Pokies, not so bad.


Sep 1, 2011
I got my first pokie yesterday, a sub adult p. metallica with a small arboreal cage from Tarantulacages.com for 200 dollars. He's about six inches across, named him Shmoopie.
So when I got home the cage has an old shed and a few bolus on the ground so.. being that I spent 200 on him I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to die on me, I also wanted the cage set up my way. So I captured him, which took almost no effort on my part, just poked him in the butt with a paintbrush and he ran right into the capture jar. I scrubbed the tank really well and put some crushed ceramic on the bottom with shredded peat + coconut coir bedding with a cork bark tube in the middle and a little pothos.

When I went to put him back in his tank he showed off his speed by darting into the tank and then before I could even pull the jar away back up the jar and over my hand, I jumped a little and pulled my hand away (not expecting him to go from calm to that crazy in a second) Shmoopie took that as an opportunity to escape and I ended up chasing him across the basement before catching him again. I put the capture jar in a dark closet for five minutes which calmed him down and then I got him into his tank.

The next day I saw the humidity gauge was too close to the vent and was probably not registering the proper humidity, With him sitting right next to it I pushed the gauge down a few inches, he freaked out and ran down to the bottom of the tank.. right then the suction cup detaches and the thing lands on him. I take it off of him and see a piece of shred peat, but under the lighting it looks like a broken leg. Despite knowing hes more durable than to be damaged by a light little humidity gauge I get paranoid and poke him to get him to move so I can get a better look at his leg, it wasn't his leg. Mind you he was backed into a corner when I poked him.

Even after all of that he was being shy, my haplopelma would have bit me right away, my GBB would have struck at me and threw hairs by that point, my both of my Avics would have probably freaked out too...

I don't get why people think their so bad, after that experience I'm less nervous around him than I am my GBB, hes sooooo shy, I swear if you look at him the wrong way he'll run away.

I don't know if other pokies are more aggressive, but other than the speed and size I feel like these guys are lower risk than some T's considered "starter" T's like a GBB lol.

Course this is just ONE pokie, not really enough experience to mean anything statistically but thats just my experience.

Curious jay

Jan 23, 2012
I'm no expert or anything but I wouldn't get complacent around a pokie over a couple of incidents you weren't bitten in as every 'run in' with your pet it's a untameable animal that will react differently in different circumstances it sounds like it hasn't settled properly yet otherwise it would act more defensively over its 'home'

Again I'm no expert just my thoughts and how I look at it.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
They are not NEARLY as bad as people make them out to be.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
They're not 'bad' in that they're defensive. They're bad in the sense that a bite will MESS YOU UP for a long time. I second that you should never become complacent near a Poecilotheria. I don't stick my hands in a pokie tank, even the 'calm' ones.

I'd start looking for females for your guy to make the rounds, at 6" he's gotta be close to maturing.


Jun 21, 2010
I have 10 pokies and five are slings ( grown on ) and yeah they are more run and hide.. but there are some that won't and the odd one that will be hell on legs..
So you never know .. keep things easy and don't get in the mind these are all talk and no bite.. ;)

SC Tarantulas

Active Member
Feb 27, 2011
I'd start looking for females for your guy to make the rounds, at 6" he's gotta be close to maturing.
Is he a mature male already? Either way, get a female and make must out of that $200.00 investment. Just a thought.

voodoo chile

Sep 23, 2011
Well I got bit by a 1.5cm versi sling. He is one evil sling. He will attack anything. Who would think a versi would bite & such a tiny one. It was not bad though. just a tiny numbing & after itchy. If a tiny docile sling an bite, then I say all spiders bite, some more so than others. Thats my opinion


Sep 1, 2011
I'm no expert or anything but I wouldn't get complacent around a pokie over a couple of incidents you weren't bitten in as every 'run in' with your pet it's a untameable animal that will react differently in different circumstances it sounds like it hasn't settled properly yet otherwise it would act more defensively over its 'home'

Again I'm no expert just my thoughts and how I look at it.
Not saying I am gonna treat him like he's docile but if I had just used my hand to move the gauge I would have avoided that entire incident. I could have just spooked him into his hide and then moved it with my fingers or something, I have so much more dexterity with my fingers, using those tongs to grab a hard, round, smooth object and move it is difficult and clumsy, I feel like I'd be able to get in and get out quicker if I had used my hands. I'd still use forceps and tongs for everything else possible, and I'm not going to go and handle him lmao I don't really handle any of my T's, I just don't think they ever "tame" the way you can "tame" a snake.

