Rabbit attacks snake (video) not graphic

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
I live sourrounded by farm land and have an open back yard just like the one in the video and I must confess I've seen some odd things before.
Not sure where you guys live, but it's not uncommon to see "wild" animals in backyards around here. Not a ton of snakes, usually, but plenty of quail (the "duck/sparrow in question I believe) rabbits, deer, skunk, etc.
I grew up in eastern Oregon -- we had pheasants nesting in our back yard, we'd regularly see skunks walking past our creek (one sprayed our inquisitive cat), quail ran amok on occasion, we'd see deer just down the road every now and then, we heard coyotes in the summer, and my mom saw a bobcat drinking from the kiddy-pool on our back patio.

Oh, and I saw a cougar walking home from a friend's house once.

But I think we've made our point, and there's no need to run it into the ground :D.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
Hey Alrich, if you look at the video again you can see it's clearly not a duck. It's a small sparrow of some kind. A duck would be equal in size to an adult rabbit, also notice the rather elongated beak in the begining of the film also. I definently think this wasn't staged. I live sourrounded by farm land and have an open back yard just like the one in the video and I must confess I've seen some odd things before.

My name is actually Ulrich, and NOT Alrich, Ulrik or Ulrick. I can spell it for you if it causes you too much trouble:)

Alright folks my last post in this thread. With all due respect this is the 3rd time I have watched this video and eventhough this one is much clearer than the one Mr. bugmankeith had posted previously...the possibility of the situation being provoked solely to record how nasty and agressive rabbits can be, still crosses my mind and I can not rule out. I'm not one to fool easily, the fact that this particular footage was shot by someone who was actually enjoying and found too funny what was going on...leads me to believe he is very familiar with the animals in his backyard, particularly the rabbits around his home or his own pets, and finds funny to see bunnies chasing aggresively anything that crosses its path. The person obviously dislikes snakes and was actually cheering anxiously for the rabbit to win like in some sort of death match set up.

I'll have to be excused, I'm still color blind and can't find those "young" the rabbit is supposedly protecting...but know very well that a rabbit's own nature will let him know a snake IS a threat to it and means danger, or just wants to chase it for no reason just as it chases dog's, cats, possums and other animals, and enjoys biting anything it can as others have stated here. Of course it's perfectly normal to see rabbits feeding side-by-side with birds under a bird feeder, they are NOT predators and they do NOT hunt each other. If a snake wandered into the scenario it's because it was attracted by the smell and movement of prey nearby and was hungry searching for food, or someone released it there knowing how aggressive bunnies are, especially if they are bigger than their predator and can have the advantage in this particular case, and found it hilarious if it chased and bit a snake intruder instead.

Let's logically study and analyze more in depth all those laughs in the background, and the fact they find a big rabbit biting a snake hilarious...instead of being shocked, amazed, or astonished by something that rare and unsusual...certainly a VERY odd behaviour and would make me ponder if they had already seen this before, found it veeeery very funny, so funny it was worthy enough to be on the America's funniest videos we watch late at night because there's nothing else on:wall: ...hoping that their "hilarious" entry would win them big bucks...and this is the only reason I can come up with to explain WHY the hell this video has been distributed and posted 10 or 11 times the exact SAME one in the you tube website:eek: by so many different people, and can be found in other sites with that same automated tv laughter in the background you only find in comedy tv shows, and sitcoms as fake audience!:rolleyes: Clearly this video was released on tv, was added the machine automated laughter in the back, and everyone else and their mother had access to post it wherever they wanted after this. How else would you explain so many different people have posted the same exact video with the automated tv laughter in the back? Someone kind enough, please enlighten me.

I dunno about others, but I myself find it really very fishy and odd that such unique and uncommon behaviour between a predator and prey caught on tape, supposedly in such an unexpected and surprising manner would end up as a funny video in the internet and tv, instead of this footage being portrayed as an educational video in which this behaviour although rare, can happen if the prey is bigger than the predator.

