Proof Cats are Evil


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
{D That is absolutely hilarious! ...sorry, though.

As for cats....heh heh....the majority of their quirks are just their instincts coming into action. Then again, there are some cats that get mistreated and are rather aggressive as a result. Some cats remain aggressive and wild-like no matter how much love and attention you give them. This is because cats are not naturally domesticated animals. Humans decided to do so, and now we must deal with the consequences. I've got a consequence on my lap right now: a fat neutered male named Andy who is begging to be petted. And the only reason I say he's male is because of what the surgeons cut off, NOT the way he acts. Believe me, he's all girl!

Aaaaand I can't help but mention declawing. :embarrassed: When it's okay to cut off the entire end of people's fingers, then it's okay to do the same to cats.


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I love cats, and my husband used to, untill one of our siamese would urinate on his hockey gear. The 2 siamese were males and were probably jealous of my attention I gave to him. They were nuetered, and probably resented it, placing the blame on Jon. The ones I have had have not been good mousers. I have thought seriously about getting another cat because of the problems we have had with mice, and Laura's husband has said they would move out of our house if I got another cat. Makes it tempting, but I love Laura and the grandkids emmensely and would not want to cause them a hardship. I now have a pet love bird, and a cat would probably be tempted to pester her, so thats the main reason I haven't gotten another kitten, in spite of anyone elses feelings in this combined household.



Old Timer
Jun 18, 2004
Varden said:
I agree. Declining songbird populations are a cause for concern. But cats are not to blame, and keeping cats indoors to prevent them from preying on the birds is not the solution. Instead, take a good hard look at the other factors. Human development and such. There in lies the blame and the solution.

Trying to change the nature of a cat to cover up our own failings is anything but acceptable. Not trying to start a fight; that's just my opinion.
True. And if you really don't want your cat to eat birds, just get one of those bell collars. It's funny to watch your cat still try to sneak up on a bird or squirrel anyway. It's like they can't figure out why they never catch anything.


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2006
I love cats. Mischievous, not evil. How can you hate this? Awwwww.



Old Timer
Feb 12, 2004
If a dog was behaving like this, it would almost immediately be confiscated and put down regardless of the seriousness of the bites inflicted; why is the cat getting any different treatment?

For the record I like cats, there's no need for a double standard


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
brokenpole said:
Now I sleep just as I was born...naked!! Now no matter the size I woke up one morning with the normal "male problem". The cat thought it was some kind of toy and latched on with all four paws. Needless to say I was now awake!!! !!

Is that why your called BrokenPole? ;)


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Soulsick said:
I despise cats, and I think it is hilarious that people are actually getting attacked by this thing. Seriously though, it is a cat - not a mountain lion. Cut the damn claws off if they are a problem. I DO hate cats, but keeping it indoors is wrong. Animals have the right to the outside more than people do. Humans are absent of instinct, animals aren't. Look at the way they talk about the cats. It isn't mauling anyone like a friggin pitbull. Animals scratch, animals bite - get over it old woman. "It's M.O. is sneaking from behind..." Yeah, it's not James bond either.

Why the hell am I defending the cat again?

:clap: ....I should do time for my hatred. Its def an ignorant prejudece i will carry to the grave. All of my Gf's cats disapeared shortly after we moved in together never to be seen again. An american akita puppy was quickly intorduced in thier places..... ;)


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Is it too late for me to make a bad job about my name?

Needless to say, the only cat I have any respect for is only a work of fiction.

I have stupid cat story, too.

For a couple of years, the neighbors had a pair of cats that liked to play chicken with cars by laying in the middle of the road and not getting up for anything.

They eventually lost.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
Evil Cheshire said:
For a couple of years, the neighbors had a pair of cats that liked to play chicken with cars by laying in the middle of the road and not getting up for anything.

They eventually lost.
On my mail route were two dogs who constantly slept in the road. It was soooo tempting to just keep on driving, since the two dogs were notoriously aggressive with people.....but I just couldn't do it. I always stopped and honked to wake them up.

As for cats, my cats never go outside, there's just too many things out there that can hurt them. Kids, cars, animals.....I grew up on a 20 acre farm and people were always dropping off cats there. We couldn't take in 20+ strays, so they stayed outside and we fed them in our horse barns. The numbers were always changing, since some would disappear never to be seen again. We did have coyotes around, no doubt some of the cats became coyote chow.
My last cat (who passed away in October) was strictly indoors. I've never had a cat claw anything but what they were allowed to scratch. All it takes is training, too bad so many are too lazy to do that. Anyways, I rescued my last cat off the streets after her owner's new boyfriend decided he didn't like cats and demanded she be thrown outside until she found a new home. When Sassy got sick in October, I took her to the vet for bloodwork. The vet shaved her hind leg to draw the blood, and found two BBs imbedded in her leg. I shudder to think of what might have happened to her if I hadn't adopted her (with the owner's consent of course, newspaper ad).

I'd much rather my cat be inside and fat.....than outside and flat!


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2006
I got my cat for my 2nd birthday. He went 16 years strong. While he was declawed on the front paws, he would constantly bring birds and mice home to show off. It was pretty amazing to watch him hunt. On one hand he'd be this adoring friend and the other he'd be pretty damn vicious. He also went out almost every night when it was warm enough and he'd be back in the morning (sometimes with a trophy to show off to me {D ). In the winters though, he'd crash on my bed.

Miss that guy. :(


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2005
I don't know why people are so against declawing... yes, it hurts. Yes they will be in pain for a couple months. After that though, they don't notice the difference. This isn't a debiliating surgery! My cats can do ANYTHING a clawed cat can do, except scratch! (this includes hunting and climbing!)
As much as I hate the act of declawing, I wouldn't want my cat any other way.

The Bear

Old Timer
Aug 1, 2005
I hate cats! They are cute and I understand why people like them but are too damaging to their suroundings. If they were small cats in the rainforest that would be fine because they would be part of the food chain themselves but not in areas where they go uncontroled. The people accross the street from me moved in this year with four cats(now only 3{D ) but they killed the birds in all 3 of our high bird houses, no more snakes, rabbits or squirrels(their is a forest behind my house so theres usually a lot of wildlife in my yard and around). One day I was outside and heard a really loud screeching in the bushes in from of my house so I investigated only to find a stupid cat tearring up a bunny. I wish I could have taken a picture of this baby rabbit for all the people who love their cute cats but oh well. I tried to save it but after being mauled by one of the cats was missing half its fur from where the cat had skinned part of it alive so it died a day later. I have many more of these stories but not enough time to post them.