Pterinochilus murinus (OBT)


Mar 3, 2011
I got a OBT as my second tarantula and havn't had a problem with it at all its agressive yes but it likes to hide 24/7 at least mine does it hates light if i even try and look at it with a light it runs away unlike my other Ts. One time i tried feeding it a cricket and it didn't want it so it went in the threat pose and was dripping venom everywhere lol. I would think getting an OBT as your second tarantula is perfectly fine as long as you are careful and treat it right.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
the OBT is defensive and skittish. It'll often run away pretty fast. It's not that difficult to deal with. It was by far the easiest T for me to transfer back in the day.
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Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Humidity/Temp. Can a GBB, a Pinktoe (or another Beginner NW Arboreal of sorts), and an OBT be taken care of basically the same? Same Humidity and Temperatures about?
I can't speak to all arboreals, but Avic sp need high humidity with good ventilation.

The GBB and OBT can be kept the same. Both prefer dry, dry, dry. GBB especially, is prone to fungus if kept too damp.

My 1.0" OBT spent it's first 2 weeks with me in a condiment cup. (Unplanned, emergency capture enclosure...) By the end of the two weeks, it had the lid pretty securely webbed to the substrate and sides. I gave it two meals while in the condiment cup. It was waiting at the cracked lid each time.

I did manage to ease the 'web ball' loose and placed it in its entirety (with OBT inside) into the new enclosure. Mine is currently burrowed in the substrate, but also has webbing up onto the corkbark where it hangs out on occasion. I've had no problems feeding or retrieving molts since the move into the larger enclosure. T pokes its head out of its hole to watch, but has made no further attempts to escape.

I have holes near the bottom of its enclosure that I can use a syringe to inject water into the bottom of the substrate periodically. And occasionally dribble a few drops onto the webbing.

Speed. How fast are they? Honestly?
Well, I was tempted to name mine Speedy Gonzalez...


Mar 1, 2011
Well I just got the OBT today! I ordered a 0.5" OBT and a 0.75" Brazilian White Banded. Actually got the OBT as a freebie! Even at a half an inch, I already worry a bit! LOL. We'll see how this goes! Luckily for me I do have a backup plan if needed. I have a friend that has been in the hobby for years and has many OW's already. He said if I ever feel like I can't handle the OBT give him a call and he'll take it for me. That makes me feel a little bit better at least.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Well I just got the OBT today! I ordered a 0.5" OBT and a 0.75" Brazilian White Banded. Actually got the OBT as a freebie! Even at a half an inch, I already worry a bit! LOL. We'll see how this goes! Luckily for me I do have a backup plan if needed. I have a friend that has been in the hobby for years and has many OW's already. He said if I ever feel like I can't handle the OBT give him a call and he'll take it for me. That makes me feel a little bit better at least.
Pics or it didn't happen! :D


Mar 1, 2011

I'll try and post one soon. I just got him today, and also am going to be moving on Tuesday clear out to Sheboygan, WI. So, it may be a few days. He's going to be under a lot of stress over the next week or so I'd say. In the meantime, I'd love it if everyone else would share pics of theirs.


Mar 30, 2008
38 has ~1" slings for 12 bucks. Just random shopping info thrown out there heh.

oops, didn't see second page, you already got one yay! grats!


Feb 7, 2018
Look I know I’m a couple years late, but I hope you chose the OBT sling. I bought a 3/4” sling a year ago and now that it’s just shy of 3” it’s started to change in behavior. It was my first T and so far only T(strict dad). For any viewers in a similar situation as this dude I’d say a rule of thumb is if you have to make multiple plans on if it escapes you might not want it. I had no fear of it and RESPECTED it and it’s been absolutely fine. Now it does sorta come at me a little when I open lid but I have prepared catch cup and make it fast. Now I can’t verify some of the horror stories as mines still a juvenile but I’ve kinda got a special place for this thing. And just to clarify tarantulas generally can climb up a bath tub but it’s difficult for them so still be prepared if you own a quick species. I mean I have done some dumb things where it should have attacked me but I learned not to do that when it was a sling so it hid instead of attacked, so for sure get one under a 1.25” if it’s your first ow or first T. As it’s getting bigger it’s getting more beautiful and is developing its starburst. Definitely would recommend to anyone who is not trying to get attention or or not completely scared of it. But I need to know if I should buy Jamie’s 7” x7” x11” or her 8” x8” x14” for its final enclosure as it’s only got another molt or two in it’s current enclosure.