To be honest, I would actually buy that this person was extremely lucky to have a video camera in his hand the precise moment this happened in his backyard, but I'm afraid the trouble I'm having is NO ONE else thinks this vid is funny except the person who shot it! No one else in You tube, no one else in other websites, no one else in these boards, and my best bet is that America's funniest home videos had nothing else good to play to actually consider this crap to be somewhat funny, and add the fake audience laughter in the back to add a funny tone to it. IMO this is a clear giveaway that the purpose and intention of shooting this footage was meant to be funny, just like we see some disturbed individuals posting staged videos between 2 predators, or a predator and prey because the poster finds it hilarious an animal death match for fun.

If it's so real, why the hell I have never seen any video similar to this happening before? I'm obsessed and fascinated with snakes and everything related to them and have always been, and I actually miss keeping them too much, and I'm biased to the snakes predatory nature so I'm very surprised myself to see this rare behaviour recorded on video that I had never seen or heard before, and I feel the need to question the validity and circumstances of this suspicious footage as mere curiousity. Why the hell hasn't this rare and educational footage been shown on animal planet or discovery, if after all the person who shot it would actually get paid some nice money to be included in a serious documentary on tv if it's the real thing? Heck, or even better he would appear on tv himself narrating how everything happened and he was there to witness and was very surprised and astonished by the rabbit's agressive behaviour. Why would such valuable and curious footage wouldn't be seriously considered to show the tv viewers supposedly how this can happen without anybody making it happen? Wouldn't this be very interesting for the serious documentary channels that have never aired this phenomenon before?

Let me say one final thing and I'm moving on from this thread. I really have nothing else to add regarding this video and I respect everyone's perspective in the matter, but after having analyzed all the facts presented to me, I will still consider the possibility of this being a setup by someone who was familiar with the nasty aggressiveness rabbits have, found the intruder pest snake in his property and instead of chasing it away himself or killing it...he found funny to direct the rabbit to the snake or viceversa, was very happy to accomplish this confrontation and did show it as proof in the video, and his fun was to record how the big rabbit would chase the snake away and make the pest never come back to invade his damn backyard! This snake was obviously not welcomed, but I'm still unsure who wanted to chase the pest more...the backyard owner who was very aware of the surroundings AND with a damn video camera in his hand having a blast, or the nasty big bunny. I really have to consider this possibility too and have already explained more in detail why is this...so I'm already done here folks.

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Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
No, i disagree, i feel that yes its in a backyard..it might even be his rabbit...but maybe the snake was drawn into the garden. and the rabbit took offence.. at the end of the day this video is ironic, and lots of people including myself would laugh. its a natural response, and its not out of spite i laugh. Its amazment and shock.
Either way its a natural defense and the rabbit aint exactly goin to go 4 the snake if u tell it too. its its own decision and one that would come natural with wild rabbits..maybe jjust to a different perceived threat.
Many a stranger thing have happened *my 2inch cyrio blue was eaten by a cricket, thats irony!*, and many a stranger thing has been filmed!

quote 'I'm very surprised myself to see this rare behaviour recorded on video that I had never seen or heard before'
As you previously said, its a rare occurance. maybe thats the reason?

Im not saying your wrong, you could be completely right but i do feel your beleifs seem a bit unduely negative.
Its avideo displaying the defensive characteristics of a rabbit when approached by a threat to itself, tho maybe in a human environment, but the owner certainly didnt make the rabbit do it.
Yes if he did, it is cruel but many worse things are on view from Youtube and others. which warrant a dispute.
I dont like rabbits personally.


