Pre-Purchase Smithi Questions


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
I'm looking to buy a Smithi tomorrow that is already showing signs of adulthood and they're selling him for $30. Is this a good price or should i bargain lower. Also, i need to know as much as possible about what this T will need as far as tank size, substrate (kind and depth), humidity, heat, plus tank extras that mimic the natural habitat. Thanks all!


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
30 dollars seems like a good u know what sex it is?a sub adult would prob do fine in 2.5 gallon a search for b.smithi care sheets and you will find lots of other info


Old Timer
Oct 23, 2005
That is a good price. Depends on what your planning on housing it in. Also what substrate you prefer to use. Let's say a 10 gallon tank. It is a nice sized tank and has room to grow. I would estimate around 3 to 4 inches of substrate would be plenty. Keeping it on the dry side with a nice water dish and a hide for it. You can purchase or make just about anything suitable for a hide. Mine happens to stay out in the open most of the time except for molting. At least I give it a choice of a place to go. Feed it about once a week a good meal of 3 to 5 crickets and it will be a nice happy T. You can add whatever you want to make it look the way you want. You can always read up on it and figure out what set up you prefer to do. Your T, so your choice of what you want to have for it.
Everyone has their own preference of how they think the set ups should be for their animals.

Good luck with your new T! :)


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
Follow up question

The biggest question is will i need a heater with this species or will it do fine at room temp like my G. Rosea?


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2007
It will probably need to be kept at 70-85, since it is found in mexico.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
TLet's say a 10 gallon tank. It is a nice sized tank and has room to grow. I would estimate around 3 to 4 inches of substrate would be plenty.
No it wouldn't. You need the substrate up high enough that the distance from dirt to ceiling is equal to the legspan of the T, or the tank becomes a huge death hazard.

It will probably need to be kept at 70-85, since it is found in mexico.
No, it will do just fine at 65-85 (ie room temp) just like the vast majority of other tarantula species.

OP, here is what you need. Buy a critter keeper with maybe 5-6 times the T's legspan in floorspace. Buy a bag of cheap Schultz organic peatmoss from your local Walmart for like two bucks. Fill the enclosure to the depth that I mentioned earlier--floor to ceiling should be roughly equal to the T's legspan. Give it a bottlecap or water dish, with no sponge or gel or any of that crap, just water. Give it something to hide in, like a little half log or coconut shell.

Congratulations, you now have a complete enclosure that your T will thrive in. Buy a bigger one in several years when it has grown bigger, following the same design I just described.

Once a week, toss in one cricket. If the cricket isn't eaten in 24 hours, take it out. When the T gets bigger, two crickets a week.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
30 bucks male or female thats not bad at all take it. Do you habitat research first then get everything set up and then buy. Wish I could find a place selling at that price. I have a scamps pet store selling a small male smithi for 85 bones and I am not about to touch that little guy... although he has molted 4 times there and is starting to look like a good buy.


Old Timer
May 16, 2005
30 bucks male or female thats not bad at all take it. Do you habitat research first then get everything set up and then buy. Wish I could find a place selling at that price. I have a scamps pet store selling a small male smithi for 85 bones and I am not about to touch that little guy... although he has molted 4 times there and is starting to look like a good buy.
Smithi's are great T's but no matter what type of T it is....never would I pay $85.00 for a male...nope nope.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
You will need to look at pictures here on the arachoboards OR do a search so you can recognize if you will be getting a male or female.
Be aware a male B. Smithi will not live more than a few years to a year after reaching its mature molt. It will have tibial hooks and "boxing" gloves on its two longest front feet.
It will wander a lot, may not eat much, and create a sperm web.
Do some research on male tarantulas AND keep an eye out for people looking for a mature male B. Smithi.. you can do a breeding loan and get lots of babies. LOL
If its a female. All the better.
Also remember they do have uriticating hairs and some people have a bit of a reaction to their hairs in particular.. the hairs feel like you have been working with fiberglass.. tiny hairs you can't see causing itching and some pain in your hands. I would be cautious and wear gloves just to be sure.

Hope this helps.. congrats that is a great price.. I got a 1/4 inch sling for 20.00



Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
Thank you to everyone who posted and helped me out with all the info. However, the store was wrong about what they sold me (what a surprise!?) It isn't a smithi, but actually an B. emilia instead. I'm a little disappointed because the T I've always wanted a smithi, even before I got my first rosea a week ago. However, the emilia is beautiful and not that much different from the smithi so I guess i'll have to live with what i've got which isn't so bad cuz she is still a beautiful T and the smithi can always wait.

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
hi as i am in the u.k. i keep my red knees at 75 - 8o in the winter as its cold now :( but in summer time if its to hot then heat mat go off :cool: anyway good luck with the new ( t ) :clap: :worship: :) -- phil


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
B. emilia sell for more than B. smithi on average. If you only paid $30 for a near adult you got a good deal, male or female. If your not happy with it, I'm sure someone would be willing to take it off your hands.;)