I've now found the T i've been searching for, both adult and s'lings! so... what should i choose? any tips? is it hard to care for a little one? the adult is aprox 4 years old.
Personally, I would go for the slings. I think it is a lot of fun seeing your little baby grow to a fearsome monster. Spiderling care may be harder than caring for an adult, but I think it is more rewarding. Added benefit for the regalis is that they grow very fast, so you won't have to wait long till your spider has some size (see the molting record for the regalis at www.bighairyspiders.com ).
I don't have this spider, but it is at the top of my wish list, so I have done a little research on them already...
but, no matter which one you choose, I think you're gonna have a nice spider!
Good luck!
I don't know if it is impossible to sex a sling, the molts are way too small to see anything and externally there is not much to see either. If you want a definate female you should buy the adult one. Another option is buying a few spiderlings and later sell the ones sexed as male.
The smart side of me would say get the sling. But the impatient and dominent side of me says get the adult. They're awesome looking spiders and I just can't WAIT to see my now 3 inch regalis become the adult spider it's supposed to be.
Really hoping it's female..It's molting slower than the rest in the batch so hopefully it is..
Go with my smarter side and get a sling. It really is fun watching them grow, even if some days you wished it was already at the 5+ inch area.
Thanks for the opinions and all, but my impatient side won
Ordered from Sweden instead (the 4 years old female). Too much hassle sending cheques and such to England (and the 20£ shipping opposed to the 8£ spider.. )
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