Predatory fresh water molluscs.


May 17, 2023
Hello all. Like many with aquariums (for me theyre all palludariums), we deal with snail explosions messing with our plants and water quality. Also, like many, I keep Anentome helena (assassin snails) which are pretty cool and breed in our tanks. They do a decent job of keeping things in check, especially once a sustained environment is maintained and everything is basically on auto pilot.

I love their size, shape and color. But interested in branching out into a broader range and am wondering if other smaller predatory snails are commonly kept in everyone's respective countries? What all exists in captivity where you live?

I also tried a few native leech species which were really cool to watch. But they tended to enjoy larger snails (eg. Apple snails) and didn't kill them but we're more just parasitic rather than predatory. My favorite native to Taiwan is Whitmania laevis, very beautiful coloration, but too big and not very effective at that even when given apple snails.

I'm interested in straight murderers of small snail species haha.