I understand completely! I do wish more time would go into learning more about this species. They seem pretty different from most tarantula species and it would help a great deal. The idea of continuing to catch a large number of G. Rosea's in the wild doesn't exactly sit well with me and I think it would be better to captive breed them for hobbyists, but that's just my opinion.Hopefully I explained this well enough to understand what I'm trying to get across.
---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------
I just got the molt out. I tried not to disturb her but ended up scaring her a little. She's walking a little strangely, keeping her legs close to her but I think that's because she may feel vulnerable after molting. She squeezed herself into a corner in between a large log so I hope she'll be okay there. Another thing, she's tinted blue! Will that fade away after a while?