didn't act quickly enough...:( I knew this could happen, but I didn't expect it to happen.:(

Thank you everyone, for helping me to help Floyd. My sadness is overwhelming...
He’s gone because of a TH. You tried your best to save him and there was no guarantee of survival if you acted sooner. Don’t be hard on yourself


Apr 9, 2018
That's really sad, I've been following this story since the start. You did a great job and the results were fascinating! Your spider made it a lot further than 99% of tarantulas attacked by a Tarantula Hawk.


Jun 4, 2018
The carpace didn't pop. I tried to move it with q-tios and water, but it wouldn't budge. Now, he's gone.. I killed him because I didn't act quickly enough...:( I knew this could happen, but I didn't expect it to happen.:(

Thank you everyone, for helping me to help Floyd. My sadness is overwhelming... I'm sorry I ley everyone down.
When you read this, please know it is the truth. You did not, I repeat, DID NOT let anyone down. You tried your best to save Floyd, his fate would have been much more horrifying (literally being eaten alive) if you hadn't tried to help him.

You are an amazing person who is kind and caring. You assumed risk to yourself with your allergy for this creature, which is far more than most would have done. You nurtured it and did all you could, it was most likely just too weak. Even though I didn't chime in until the end, I followed this story the whole way and applaud everything you did. I don't see where anything you did or did not do was wrong, you came to those with experience for advice, you took that advice and followed it. The planet could use more kind and caring people like you.


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2002
You saved him from being eaten alive by the tarantula hawk grub. If he could have made a conscious decision whether you intervened or not, I’m sure he would have picked being saved by you. Gave him a bit longer to live, and took very good care of him


Apr 24, 2018
You tried your best and gave him a much better chance at living, you should be proud of yourself! On another note, you should definately buy another tarantula when you're ready, you will enjoy keeping a healthy one even more!


Aug 23, 2020
I just found this group. I realize this is an old thread. But, I live in the Sonoran desert of Arizona and began the process of trying to rehabilitate a Tarantula I found on my patio 3 nights ago. Probably paralyzed from TH. But, not certain. I learned a lot from reading this thread. I just have to post because the last few posts, following Floyd's deadly moult attempt and his subsequent death had me in tears. Thank you, for all the above and for all the beautiful people, here.


Oct 20, 2019
I just found this group. I realize this is an old thread. But, I live in the Sonoran desert of Arizona and began the process of trying to rehabilitate a Tarantula I found on my patio 3 nights ago. Probably paralyzed from TH. But, not certain. I learned a lot from reading this thread. I just have to post because the last few posts, following Floyd's deadly moult attempt and his subsequent death had me in tears. Thank you, for all the above and for all the beautiful people, here.
Check out this thread as well, it's one of the most successful cases I've ever read about!
