question for H. Lividum owners...


May 6, 2007
I have to say I think the H. Lividum is my fave T, but I'm a little apprehensive about getting one :)8o ) due to it's highly aggressive nature.

Are they really as bad as all that?

I'm not the kind of guy to go poking my T's, I leave them alone and treat them with respect. I have experience with T's, having 4 now including a big H. Gigas and a very moody Rosie.

If I were to get one it would be a sling, so maybe it would be less hostile toward me if it grew up my care??

Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have.:)

Arachnokid 93

Old Timer
Aug 18, 2006
Well my H.lividum is a monster it will go nuts if you try to do any thing in the cage. The only thing that got me about them is when you open the lid they run up your arm this has happened to me 3 times luckily without ant bites.
All in all this is a tarantula that is worth a jolt every now and then


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
i have yet to raise a full grown H.Lividum, but I am raising a sling and let me tell you, that little sucker is FAST. still, it's the color of the T that is addictive and gorgeous. that's what attracts me to it. most of the most beautiful, attractive T's are the most aggressive by nature. it's probably some sort of warning mechanism to other predators in nature. a bright blue T that spends most of it's life underground must have a reason for the awesome color. however, i agree with the above comment. T's like this are worth the jolt here and there. it makes you more curious and respectful of it.


Old Timer
Aug 8, 2004
H. lividum is definintely a beautiful species! Most of the Haplopelma species share it's well know disposition. Keep in mind that this species is an obligate burrower and they do well with a lot of substrate. Often time, after being setup, they'll did a deep burrow and you'll never see them again! I've heard it said that a happy Haplopelma is one that you don't see. Be sure to offer it deep substrate to burrow as they can get very stressed if they can't build a deep burrow. Many pet stores bring this species in because they are pretty and they don't understand why they don't survive long on 2" of substrate.
The adults can be very defensive but in my experience they pretty much sit in one spot and thrash around. Just as long as you have a proper setup and watch those fingers, this species can be very rewarding to keep!

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
If you set them up where they can burrow you will never have to deal with them even during feeding as they will always retreat in the burrow. Now get it out of its burrow it will be really pissed off and will gladly bite you


Old Timer
May 19, 2007

i think all of lividums are diffrent i had one she was mean but she didnt run up my arm or run at me but she did rear back and everything so yea maybe if u got one as a sling u might b better but its like my friend said tarantulas dont bite 2 b mean they do it b/c they feel threatened their more scared of us then we are of them so they do wut they can do and get u 2 back off b/c ive seen people hold lividums, pokies, and everything else man.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
My H lividum is a little super fast monster (when I saw it 6 months ago :( ), it's 2.5"..

..but let me tell you something maybe the H. lividum is one of the most beatiful T's but it has a pretty right nickname "Pet Hole" you will never see again your T, it lives underground all the time.. ;P


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
If you set them up where they can burrow you will never have to deal with them even during feeding as they will always retreat in the burrow. Now get it out of its burrow it will be really pissed off and will gladly bite you

When ever I go to feed or make any sudden movements around the enclosure she'll shoot back in her burrow (assuming she was out to begin with).


Old Timer
May 9, 2006
I have to say I think the H. Lividum is my fave T, but I'm a little apprehensive about getting one :)8o ) due to it's highly aggressive nature.

Are they really as bad as all that?

I'm not the kind of guy to go poking my T's, I leave them alone and treat them with respect. I have experience with T's, having 4 now including a big H. Gigas and a very moody Rosie.

If I were to get one it would be a sling, so maybe it would be less hostile toward me if it grew up my care??

Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have.:)
You have exactly the right attitude for a spider of this nature, so I'd say go ahead.

If not you...then who?!! :D


Old Timer
Nov 5, 2005
Treat it well, and any spider, including H. Lividum is fine.

I love mine dearly and have to think that nasty reputation comes from them being stressed and not having their burrow to retreat to.

Mine has a deep burrow (more than 10” down and who knows what the horizontal channels may be) that it usually is waiting at the top of. Disturb it in any way (turn lights on in the room, walk too close to the tank, feeding!) and it slips down into the hole; not out at me. Never once have I been threatened in any way.

Really it is a very shy beauty. Once it became comfortable, I began to see mine everyday. If I want to see more than those pretty blue legs, I need to sneak in around 3 or 4 am… that is when it prowls about.

Don't be afraid!