Quarantine blues


Aug 30, 2019
I usually check on mine a few times a day, been on vacation most have covered their hides must be sick of me checking them hourly actually glad to go back tomorrow only 3 left out


May 21, 2018
I usually check on mine a few times a day, been on vacation most have covered their hides must be sick of me checking them hourly actually glad to go back tomorrow only 3 left out
Are you back to checking them a few times a day tomorrow, then?


Mar 8, 2020
When you are ready to sell, let me know.

Sounds like depression or shear boredom, who knows.
Social media is anything BUT social. It's one of the worst things people can watch. It does nothing positive for men or women. Women really get the worst of it too.
My twitter feed is comprised of pure, cold, bitter discussion... Interspersed by messages of good will and positivity. As long as you subscribe to positive subjects that intrigue you (I’ve never seen a non-entomology selfie on my feed) social media can be positive. It’s just what you consume... I do believe social media platforms should classify any full body shots or selfies with the intent to flaunt beauty as sensitive and take them down...


May 21, 2018
My twitter feed is comprised of pure, cold, bitter discussion... Interspersed by messages of good will and positivity. As long as you subscribe to positive subjects that intrigue you (I’ve never seen a non-entomology selfie on my feed) social media can be positive. It’s just what you consume... I do believe social media platforms should ban any full body shots or selfies with the intent to flaunt beauty...
I'm exclusively on entomology Twitter, history Twitter, and sumo Twitter, but this COVID-19 stuff is seeping into everywhere. It's hard to avoid right now. Good friends of mine have it and my friend's grandmother just died from it on Sunday.

And while I'm not a participant because it's extremely not my thing, I don't judge Thirsty Twitter or Fishing For Compliments Twitter. Let 'em be.


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
I admit I've been a bit "neglectful" (kinda hard to truly neglect a decently fed spider with a full water dish) in the sense that I haven't been paying them as much mind as usual. I'm still keeping them alive and content though. Just perhaps more hungry in the case of the eager eaters.

One of the positives about certain invert keeping is that life can get in the way at times, but it doesn't mean you have to get rid of a reasonable sized collection.


May 21, 2018
I admit I've been a bit "neglectful" (kinda hard to truly neglect a decently fed spider with a full water dish) in the sense that I haven't been paying them as much mind as usual. I'm still keeping them alive and content though. Just perhaps more hungry in the case of the eager eaters.

One of the positives about certain invert keeping is that life can get in the way at times, but it doesn't mean you have to get rid of a reasonable sized collection.
Yeah, that's what I always liked about them. They're depression-proof! The pandemic is really distracting, however.

I sat down last night and spent some time making enclosures, did a few rehousings, and I feel better about things in general today. I guess doing stuff that makes you happy right now when you have no control over anything that's happening is a more constructive way to cope, but tearing your eyes away from the extremely slow motion car wreck happening all around us is hard.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Ya know, it can be kind of depressing having to stay home, especially if you are somebody that will get clobbered financially.

However, it is also kind of depressing if you have job security of sorts by working in what is considered an essential workplace, Because you sort of have asituation where you could be damned if you do, damned if you don't. This applied two-fold if you work the retail/service sector. It is risky enough in a " socially enclosed" environment, but in my opinion, you are a little less at risk. And by "little I mean very little. Every bit helps, though.
But when you work the public, you are exposed to people of all attitudes. And while I think their numbers are decreasing, there are those still out there who refuse to take the situation seriously. On FB, I still see the occasional "Haw-Haw, suckers. Remember the swine flu epidemic? Or The birdflu one? How about Ebola? Yeah, neither do I!" post. Now I see the usual suspects do it a lot less, but how do I know that I will not encounter somebody who was absolutely careless and may be vectors? And then you have some who are not really in denial, but just kind of forget themselves, easily enough done if you let it slip your mind that you may feel okay, but could still be harbouring the pathogen.
It takes a good while for me to become stir-crazy. I'm not anti-social, but I can generally find ways to pre-occupy myself without human interaction for a decent amount of time. If I didn't have to make routine excursions for necessities _I refused to be a hoarder - I could do a few months or as long as it took standing on my head.

Now, to steer more into topic...

I too have felt a little malaise in regard to my animals. They are being as well-taken care of as ever, but the depression caused by the current situation takes away enthusiasm for much of everything. It doesn't help that I think, that if things really go south, it may be difficult to obtain food for some of them. Not so much for the tarantulas, many of which could survive months without food (hey, some even just do it on their own -but none of mine go on long fasts, excluding pre-moult periods) but it might be bad news for my reptiles. My snake can subsist on a stockpile of pre-killed frozen feeders, but the insectivorous ones can be a little more problematic for the time being. I currently am running no colonies of anything. But I'm keeping some mealworms at room temperature to prompt pupation and future breeding. I don't like using them as a staple for my lizards, but it would be better than nothing.


Jul 19, 2019
Yeah I know what you mean. I am feeling pretty similar right now. It's probably a good time to stock up on feeders for at least 2 weeks just in case. At this point who knows what could happen. I got a small tub of mealworms and am keeping them in the refrigerator just in case, so that I have them in a worst case scenario. I think that most of us are feeling some degree of depression right now. It's a stressful time.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
I took my grandson fishing for an afternoon...great time. Came home with 7 trout, 4 were caught by the 6 year old...amazing what happens when you teach them how to set the hook.

10/10 would do again.

Today we all just returned to our government mandated incarcerations... :bag:

But for dinner I'm making Buffalo Wings with a Carolina Sauce.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
From my cold dead hands.
I'm fine with that too, whatever it takes.

My twitter feed is comprised of pure, cold, bitter discussion... Interspersed by messages of good will and positivity. As long as you subscribe to positive subjects that intrigue you (I’ve never seen a non-entomology selfie on my feed) social media can be positive. It’s just what you consume... I do believe social media platforms should classify any full body shots or selfies with the intent to flaunt beauty as sensitive and take them down...
Iike I said, social media is anything BUT social. It fosters terrible behavior.
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Jan 31, 2020
I think we all get hit with a jab of the cruds for sure with all this. I havent been out of pajamas or the like in a week 😂
But also,bought some new tarantulas so🤷‍♂️😁
Hope everyone stays super cool.🤙
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