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2006
I didn't read Alrick's long post because I don't think I'd get a bit of sense out of it. I'll tell you exactly what happened in the video: A guy sees a big snake in his backyard for the first time in a long while, maybe ever, and says, "Wow! I've gotta get this thing on tape!" So he goes and grabs his video camera and starts taping the snake in his backyard, then the wild rabbit comes in and attacks it. He did call the rabbit a "he," but judging by the guys accent and vocabulary, he doesn't have any idea what the gender of the WILD rabbit is. There is NO WAY this video was staged. I laughed out loud when I read that the ridiculous idea was even proposed. Suppose he did set his crazed attack-rabbit loose on the poor, unsuspecting serpent. The second he put the rabbit down on the ground, it would've just run away. Come on now, claiming this situation was staged? Who would think of that?? :wall:


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
nickbachman: I laughed out loud when I read that the ridiculous idea was even proposed. Suppose he did set his crazed attack-rabbit loose on the poor, unsuspecting serpent. The second he put the rabbit down on the ground, it would've just run away. Come on now, claiming this situation was staged? Who would think of that??

I couldn't agree more. :cool:


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
I didn't read Alrick's long post because I don't think I'd get a bit of sense out of it. I'll tell you exactly what happened in the video: A guy sees a big snake in his backyard for the first time in a long while, maybe ever, and says, "Wow! I've gotta get this thing on tape!" So he goes and grabs his video camera and starts taping the snake in his backyard, then the wild rabbit comes in and attacks it. He did call the rabbit a "he," but judging by the guys accent and vocabulary, he doesn't have any idea what the gender of the WILD rabbit is. There is NO WAY this video was staged. I laughed out loud when I read that the ridiculous idea was even proposed. Suppose he did set his crazed attack-rabbit loose on the poor, unsuspecting serpent. The second he put the rabbit down on the ground, it would've just run away. Come on now, claiming this situation was staged? Who would think of that?? :wall:
AMEN!!! {D


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
I didn't read Alrick's long post because I don't think I'd get a bit of sense out of it. I'll tell you exactly what happened in the video: A guy sees a big snake in his backyard for the first time in a long while, maybe ever, and says, "Wow! I've gotta get this thing on tape!" So he goes and grabs his video camera and starts taping the snake in his backyard, then the wild rabbit comes in and attacks it...Suppose he did set his crazed attack-rabbit loose on the poor, unsuspecting serpent. The second he put the rabbit down on the ground, it would've just run away. Come on now, claiming this situation was staged? Who would think of that?? :wall:
Well Mr. Nickbatman the only ridiculous thing I see here is someone commenting on an unread post. Hmm now who would think of this? Basic logic tells me you need to learn how to READ first, so you can understand another person's different perspective on the matter above your own before even commenting. To do the opposite IS what's very senseless and absolutely illogical to me. I dunno how else I can say this, let me be kind and try one last time....If I watch a youtube video of a zoomed T and a scorpion fighting in a table, with cheering noises in the background into what appears to be some sort of death match and someone recording what happens, BE damn CERTAIN I will have NO problem contemplating the possibility of it being staged solely for entertainment and viewing fun pleasure. If YOUR mind is disabled and unable to accept and respect other people's point of view and reasons for them to even be considering the possibility of wanting to view facts from different angles and not rule anything out like SMART people LEARN to do, then I guess you are one of those people that anyone can sell them some toy watch bathed in fake gold for $1,000 and be fooled so easily:wall:

You obviously do not know you can't believe in everything you see and hear, especially on tv and the internet, and were NEVER taught the saying...Never believe as definite everything you see and hear, and always look further and question upon the "truth" that surrounds you! Your statement about how the rabbit would run when put close to the snake IS what makes me "laugh out loud" like you, since the second he puts the rabbit in the ground it will NOT run away from the snake as shown in the damn video! THAT is precisely the point of the footage in case you haven't seen it either and are commenting blindly on it:wall: It shows if the prey is bigger than the predator it WILL put up a fight if it feels there is a threat and danger, it won't run if it's bigger! It was clearly shown rabbits that size can get VERY aggressive, will not hesitate to bite, and WILL confront and chase off the intruder snake!! So your statement isn't making much sense to me, and I really don't know why am I even bothering here.

