Praying Mantis and Emps living together.

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Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
empi said:
Ok, this is just stupid! I got half the <edit> way through this thread and just cant stand it anymore. It is just a <edit> mantid! Why is it ant differant than a cricket or a roach. Its not! If the scorp eats it oh <edit> well. Get over it already! I love mantids but I'll tell you what. If they were in my yard I would feed the <edit> to my scorp any time I could. Thats just less money I have to spend on crickets. I can see where you would have a good argument if it were a vertabrate. Get bent! ;P :evil:

Listen Molder, you can say there is not much difference between feeding a scorpion with a mantis or a worm, they are all insects, but if you take a mantis, then you say you want to keep it somewhere and then you put it together with 2 emperors to see what happens and u probably enjoy seeing them fight, because the mantis is a predator and it won't give up without a fight, and at the end you enjoy seeing the mantis u said u wanted to keep gots eaten, then I think something is wrong with that person. Yes, it is probably a sadistic kid who just doesn't care, but people like you who support that are just more amusing...
So, if it is just a <edit> mantis, where does it end, can I give to the scorpions mice, that normal? Would I be normal to give them puppies to see how much time will they live with an androctonus? The problem is that anyone can take an animal and kill it and if someone enjoys in that, well, I think that person IS NOT NORMAL...
Go seek the truth Molder...
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Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
empi said:
The mantid is not a protected in the US. I that were true you would not be able to keep them or even handle them for that matter.
Do you treat with that regard all the protected species in the usa? U think that if a species is protected that makes her more valauable than some other? remmeber that a list of protected species is composed by humans...


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
Predator said:
Yea im really sick for putting them together. The worst thing that could happen is the scorp eating the mantis. Same thing as if the scorpion ate a cricket. Who made you god and decided what foods are acceptable for them to eat.
Listen sadistic pal, if you enjoy watching animals fight and being eaten, then ur sick...I certainly don't think I am God and that is why I don't keep scorpions neither I send animals to be eaten by other animals, as you are doing that, maybe you think u are God, or the Devil...
Get a doctor pal...


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2005
You know, <edit>. I can't think of anything else to say. Honestly, you are so mad at all the merciful and helpful people on this forum for giving you the truth, that you are going to try to punish them by punishing innocence? You're a sad and lonely kid, <edit>.
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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Typing fast before the thread gets locked...

I think what's upsetting people here is the idea of bring home an animal with the idea of keeping it as a pet, and then sticking it in with annother animal that is likley to prey on it to see if it survives, then using the reasoning of "not having annother cage" and THEN calling it an experiment as if something of value could be learned from this. This sort of logic is what people find offensive.

If he had simply said "I decided to feed my scorpion a mantid" I doubt there'd be this much controversy.

I keep snakes and feed them rodents. That said, I would find it disturbing if someone got a pet squirel and decided to keep it with their burmese python to see if it would survive. Am I offended because I think a squirel's life is more valuable than a rats? No, I'm offended because it's a crappy way to treat an animal you call a pet.



Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Sep 23, 2002
I should not have had to do all of the editing that I just did. :mad:

I suggest that all of you go back and read the rules of this site before you post again. If I have to edit anyone else in this thread, not only will it get locked, but those that are edited will get an automatic suspension for not following the rules. Especially after I just warned you all to read them again .....

If you can't play nice, then don't play at all!

ALL of you that are involved, consider that you have now officially been warned! You know who you are. :mad:



Old Timer
Apr 23, 2005
Predator said:
A friend of mine caught a rather large praying mantis at work a few days ago. He brought it over to my house since he had no where to house it. Well I didnt really have anywhere to put it either besides in my tank with 2 adult emps. So far its been 3 days and the praying mantis is still alive. The mantis sticks to the high ground and jumps down to grab a cricket here and there. So far it seems like this may work out. Has anyone else tried this? I kind of like the fact they may be able to co-exist together. It adds more life to the tank. I hope the mantis is smart enough to stay away from them which it seems to be. I have watched him and he wont jump down for a cricket if he sees one of the emps out and about.
You say you want to see how long the mantid goes before it is eaten NOT THAT MUCH LONGER!!!! What if ya miss the kill whats the point! You put it in there to see the scorp eat it, i don't think you expected the lil guy to survive. I keep a mantid on his own, coz it is my pet, something you wouldn't understand.

You keep emps so you must like scorpions how would you feel if someone on here was feeding them to there large snakes or lizards, if you don't care, you dont care enough for the pets you keep and should not be aloud!!

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002

Just shrug it off and leave the thread alone. This wouldn't have had any complaints if one of the senior scorp people had done it. You're relatively new, and you got ganged-up on because you were an "easy" target. It's amazing to me how people will get bent out of shape about something this inane.

Anyway, just go on to other threads and leave this one alone... there are certain people who, once they get on a cause like this, will hang on for dear life like a rabid Jack Russell. Some people have sad, boring lives, and this bit of excitement helps them cope. I can hardly begrudge them that, but there's no point discussing it with them.


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2005
my two cents.

