Rats detecting land mines


May 8, 2014
I always wanted to try fish wrapped in a banana leaf cooked in an underground pit. I hear it's the best fish you'll ever eat.

Durian is pretty awesome tasting imo. But only if you get a nice ripe one as previously mentioned. It's pretty expensive over here, and that was a few years ago. You can only really find it in China town in my experience, even Asian supermarkets don't carry them. I imagine because of the stench issues which some people (rightfully so) just can't get over. If you can track one down I'd at least try it :).

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Bringing this back to the original topic...

...is it possible to train pouched rats to detect durian, and bring to our friends/foes?
I suppose it would be possible. Perhaps even being done by the forest harvesting people. Carry a durian? Pieces of one I assume since the fruit is larger and heavier than the rat.

I've been told, again, of a family in Cambodia near Arunyaprathet that has a pouched rat that helps round up their kids. Come bath or meal time they ask the rat where the kids are and it makes a circuit of the village finding each one.

One warning about the durian for the curious. They have a limited time period from picking, ripening and eating. The window for the full flavor is only a few days from no flavor to it's equivalent of an over ripe banana. And like bananas they cannot be preserved or frozen and retain the flavor. So finding a really tasty durian away from regions where they are grown is rare and many people are put off the fruit by eating un or over ripe ones.