He did call the rabbit a "he," but judging by the guys accent and vocabulary, he doesn't have any idea what the gender of the WILD rabbit is. There is NO WAY this video was staged. I laughed out loud when I read that the ridiculous idea was even proposed.
I laughed out loud even more when I read THIS ridiculous idea was even proposed:wall: How the hell is it that someone can determine and judge if a person knows anything about rabbits based on one's vocabulary and accent??:confused: The only thing this clearly tells me, is what's YOUR own knowledge about rabbits and snake's behaviour:rolleyes:

My advice to you would be to step OFF your high throne and be more open minded about other people's point of view. If you still don't know in life anything and everything is possible, then wake up and open your eyes quickly to reality. I'm one to analyze from different scopes the possible scenarios to explain this behaviour never seen before, and if you are narrow minded and can't even respect other people's perspective, then I can assume you still believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy that you were told as a child were very real and still think the earth is flat, and no question about it:rolleyes:

To continue this nonsense is pointless. I already posted everything I wanted to analyze more in depth about the video, and I'm done here. I like to analyze all the facts carefully and don't like to rule anything out, and even more importantly, I'm intelligent enough NOT to rely on anybody's elses opinion but my own to come to different conclusions about the facts presented to me.

And by the way, my name is Ulrich mate. Here allow me to spell it for you since I can see you are having much trouble with it...U-L-R-I-C-H:wall: Or you can call me by my 2nd name Alexander that's more english and should be easier for you.

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Old Timer
Jun 28, 2006
Well I didn't read Alrick's long-winded reply this time either. The fact is, there is a 0% chance that this was a staged occurance. Who would take an immense amount of time to train a rabbit to do the very specific task of attacking a snake, and furthermore, go forward with it and carry out the act??? NO ONE. That would take years. Unless Alrick is in the business of training captive wild caught rabbits to attack snakes, or he can point me to someone that trains rabbits to attack things, I don't buy it. I can just see the guy sitting on his porch waiting for a snake to crawl through his yard, and when he finally spots one, he turns to his caged attack-rabbit and states, "Your time has come." And carnage ensues. You're right, Alrick, that does seem pretty plausible. I don't know what I was thinking. :?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
Well Nickbatman since you haven't read ANY of my posts, it's no wonder to me why are you appearing foolish saying I think this rabbit was trained:wall: when I NEVER stated this. WHEN YOU decide to read my posts, I will pay attention to the ones that you post that CAN NOT BE MORE misinformed about my perspective:wall:

Have fun reading!


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2006
I have begun not reading Alrick's posts, not because of length, but because of principle. Having read his first post in the thread, I can only imagine that he is still going on about the video being staged, when any sane human can see that this is a completely ridiculous thought.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
I have begun not reading Alrick's posts, not because of length, but because of principle. Having read his first post in the thread, I can only imagine that he is still going on about the video being staged, when any sane human can see that this is a completely ridiculous thought.
Don't worry Mr. Nickbatman, I don't mind in the very least. Ignorance is a far much ridiculous mentality that I have always despised;)


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006

I don't see anything about training them to attack snakes, Alrick.
Wow I'm still trying to figure out where the hell are you getting I think this!:confused:

I have already concluded you do want to look foolish and insist I ever said anything about training rabbits to attack snakes, when I NEVER DID! Instead of being misinformed and talking nonsense, I suggest you read the WHOLE THREAD so you can be able to post something that I actually stated!:wall:

This is getting very silly, sweet ignorant dreams for you! Enough already Mr. Nickbatman, have a nice day!


Oct 23, 2006
I didn't read Alrick's long post because I don't think I'd get a bit of sense out of it. I'll tell you exactly what happened in the video: A guy sees a big snake in his backyard for the first time in a long while, maybe ever, and says, "Wow! I've gotta get this thing on tape!" So he goes and grabs his video camera and starts taping the snake in his backyard, then the wild rabbit comes in and attacks it. He did call the rabbit a "he," but judging by the guys accent and vocabulary, he doesn't have any idea what the gender of the WILD rabbit is. There is NO WAY this video was staged. I laughed out loud when I read that the ridiculous idea was even proposed. Suppose he did set his crazed attack-rabbit loose on the poor, unsuspecting serpent. The second he put the rabbit down on the ground, it would've just run away. Come on now, claiming this situation was staged? Who would think of that?? :wall:
lolllllllOMG ahahahahhahahaha{D {D thanx bro ya have made my day with this!!!{D this thread is way too funny now c'mon plp dont stop now keep making me LMAO!!!ahhaha I swear my stomach hurts from laughing too hard right noiw:worship:

