Question for pitbull lady


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
I wouldn't say it is totally the breed of any dog. Poor breeding leads to poor breeds. When crazes come in people start taking any dog and breeding to to create some bad tempers. They inbreed heavy or breed dog a and dog b without care about temper. Any dog without regard to breed can be dangerous. I grew up with pits and a lot of other breeds. Mine and my families were well behaved but I did recently have a dog put down that was dangerous and not pit. It's all in parent temperament, dogs temperament, breeding, what you expose the dog to, and what you teach the dog. Any breed can be dangerous or unstable. People are more scared of pits and the media feeds into it. There are some great bite statistics out but what many to to scare people is list the dogs "most likely to kill." What they don't give you is the actual number of breeds including small dogs. Any large breed has the power to kill but small breeds do bite too. In grooming for 12 years I have been bit by more small dogs than large dogs that weren't social.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
I wouldn't say it is totally the breed of any dog. Poor breeding leads to poor breeds. When crazes come in people start taking any dog and breeding to to create some bad tempers. They inbreed heavy or breed dog a and dog b without care about temper. Any dog without regard to breed can be dangerous. I grew up with pits and a lot of other breeds. Mine and my families were well behaved but I did recently have a dog put down that was dangerous and not pit. It's all in parent temperament, dogs temperament, breeding, what you expose the dog to, and what you teach the dog. Any breed can be dangerous or unstable. People are more scared of pits and the media feeds into it. There are some great bite statistics out but what many to to scare people is list the dogs "most likely to kill." What they don't give you is the actual number of breeds including small dogs. Any large breed has the power to kill but small breeds do bite too. In grooming for 12 years I have been bit by more small dogs than large dogs that weren't social.
Even the CDC, whose report on dog-related fatalities is often quoted(out-of-context) as the basis for BSL, admits that listing dogs by breed is highly unreliable, owing to the difficulty in accurately identifying breeds. This is especially true in the case where a free-roaming dog attacks someone, and the dog's owner can't be found, and the identification of that dog is given by the person attacked. Just as people who are afraid of snakes tend to "identify" every snake they see as a "rattlesnake", many people now tend to label every dog, especially every free-ranging dog, as a "pit bull", due to that fear that's been put into their minds. There has only been one attempt at a scientific study of dog bites, and the results will surprise many people, but again, do not lose track of the fact that identifying a breed of dog involved, without access to registration papers stating that the dog is of such-and-such breed, is highly subjective.

AW, Teal, I was hoping you'd let someone else have a crack at those True-False questions, since I knew YOU'D know! Most folks probably wouldn't have got 'em, though, and this is exactly what leads to so many dog attacks. When I was a kid, part of my education included "Dog 101", taught by parents and grandparents, which including things like, "don't run and scream around a dog", "don't bother a dog while it's eating", "don't suddenly startle a sleeping dog", "don't get right in a dog's face", and other bits of everyday knowledge. My parents might not have know WHY dogs might snap if I got right down in their faces, and didn't know about things like dominance and submissive displays, challenges, prey trigger reflexes, etc., but they knew enough to realize that doing those things could provoke a bite or outright attack. Parents now do not teach, for the most part, things like this to their kids. Kids are growing up thinking that dogs are either animated toys or four-legged siblings.


Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I will also emphasize what he said about dogs attacking "without warning". IT JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN!
I didn't read all your post because I am not into "wall-o-text", but I did happen to catch this part. Sorry, but that is wrong and I know it first hand. The Pit that attacked the little kid right beside my car gave no warning. It just charged out the house and straight at the kid to attack him. That's not the only time I have seen a dog attack with no warning. It was just the only pit attack I had seen. I have even been attacked by dogs with no warning. Was walking down the street and had a dog bite me on the leg. Didn't even see it coming. He ran up on me from behind and bite me. I believe you know your stuff, but that little bit I quoted is wrong though. When I was really young, my brother's friend got bit on the face by the neighbors dog without warning. We were all in our backyard playing when the dog jumped the fence and attacked.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
I have nothing against pit bulls. I view all dogs as dangerous, regardless of breed. Not an animal I want anywhere near my house, basically... So if you came around with your bulldog, I'm not reacting at it's breed, I'm reacting at it's species.

