I just bought two pedes, one Scolopendra Subspinipes and one ID as a Otostigmus ssp "Tanzanian Neon blue leg".
The Scolopendra is about 1" long and is held in a roundt box about 4" in Diameter and with 2" of substrat.
The Neon blue leg is about 4" in lenght and is held i a large jar with about 5" of substrat.
Both is held around 28 Celcuis and pretty humid.
So my questions are:
1. Can anybody Confirm the species of the Neon blue leg.
2. The Neon blue leg has not been eating at all since i got it for a litle over 1 week ago, is this normal?
3. How is the settup i am using now, anything that should be changed.
Help with ID please??
I'm new to pedes but have 8 tarantulas.
The Scolopendra is about 1" long and is held in a roundt box about 4" in Diameter and with 2" of substrat.
The Neon blue leg is about 4" in lenght and is held i a large jar with about 5" of substrat.
Both is held around 28 Celcuis and pretty humid.
So my questions are:
1. Can anybody Confirm the species of the Neon blue leg.
2. The Neon blue leg has not been eating at all since i got it for a litle over 1 week ago, is this normal?
3. How is the settup i am using now, anything that should be changed.
Help with ID please??
I'm new to pedes but have 8 tarantulas.