I didnt find it funny, I was amazed at how aggressive rabbits can be.
:? dude i'll ask ya the same question again:wall:
rabbit trainers??? where do ya come up with this stuff dude????:eek: :eek:

I have begun not reading Alrick's posts, not because of length, but because of principle. Having read his first post in the thread, I can only imagine that he is still going on about the video being staged, when any sane human can see that this is a completely ridiculous thought.
lollllll *lowers voice* Pssst...pssst....psssst Nickbatman if I were ya i'd fire the bugmankeith dude as your personal alexander's post interpret:wall: cuz anyone that completely misinterprets someone else's possible scenario we should thibnk of too and comes up on his own w thiz type of crazy stuff out of nowhere and ya actually follow him without reading yarself and reaching yar own conclusions, most certainly you will make ya look bad and silly.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
I think part of the misunderstanding lies in claiming the scene was staged which kind of implies that the rabbit would have needed to have been trained in order to perform rather unnaturally.
Accounts of aggressiveness aside, under normal circumstances it seems like it would take more than putting a rabbit down near the path of a released snake to capture that sort of footage. The rabbit would probably need to be trained to cooperate. Unless it was an issue of territory or protection of offspring, in which case no training would have been necessary.
From what I could see, that did not look like a domestic rabbit, which would make the staging even more difficult

Kriegan did not really suggest that the rabbit was trained to perform, but it's not a large leap from saying "staged" to "trained rabbit" so I can see why he may have been misinterpreted.

Anything is possible, but Occam's razor would suggest that it wasn't staged. But nobody can say for sure, except the guy who made the tape.


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
I have begun not reading Alrick's posts, not because of length, but because of principle. ...BLAH BLAH BLAH .
For someone who doesn't read Ulrich's responds, you certainly make damn sure to post right after him each and every time, yes? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I HATE wild rabbits (in my back yard). Been fighting with them for the past year. They're destructive, evil creatures that belong on the dinner plate only. ;P

The one in the video certainly appears to be a wild one. And the dude that's "huffing and puffing and laughing and recording" probably refers to every animal he sees as a "he". {D

Now someone please find a bear, put "him" in the guy's yard, and record the dude running from the bear. {D


Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
Think we could end this argument now? The initial amusement of what is generally thought of as a sweet and adorable animal suddenly attacking what is generally thought of as an aggressive animal has long since passed.

And also, could people please spell Ulrich's name correctly? Whether or not you agree with him, it's rude to repeatedly misspell his name when he's corrected it several times.


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
Elmer? Is that you?

Tim, I swear there's one pesky rabbit left that is THE most persitent sucker ever. I bought (plastic :rolleyes: ) rabbit fencing and put it all around our fence. Guess what! He chewed through it enough to fit through. Guess what's the only thing on his menu? My roses. :mad: GRRRRR.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
Now someone please find a bear, put "him" in the guy's yard, and record the dude running from the bear. {D

{D {D LOL!! Just a bear Wendy? Personally, I'd get even more curious and would also add a lion in a separate trail, and record who gets to the dude first;P Hahaha No no, I'm just joking...It certainly wouldn't be funny whoever catched him first and ate him up in the video:eek:

And also, could people please spell Ulrich's name correctly? Whether or not you agree with him, it's rude to repeatedly misspell his name when he's corrected it several times.
It is VERY rude indeed, obviously something the poster wanted to emphasize and got his own share back.

Fortunately, the rude, narrow minded, and ignorant members on these boards are just a few and DON'T outnumber the respectful ones. I'm glad there are still well mannered people, capable of disagreeing and respecting a poster at the same time with some basic courtesy.

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