Question about my a geniculata


Apr 18, 2017
I have recently bought an a. geniculata and all was going great for a while but as of late she is walking like she is drunk, will not eat and is moving her legs in what I can only describe as 'spasm waves' whenever anyone or anything goes near her tank.

I am relatively new to keeping T's and I could do with some advice.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
It is impossible to say anything definitive from that description but it made me think of Dyskinetic Syndrome (DKS), a complex symptom that can have different causes.

1. Does she have access to water at all times? Dehydration may have something to do with it.
2. Has any kind of insecticide/pesticide/disinfectant or whatever been used in the vicinity of the spider? Poisoning seems to be the number one reason for DKS.
3. How did you set her up?

Mind you, it may be something completely different. Maybe you can post a picture of the spider in her enclosure?


Apr 18, 2017
It is impossible to say anything definitive from that description but it made me think of Dyskinetic Syndrome (DKS), a complex symptom that can have different causes.

1. Does she have access to water at all times? Dehydration may have something to do with it.
2. Has any kind of insecticide/pesticide/disinfectant or whatever been used in the vicinity of the spider? Poisoning seems to be the number one reason for DKS.
3. How did you set her up?

Mind you, it may be something completely different. Maybe you can post a picture of the spider in her enclosure?
#1 She always has water. I make sure to fill it fresh everyday.
#2 Not that I know of.
#3 She has a heatmat covering the bottom of the tank and the temps sit around 24 degrees C. She had a bark hide that came with the tank. I am using 2 inches of Spider Life multi environment substrate.

Is there anything I have done to cause DKS is that is what she has? I thought she was maybe getting ready to molt because she stopped eating but I am worried now she is acting all drunk and erratic.


Dec 25, 2014
I've never heard about a "spider life multi environment" substrate. Has to be definitely some kind of new stuff ain't aware of since I love to live nurtured by the past o_O

As boina said post a pic if you can... pics of your Theraphosidae and pics of the whole enclosure otherwise we are "sailing" on pure sight.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I would first of all lose the heat mat. Although 24°C sounds fine it's probably a lot hotter towards the mat. That heat can dry out your tarantula faster than she can drink. Also, a tarantulas instinct is to bury down if she's too hot - won't work if there's a heat mat at the bottom. And furthermore heat from the bottom can easily overheat the air in the hide, because cork bark isolates very well and the heat has nowhere really to go, so the hide becomes a tarantula oven if she uses it. Heat mats are NOT recommended except by pet shops that want to make money. "Spider Life multi environment substrate" sounds like another money making scheme from a pet shop. What the ... is that supposed to be?
The heat mat may have nothing to do with your tarantulas illness - or everything.

Room temps are fine, as long as it doesn't get much below 20°C for a prolonged time.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
oh, btw, that not recommended heat mat makes me ask: You don't have sponges or some such in the tarantulas water dish, do you?