hmmm, intresting is there a way to tell if a t is mature by size or another means, the avic i have is 5 inches, fat, and stocky was sold to me by a guy as a male, but it was the first t he ever sexed and the 3rd one he owned in his life, i have looked like 10 times found no hooks?funny thing is i never seen a t so docile i held it in my hand when i looked for hooks and even lifted its legs with my finger, crazy---Jeff
Well, if there's no hooks, it's either a female or an immature male. Without a molt, it's hard to be sure. Unless you can check for epiandrous fusillae. These are the special spinneretts that the males will, when they're mature, use to create their sperm web. They can be found slightly up from, and centered between the first pair of booklungs.
It is my experience that avics usually arent that docile. Yours may be an exception, but i would take care not to injure it lest it be sick or in pre-molt.
i'll keep that in mind vayuson, but well it did eat a lobster roach almost 2 hours after i put it in its new home and began making some webbing, hmmm, thanks--Jeff
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