I might not agree with what you did, but after the whole "tarantula in with 3 Emps" thread... I've come to this conclusion. People will do what they want and if i don't sgree, that's my option. i don't have the right to lecture you on what you feed to your pets.. (as long as it isn't children then i'll go off on ya).

It's a part of life peoppe do what they want. Hell i toss cellar spiders into my scorp tanks when i am low of cash and know i won't be getting feeders in the near future.

Sadly people it's just a bug and it isn't even a native species of bug in the US. Cut the guy some slack, cus noone is perfect.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Here's a link explaining the myth about mantids being protected:

As others have mentioned, chances are the mantid in question was an introduced species which the USDA now consider pests anyway. There are, however, many natives, but most are smaller species.

From a conservation standpoint, killing one mantid doesn't mean much. Also, this time of year they're nearing the end of they're lifespan anyway and even released it would be dead in amonth or so anyway. It may have even already bred and laid some eggs.

Bottom line is, it's still a crappy way to treat a PET, but hardly worthy of a tar and feathering considering the pet in question is a short-lived insect. As I said before, I doubt this hubub would have occured if he had just said he fed the scorpion a mantid.



Old Timer
Sep 7, 2005
parabuthus said:
WOW, you really need to WET that tank up. Humidity should be ateast 80%, preferrably more. Get the 'coconut fibre expanding brick' from your local pet store. Put it in water for 20 - 30 mins and it expands. It retains water really well, is comfortable for the scorp, and allows burrowing.


Being here in Charleston, SC humidity is pretty high. I keep his water filled and have a temp and humidity gauge in the tank. That pict was taken with the gauge reading out 85+ % humidity every day.

Is it best to keep the substrate actually wet? I'll check out that coconut fibre stuff too. Lately the temps have been dropping and the humidity is down around 75% in the tank now.


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2005
It just looked way too dry from that pic -maybe the flash? You don't want it soaking wet, but there should be alot of moisture. These things come from the jungle afterall. 75% isn't a crime, but keeping it 80+ is the best idea. Goodluck.


Old Timer
Sep 7, 2005

Thanks I'll keep up on it. I was even thinking of a humidifier or something to put in there as well. :)


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2005
Honestly, get that expanding cocnut fibre brick thingy-ma-jig. It will really keep the humidity up. You could also try some rolled up/soaked tissue paper in the water dish, renewing it every few days or so. Just watch your scorp doesn't get covered in tissue paper!!! And ofcourse mist a couple of times per day.


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2005
fscorpion said:
Listen sadistic pal, if you enjoy watching animals fight and being eaten, then ur sick...I certainly don't think I am God and that is why I don't keep scorpions neither I send animals to be eaten by other animals, as you are doing that, maybe you think u are God, or the Devil...
Get a doctor pal...
Sorry but I don't think anyone that owns scorpions or T's for that matter can even try and make me believe that they do not "ENJOY" watching them eat a cricket. Or whatever your choice of food happens to be. That is a fact! A lot of people feed them things that they catch in the yard. I know I do all the time. I catch spiders, beetles, grasshoppers and moths all the time and feed them. I have seen on several posts people feeding scorpions to pedes. Not because they are sadistic, but because there are a ton of them in they're area. Now with that said. I think the reason so many people see this as a big deal is either because they don't have mantids in they're area and wish they did or they keep them as pets. I keep black widows as pets. Most people kill them. I keep roaches as pets. Most people use them as feeders as do I. Even though I like them. Now I don't have mantids where I live and wish I did cuz I like them alot. But I have been to places where they are everywhere. If I lived in a place like that I would feed them. So I don't see what the big deal is. I think that some people just like to complain and will do it whenever they can. Maybe "THOSE PEOPLE" should find a new hobby!


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2005
Arachnoboards said:
I should not have had to do all of the editing that I just did. :mad:

I suggest that all of you go back and read the rules of this site before you post again. If I have to edit anyone else in this thread, not only will it get locked, but those that are edited will get an automatic suspension for not following the rules. Especially after I just warned you all to read them again .....

If you can't play nice, then don't play at all!

ALL of you that are involved, consider that you have now officially been warned! You know who you are. :mad:


Sorry Debby. :eek:


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005

well honestly i dont think id ever feed a mantis to anything i owned. as everyone has been saying, they are more complex organisms and quite simply i belive they fascinate humans more than roaches and crickets. but at the same time i believe part of the lure of scorpions and tarantulas or other spiders is that they are NOT herbivores. they pounce, attack, kill, then eat their prey. if you deny being fascinated by this, then i think you are kidding yourself. its not the only reason i bought my ts but feeding is one of the more interesting aspects of their keeping. most of the time they are the "pet rocks" people describe them as. when i watch one move incredibly quick and grab something, (so far have only fed crickets) i am amazed every time.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
I don't agree with keeping a mantis in with scorps; it's a waste of good mantis. They are really engaging free-roaming pets, don't need a cage since it was caught in the wild at his locale.


Old Timer
May 14, 2004
OMG people! Cry me a freaking river! A mantis that was gonna die in a month or so MIGHT die a few weeks earlier?! Boo-frikedy-Hoo! I think some of you need to put down the pitchforks and just be quiet. And will someone PLEASE lock this thread? 4 pages is 3.7 pages too many!
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