Rattie Question


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
No problem, desertdweller. we all learn from eachother. Best wishes for contimued success. Intros with males, (as I am currently learning too), is not easy. The best advice I can give is that when you start to feel overwhelmed, give it a rest. And from what I am reading and experiencing, neutering seems the way to go when males get too "ballsy"!:rolleyes:
There are some great rat forums out there too. Personally I like "Rats Rule". Good thing the allergies are controllable, Neuroticax.
I am totally on the same page with you. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined being enamored with RATS!
If I had them earlier, I don't think I would have my dogs. I love my little men.


Old Timer
May 8, 2008
I think Rats Rule is one of the best forums out there (for rats). They had some issues, but are back on their way to their reputation.


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
I will try Rats Rule. Been looking for some other good connections.

Under the "so far so good," idea, they are doing fine. Once they were in their little basket with the bell on it they were golden. Totally adorable and each time I checked on them one or the other's nose peeked out like saying, "You're not going to take me out are you??" They stayed like that peacefully for 18 straight hours! When I fed them tonight Jet was much more low key, still took food but only infrequently and only slow and gentle. Amazing. Pauly was a but more accepting and less whiney. I did separate them for eating but the rest seems ok. Aside from food scuffles they are total buds. I will be getting a much larger container/cage for them this weekend and I think the space will solve most conflicts.

Thanks again to you both, great support and ideas!


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
Good News! Jet and Pauly are doing fine together. Amazingly enough, Jet has begun responding to my directions. When I put food in the tank, if he goes into his old alpha behavior, I pick him and talk to him about "sharing." lol Well, his behavior is changing! Pauly is becoming more assertive too.

Yesterday I fed Pauly alone and noticed he doesn't eat as well. I put Jet in with him and he went into the cardboard box Pauly had stashed his food. I couldn't believe my eyes when Jet picked up all of Pauly's food and one by one placed it outside the box without eating a thing. Then he went to the dish and got his own food!

Pauly is healing well and has gained weight. Seems they won't do anything alone. They are such little love buddies.