Ahhh.. dog phobia.. from someone who's been bitten mostly by golden retrievers and black labs (and a dalmatian and chihuaha! wee!). They smell fear I swear.

/edit- I should also mention I know NOBODY close with a pet dog, except my mother in law and they don't exactly care for the dog properly (lives in a crate, basically.. doesn't come out ever), so my 4 year old has no experience with how to properly act around dogs, just as I don't. Since none of us have ever grown up near dogs besides neighbors or random friends, it's better just to be safe rather than sorry. My kid's seriously ADHD and autistic, he'd probably set a dog off immediately.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I should also mention I know NOBODY close with a pet dog, except my mother in law and they don't exactly care for the dog properly (lives in a crate, basically.. doesn't come out ever)
Sounds like my girl's dad. He has a few dogs in the yard. They are all chained up with a run down dog house, no grass, never gets a bath or the proper attention, always out of water and food, and skinny as all get out. I won't touch these dogs. Not because they are aggressive, because they aren't. I don't touch them because the smell coming from them is way beyond what my stomach can handle. Both me and my girl agree that nobody in her family should own dogs.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I didn't read all your post because I am not into "wall-o-text", but I did happen to catch this part. Sorry, but that is wrong and I know it first hand. The Pit that attacked the little kid right beside my car gave no warning. It just charged out the house and straight at the kid to attack him. That's not the only time I have seen a dog attack with no warning. It was just the only pit attack I had seen. I have even been attacked by dogs with no warning. Was walking down the street and had a dog bite me on the leg. Didn't even see it coming. He ran up on me from behind and bite me. I believe you know your stuff, but that little bit I quoted is wrong though. When I was really young, my brother's friend got bit on the face by the neighbors dog without warning. We were all in our backyard playing when the dog jumped the fence and attacked.


Yes, there were warnings - YOU JUST DIDN'T SEE THEM :wall:

Just because you can't read body language, doesn't mean that dog didn't tell yall what was going on.

The dog that ran out the door and straight at the kid... was probably staring at him from the start through the door, or was a mentally off dog that viewed children as either a threat or prey - which would have been previously obvious to the owners, if they cared to pay attention.

If the dog that bit you came from BEHIND you... how can you say there was no warning? :rolleyes: when you possibly couldn't have seen it!

pouchedrat - I couldn't imagine being afraid of dogs :eek: I understand it happens, I'm just.. fascinated by it.

Oh, and ADHD and autistic are things a lot of children use service dogs for :)

Sorry pitbulllady... I should have held my tongue a liiiittle longer and not answered those questions lol I couldn't help it!


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2007
...They are all chained up with a run down dog house, no grass, never gets a bath or the proper attention, always out of water and food, and skinny as all get out. I won't touch these dogs...I don't touch them because the smell coming from them is way beyond what my stomach can handle...
Have you politely inquired to the dad about the conditions those dogs are in?

Why don't you or your gf call the ASPCA and report this horrible abuse and neglect?

Animal cruelty should never be ignored. If you don't want to face your gf's dad you can always report his address anonymously and have them seize those helpless dogs to give them the opportunity to be adopted by other people who will actually care to provide with their basic needs and love them. Those emaciated dogs don't deserve to be abandoned and forgotten.

Never relay on others what you can do yourself or ignore other's pain and suffering, much less when it's helpless animals who can't speak for themselves.

Please step in and speak for them, those dogs are in need of YOUR help and compassion. Your gf's dad obviously doesn't want the responsability of feeding and taking good care of them, help them be put up for adoption.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Have you politely inquired to the dad about the conditions those dogs are in?

Why don't you or your gf call the ASPCA and report this horrible abuse and neglect?

