Question regarding C. gracilis


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2010
So I went to the local pet store yesterday to pick some odds and ends bits... enclosure for my female Damon variegatus, cork bark, etc... and they had a new shipment of "Central American bark scorpions". All what appear to be 2nd instar.

At first sight I thought C. gracilis. After some research of early instar scorps, I see a variance in coloration on the pedipalps and was wondering if this was a regional difference. I know there are some actually from Central America, but also some from the states.

Here's the coloration difference:

The ones I picked up had pedipalp coloration just like the second image (red coloration on the last portion, as opposed to the whole arm). Also they had a pattern running down the carapace very similar to Uroplectes fischeri, only smaller in size. Really wish I had not left my camera at work yesterday.

I have never kept Centruroides before... kinda odd now that I think about it considering I live in an area flooded with C. hentzi... and was wondering if anyone noticed if this coloration difference varies between gracilis of North America and Central America.
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Old Timer
Nov 30, 2009
So I went to the local pet store yesterday to pick some odds and ends bits... enclosure for my female Damon variegatus, cork bark, etc... and they had a new shipment of "Central American bark scorpions". All what appear to be 2nd instar.

At first sight I thought C. gracilis. After some research of early instar scorps, I see a variance in coloration on the pedipalps and was wondering if this was a regional difference. I know there are some actually from Central America, but also some from the states.

Here's the coloration difference:

The ones I picked up had pedipalp coloration just like the second image (red coloration on the last portion, as opposed to the whole arm). Also they had a pattern running down the carapace very similar to Uroplectes fischeri, only smaller in size. Really wish I had not left my camera at work yesterday.

I have never kept Centruroides before... kinda odd now that I think about it considering I live in an area flooded with C. hentzi... and was wondering if anyone noticed if this coloration difference varies between gracilis of North America and Central America.
Gracilis have many color forms. mine dont have completely red claws as yours do, but mine have either yellow legs or black ones