possible gravid?


Jun 16, 2007
Ive owned this 3in asian forest scorpion for about 3 month now and she is FAT. looks like she could explode with a few more meals.. i know what ur thinking.. well you must be feeding her alot.. no. not at all. i dont think in 3 months she has eaten no more than 12-15 crickets total. never more than 2 at a time. Could it be possible she is gravid? or just a FATTY... and can you tell a dif between fattys and prego's? thanks for the info i will post pics tommorrow for better reference.
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Old Timer
Jun 26, 2003
3 inches seems kind of small, are you sure shes even mature yet? could just be coming up on a molt.


Jun 16, 2007
ok here are some pics

i tried to use a standard size business card so you can judge her size. thanks for all the INFO.


Old Timer
Jun 26, 2003
Whats that green stuff? Green sand?
given his user name and the business card in the background im going to go out on a limb here and guess its some sort of WEED SAND and all the THC his scorps is consuming are giving them the munchies, hence the fatness. {D


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2005
I noticed he said he uses sand for emps in another thread and it works fine.

i guess to each his own and what not.


Jun 16, 2007
given his user name and the business card in the background im going to go out on a limb here and guess its some sort of WEED SAND and all the THC his scorps is consuming are giving them the munchies, hence the fatness. {D
i only wish....:cool:


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
calci sand is not good for any critter to live on. especially one that is from a damp grassy area


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2005
yes its cali sand, and the scorps love it..
our dogs love chocolate, but that doesn't mean we will let them have because we know it's BAD for them
Same thing goes for housing tropical scorpions on sand, calci or not.


Jun 16, 2007
our dogs love chocolate, but that doesn't mean we will let them have because we know it's BAD for them
Same thing goes for housing tropical scorpions on sand, calci or not.
... cant people get over the FACT i use CALCIUM SAND? I have been using it for YEARS.. I have yet to have one death caused by the stuff.And no tell tail signs the inverts dont like it.. ok trust me ive been keeping inverts for almost 10yrs, and i know when the animal is stressed and when its not... So you can make all "comparisons" you want, nothing is changing.. If you dont like it please refrain from reading or replying to any of my posts.. its that easy..


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2005
You've been keeping inverts for 10 years on calci sand. it's cool. you do what you want. after all they are your animals.

when i first started out in the hobby, a full 10 years before you, I had an emp on sand as well. it even lived that way for 3 years.

Now that i actually know better though, i personally would never use calci sand for a tropical species or a desert one for that matter.

i've read a couple of your other threads and notice you take to calling people haters the moment they disagree with you. perhaps you should take your own advise. if you don't like what you read, don't reply by immediately calling the poster a name. being a hypocrite is just as bad as being a troll on a forum.


Jun 16, 2007
You've been keeping inverts for 10 years on calci sand. it's cool. you do what you want. after all they are your animals.

when i first started out in the hobby, a full 10 years before you, I had an emp on sand as well. it even lived that way for 3 years.

Now that i actually know better though, i personally would never use calci sand for a tropical species or a desert one for that matter.

i've read a couple of your other threads and notice you take to calling people haters the moment they disagree with you. perhaps you should take your own advise. if you don't like what you read, don't reply by immediately calling the poster a name. being a hypocrite is just as bad as being a troll on a forum.
if you read through any of posts you can see i was just defending my statements. and YES there are HATERS on here. they have a right to make a statement just as i have to defend it. Im glad you have been in the hobby for 20yrs. So then you know whats its like to go through trial and error process as far as husbandry goes? Ive kept T's on your typical soil/peat combos. You name it and ive used it. I just so happened to try CALC sand and found no HARMFUL effects. so why not.? Im all for polite criticism, but some people are rude about it.


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2005
if you read through any of posts you can see i was just defending my statements. and YES there are HATERS on here. they have a right to make a statement just as i have to defend it. Im glad you have been in the hobby for 20yrs. So then you know whats its like to go through trial and error process as far as husbandry goes? Ive kept T's on your typical soil/peat combos. You name it and ive used it. I just so happened to try CALC sand and found no HARMFUL effects. so why not.? Im all for polite criticism, but some people are rude about it.

there is no ifs involved. i did read thru several if not all of your posts. many of them started with calling a previous poster a hater.

not everyone is going to agree with everyone else... especially on the interwbz, but there are better ways to disagree with people than to call them a hater.

it might be a valid term to use, as there are several people who do infact 'hate' seeing animals housed improperly and are more than willing to point out that they don't approve, but it's still very much of a derogatory term that will almost guarantee the people who were called to continue to reply to you in a fashion you don't like.

It's almost easier to just nod politely when someone disagrees with you than it is to try and argue with them.


Jun 16, 2007
there is no ifs involved. i did read thru several if not all of your posts. many of them started with calling a previous poster a hater.

not everyone is going to agree with everyone else... especially on the interwbz, but there are better ways to disagree with people than to call them a hater.

it might be a valid term to use, as there are several people who do infact 'hate' seeing animals housed improperly and are more than willing to point out that they don't approve, but it's still very much of a derogatory term that will almost guarantee the people who were called to continue to reply to you in a fashion you don't like.

It's almost easier to just nod politely when someone disagrees with you than it is to try and argue with them.

ok well father time might have caught up to you because HATERS is another term for someone who is JEALOUS and only hates because of there jealousy..And yes there are tons on here.