'potte muld' is simply topsoil with some kind of organic material in it (our 'topsoil')
as for the danish word for Peat Moss, i'd use either tørvestrøelse or sphagnum (which i've used in roskilde before) or omsat sphagnum, which really isn't peat MOSS per se, its more peat.. damn.. i guess the closest translation would be DUST or BITS.
but either way, peat works great for me!
as for the danish word for Peat Moss, i'd use either tørvestrøelse or sphagnum (which i've used in roskilde before) or omsat sphagnum, which really isn't peat MOSS per se, its more peat.. damn.. i guess the closest translation would be DUST or BITS.
but either way, peat works great for me!