problem with contest slings


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Longbord1
Ok i have been having probs with my slings from the arachno quikie regarding the salmon pinks so the problem is mine have been dying (the ones i sold to jeff and the one i kept)has anyone expierienced this with their slings
My L. parahybana sling has been doing fantabulous and growing like a weed. Of course I did purchase her from a dealer so that might be why.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Re: Re: problem with contest slings

Originally posted by Godzilla2000
My L. parahybana sling has been doing fantabulous and growing like a weed. Of course I did purchase her from a dealer so that might be why.
Now there's some intelligent logic. "I got it from a dealer so it's better" Tony is a very experienced hobbyist, and these were bred BY HIM. Let's look at a few facts..

He sold (or otherwised transfered) a good number of his slings to Swifty, if you read his above post.

Alot of the dealers selling slings get them from wholesalers, and have no idea of the integrity or quality of the spiderlings they are recieving.

I would think getting slings CB here in the states, without the overseas travel, and any other unknown factors involved, would dare say be healthier than those a dealer may have. At least in some cases.

AND, finally, Lots of people on this board got slings from Tony. If you'd actually bothered to read the posts in this thread instead of just throwing stuff up so you could stare at your avatar one more time, you might have noticed that.


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
One more time.

My 15 L. parahybana s'lings came straight from Tony. And out of the 6 that I kept for myself, 6 are alive and well. They are all healthy eaters and enjoying life.

On a side note, when I was talking to Tony about him shipping the slings, I think that he told me that one of the contest winners actually had the gaul to say that he or she wasn't really interested in the L. parahybana s'lings and wanted to know if he would give them something else.

We started joking about what would happen if one of the contest winners had a spider(s) that didn't make if through the shipment. We were trying to guess whether or not that the person who got the FREE spiders - INCLUDING SHIPPING - would make a fuss about it or not and try to get more for free. Hmmm...

Anyways, Tony is a class act! And aside from Karan aka Ultimate Instar who so graciously lent me her male genic and will get half of the s'lings should my genic produce a viable eggsac, I'm going to send him a nice collection of the hatch on me.

I'd be somewhat intersted in sponsoring a s'ling contest similar to what Tony did. Especially since I am so enthusiastic about this species and how I really try to convince most people that they should get one. However, I'm not sure if I want to deal with the petty bs of a bunch of kids whining because they aren't getting the spider that they really want or because 1 or 2 of the 15 that I sent them died. It's something that I will definately have to think about.


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Bill, I think that I just took your title!

Look who's bitter now!

:D ;P :D

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Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
On a side note, when I was talking to Tony about him shipping the slings, I think that he told me that one of the contest winners actually had the gaul to say that he or she wasn't really interested in the L. parahybana s'lings and wanted to know if he would give them something else.
Yup, I remember that too. I couldn't believe someone had the nerve to ask that......for god's sakes, this person was getting FREE spiders! Honestly, how often does that happen? I've got 15 parahybanas here, 14 from the contest and one 3" that I already had. The 15th sling I believe was eaten during shipping. So what? I still ended up with 14 FREE slings. You won't see me complaining over a dead sling that I had no monetery investment in. For the record, all of my contest slings are eating like pigs and molted about 3 weeks ago now. In my opinion, Tony must have the patience of a god to put up with some people (no offense to any of the contest winners).

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
I mean seriously!

If you don't want to win an L. parahybana s'ling, then don't enter a contest for which the prize is L. parahybana. When there is a contest for a flighty bitey, I don't enter. Pretty simple.



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2003
hey i had the gaul to ask him ok i won 20 of them and my mom was freakin out i was a begginer and didn't know if i could handle so many i had no clue what kind of t they were until i asked someone ok sorry i asked =him for anything if it was not to much trouble ok thanx=D =D