Animal cruelty should never be ignored. If you don't want to face your gf's dad you can always report his address anonymously and have them seize those helpless dogs to give them the opportunity to be adopted by other people who will actually care to provide with their basic needs and love them. Those emaciated dogs don't deserve to be abandoned and forgotten.

Never relay on others what you can do yourself or ignore other's pain and suffering, much less when it's helpless animals who can't speak for themselves.

Please step in and speak for them, those dogs are in need of YOUR help and compassion. Your gf's dad obviously doesn't want the responsability of feeding and taking good care of them, help them be put up for adoption.
I don't talk to her dad. Done beat his ass a few times as it is. People have called the animal control and nothing was done.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
I have a personal experience when i was 4 years old my great grandparents had 3 pitbulls. My family and I was over visiting and i was outside playing with my cousins. As my dad tell it all he remembers is seeing me in mid air bout to land on my great grandpas 90lb massive pit. He ran outside thinking all the worse and after i landed on Banjo(the pit) all he did was get up and lick me in the face. See my great grandparents trained there pits from a pup that aggression will not be tolerated. Also if any of you guys know Robc well basically without a pit he would probably be still morning the lose of his son. The bsl or bull shit law as i like to call it is ridicoulus. If someone cant properly train any dog they shouldnt own one. I personally have kept pits. My favorite was a female who would get on my trampoline and jump like a human lol. Well one of my ignorant neighbors poisoned her with rat poison. I love the breed. I currently own a chow chow. Which is another very mislabelled breed. Shes great and never even graweled or anything. I personally think Vick made his mistake everyone does it. He spent his time in jail and has done alot of work for peta so dont completly bash he does deserve some of it tho no lie. Sorry for the long post.



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
That's a lovely story, Matt, but "trainng the pits from pups that aggression wouldn't be tolerated" isn't what made them good dogs - their genetics did. They were gentically sound dogs, and it showed. Also, a 90lb "pit" wasn't a true APBT at all because they don't get that large... but nonetheless, a good testament to "bull breeds" :)

You can't train a gentically unsound dog, to not be unsound. That's why 'it's not all in how you raise them' - it's mostly in how you breed them, because aggression is hereditary and genetic and not a 'learned' behaviour.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
That's a lovely story, Matt, but "trainng the pits from pups that aggression wouldn't be tolerated" isn't what made them good dogs - their genetics did. They were gentically sound dogs, and it showed. Also, a 90lb "pit" wasn't a true APBT at all because they don't get that large... but nonetheless, a good testament to "bull breeds" :)

You can't train a gentically unsound dog, to not be unsound. That's why 'it's not all in how you raise them' - it's mostly in how you breed them, because aggression is hereditary and genetic and not a 'learned' behaviour.
That is the key, the size of the dog here. So many people THINK that they have an APBT, because it's a huge dog. They don't realize that a REAL APBT is NOT a large dog at all. Any reasonably healthy adult would be able to pick one up and carry it, even me, and I'm only 5' 2". There are so many dogs out there that have a lot of Molosser breed in them, breeds that have been bred for human aggression to serve as guard dogs, and these dogs are being called "pit bulls", when they're NOT.



Sep 1, 2009
I wish we could go back to the 70's when nobody really knew or cared what a "pitbull" was. Now everybody is an expert and everyone has a story. I wish they were still the breed that we could keep secret in our back pockets. Silently smiling while our family bullies lived with us. Knowing that we were the only ones that knew of these one of a kind dogs. It's so sad how exploited and demonized they are. Owning these dogs or any dogs should be a privilege. Many of us APBT owners could go on and on. It's just sad. #1 throw away breed in the USA.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Isn't it amazing how a single breed can be the most versatile working dog, most loved family pet, and most hated creature on earth all at once...

Pit bull lady.. what's the saying?
Your pit bull should be the perfect size to tuck under arm and run off with? lol

My male is 40lbs - and I want to slap everyone who says "He's too small to be a 'pit bull'" or "When is he going to grow up and get a big head?"

Big Red TJ

Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
This has been a great read makes me love this board and it's members more and more..