Rampant abuse on the reddit r/scorpions sub


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
I wish there was something I could do about this. These, my god, I struggle not to curse them because they are idiots, but I've had to type at length today trying to save TWO separate scorpions on reddit. And I know in the end they'll probably just ignore me because "Eww icky im not reading all of that, what a nerd". These IDIOTS purchase scorpions and try to make display cases for them not knowing they are burrowing species, and fill it with plastic plants. Or even worse the 2nd time they fill it with COMPLETELY DRY coco noir and plaster a heater onto the side. This is literal animal abuse and I hope the admins of AB know SOMETHING we could do about this, maybe contacting the subs admins. This post made me absolutely sick and I responded in kind.



Arachnosupporter +
Jan 17, 2020
I hope the admins of AB know SOMETHING we could do about this, maybe contacting the subs admins
We can all here on AB continue foster the community of AB and standout as the top source for proper animal and arachnid husbandry. Really the onus is on us to promote proper care and continue to grow Arachnoboards. The admins are only a few individuals out of the whole site, and they already host this site which does DO ALOT of good on this topic!

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
That lot is impervious to new information, & lack the cognition to do anything with it even if it did soak in. I've never seen people as horrendously off in the assessment of their own intelligence as the average Redditor; they are the embodiment of "the fool thinks himself a wise man," as they are about the dumbest bunch of monkeys ever sat in front of a keyboard.
I can't imagine spending time enough there to even find such posts, much less think anything offered will convince any of them to think or act differently. If anything, they've doubled down....probably labeled you some type of bigoted "ist" by now, as one of them is no doubt a tranny. As such, a new scorpion care page is likely in the works, with plans to make them sole moderators. Your rage, while definitely warranted, has probably condemned thousands more to the abuse, as despite the misused big words thrown about there, the only thing any of them actually understand is the direction of the little arrows.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
Think the only thing that's way off base here is the type and depth of the substrate. Plastic plants aren't doing anything for the scorpion but they aren't detrimental to it's health either, heat pad on the side is correct if you're using a heat pad for supplemental heat and I think you should have some form of supplemental heat. Enclosure's also pretty big, but if they had given it enough substrate to burrow in also wouldn't be detrimental to it's health and would give it more of a gradient to thermoregulate away from the heat pad. Change the sub and add a lot more and its serviceable.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
The best part is a mod got mad and rage banned me for "criticizing without providing any advice" when I literally had just spent upwards of an hour writing a post of advice and apparently the mod ignored it or didn't see.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
I wish there was something I could do about this. These, my god, I struggle not to curse them because they are idiots, but I've had to type at length today trying to save TWO separate scorpions on reddit. And I know in the end they'll probably just ignore me because "Eww icky im not reading all of that, what a nerd". These IDIOTS purchase scorpions and try to make display cases for them not knowing they are burrowing species, and fill it with plastic plants. Or even worse the 2nd time they fill it with COMPLETELY DRY coco noir and plaster a heater onto the side. This is literal animal abuse and I hope the admins of AB know SOMETHING we could do about this, maybe contacting the subs admins. This post made me absolutely sick and I responded in kind.

View attachment 484903
I hate reddit and even the BTS tarantula group on facebook because the owners do STUPID things and have bad husbandary.

I’ve seen people poke A genics with a stick and put a title to grab attention. People keep aboreals in terrestrial setups and other way around, plastic stuff in their enclosures like you’ve seen, people put live plants in & keep communals. I got downvoted as hell into the minuses everytime I gave advice on T posts on reddit :rofl:

Stick to Arachnoboards for tarantulas and scorpions, every other source I’ve seen have bad husbandary and some people SHOULD be doing better regarding care/husbundary. They even teach bad husbandary to new people.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
You have a high threshold for these kinds of things. You can put as much energy into it, youll end up losing it all.

maybe direct them here. Saying what they are doing is not adequate and we have best advice.

i go on no other places then here now. Its too infuriating.