Question about Mexican Red Rump


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
Hi, haven't posted in a while. :worship:

My little Mexican Red Rump is doing good. Well, not little I guess. He/She is about 1.75", and has been under the ground for about a month now. :Its a tiny burrow, however it has been covered over with about 1 - 1.5" inches of dirt. I checked today and he must of molted the past little while, theres a little shed beside him lol, and he has nice big black legs with a nice black butt! But anyways, he has not eaten in a month either. Will he come out when he is hungry? Since hes molted I am sure hes hungry... :evil: And my dad is insiting I am being cruel to my tarantula and starving it. >_> lol.

Also, since I mist the tank once-twice a week, these little fruit fly or whatever they are keep coming. How can I stop these?


Old Timer
Mar 24, 2007
She'll come out when she's hungry. Have you put any prey items in the container? If so, she likely knows they're in there and just chooses not to come out and eat 'em. Just throw in a cricket ever week or two, and if she doesn't eat, take it out 24 hrs later. You pretty much can't starve a T.

As for the "fruit flies", not sure what they are, I don't have much experience with infestations. I'd say you probably don't need to mist so often though, a water dish should be sufficient.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I doubt they are fruit flys.... I forget what they are called though. But if you let it dry out a bit in there they will go away. Your little guy will open the tunnel when hes ready to eat. I have had some of my small slings stay underground for a few months before surfacing and asking for food so everything is just fine.


Old Timer
Feb 7, 2007
I doubt they are fruit flys....
Probably fungus gnats. They are very common. Just like Talkentale said just dry out the tank. Try a water dish. At that size, a water bottle cap would work. Just fill it up twice a week.

As said : You're T will come out when its hungry.

Keith Richard

Old Timer
Jan 27, 2004
I've been raising one for a good few months now. The little fellow eventually excavated an interesting labarynth of tunnels and has molted four times now. It's a ravenous little bugger....I feed quite large crix with hind legs removed. Never a problem! (s)he's almost big enough to move into a 1.5 gal tank. By the way, just wait until yours starts to develop the red hairs on the abdomin. This is my first real teeny weeny spider. I have really enjoyed the experience and I hope that it is a female cuz I'll be really sorry if this it matures male and I have to say adios.


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
Ok, uhm, I guess bad luck runs in my genes. I put a superworm in the tank and well, it sorta dug down and fell into its burrow.. and its not eating it.. :( now i'm even in more of a sticky situation!

By the way, just wait until yours starts to develop the red hairs on the abdomin. T
Mine already has red hairs on its butt, hehe.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2005
I like B. Vagans they are a super T. I have a 5" adult female that I raised from
a s'ling. They need a bottlecap water dish filled at least every other day.
I think these should only be misted lightly during pre molt, they are very
thirsty and enjoy their water dishes. I fed mine 3-4 crickets a week. I
stay away from food that tends to burrow in quickly. They will kick crix
away when not hungry or just ignore them. 4 to 5 days after a molt they
are usually ready to eat at 2" size. Another benefit of a water dish is that
baby crix, flies and gnats can drown in it.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Ok, uhm, I guess bad luck runs in my genes. I put a superworm in the tank and well, it sorta dug down and fell into its burrow.. and its not eating it.. :( now i'm even in more of a sticky situation!

Mine already has red hairs on its butt, hehe.
Why did you feed it when we told you it would come and open its burrow when it was hungry?

Now you are going to have to dig it out so it does not bother the heck out of her. In the process your going to more then likely ruin the burrow.
I guess for now leave the worm in there a bit longer and if its not being eaten in a few hours your going to have to get it. I am assuming the container you have it in is not that big and they are going to be close together.


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
Yay, it came out 2 days ago. :) I tossed a cricket in and he grabbed it quickly and pulled it back into his burrow. Hes out again, would I be able to give him a 2nd cricket or is that too much? This would be his 2nd cricket in weeks. He did molt a while ago to 2"