---------- Post added 02-28-2012 at 04:23 PM ----------

Is he a mature male already? Either way, get a female and make must out of that $200.00 investment. Just a thought.
Thats the plan, I might loan him out to people for breeding until I'm done with college, then I'll probably start breeding him myself.

---------- Post added 02-28-2012 at 04:24 PM ----------

hahahaha this is the best.
Lmao I couldn't help it, he was so cute XD
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm no expert or anything but I wouldn't get complacent around a pokie over a couple of incidents you weren't bitten in as every 'run in' with your pet it's a untameable animal that will react differently in different circumstances it sounds like it hasn't settled properly yet otherwise it would act more defensively over its 'home'

Again I'm no expert just my thoughts and how I look at it.
Well, this isn't the case all the time. For example, my OBT Medusa was a complete and total jerk when I first got her. Tried to fix up her tank and feed her and whatnot and she just went crazy, giving me the gnarliest threat display I've ever witnessed, swaying side to side, moving her fangs up and down in a menacing manner... Needless to say, I was kind of startled. I'd never seen any tarantula do a threat posture before, at the time. Anyways, I got her her little flower pot hide and whatnot and a water dish and just left her alone for a week or two, absolutely no messing with her or her enclosure. After she chilled out, she immediately adopted the flower pot I gave her and webbed the hell out of it, along with making some weird, super thick web hammock outside the back of the pot. Ever since she's gotten acquainted with her enclosure, I have never seen a threat posture from her again. When she's startled, she bolts back into her hide ridiculously fast-like, no real defensive, aggressive reactions, aside form just dipping back into her pot. Even when I tossed an adult Dubia in there and coaxed it into her pot to see if she'd eat, she just let the roach walk in and out without really doing anything about it, didn't bite it or freak out or anything. Basically, I think that she mellowed out in her new home, instead of becoming increasingly territorial over it.


Sep 1, 2011
Are you graduating soon?
Probably not for a few years lmao.. I changed majors this semester. But that doesn't mean I wont have my own place before then, I'm saving up for an apartment right now.
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May 13, 2011
I'm always nervous they're gonna run up the sleeves of my shirt. I hate when they act relaxed, then dart for it lol. I think their attitude is a little over rated but a bite from them is still gonna hurt. But awesome spider man!


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I'm always nervous they're gonna run up the sleeves of my shirt. I hate when they act relaxed, then dart for it lol. I think their attitude is a little over rated but a bite from them is still gonna hurt. But awesome spider man!
My adult P.ornata was very defensive and always gave a me a threat posture. Considering she was about 10 inches, rehousing was a real chore. She only got away from me once, but I cornered her in the bathroom and was able to get her with a catch cup. The scariest part about that ordeal was a very fast 8-10" spider in threat posture eyeing me down.

Otherwise my experiences with other pokies are nothing more than just extreme unpredictability. I have thought about getting a T.gigas, but unlike most pokies, the Tapinauchenius genus are obscenely fast, very defensive (borderline aggressive) and anyone who has owned one knows what I referring to.
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Amy Beth

Sep 25, 2011
My Sling P.regalis is fast but shy too. She hangs out but if I shine a flashlight on her to see if she is doing OK then she moves quickly down to her hole she has dug under her corkbark. I have never seen a display threat from her. She is just shy and cute. :)


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2011
I wouldn't trust myself getting a P. metallica as my first pokie haha. Congratulations on yours though.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I wouldn't trust myself getting a P. metallica as my first pokie haha. Congratulations on yours though.
I talked to him today, it's a male, but he got a pretty good deal.

Now he just needs to buy my juvy unsexed OBT, so I can get my female Euathlus sp. "red". lol


Sep 1, 2011
I talked to him today, it's a male, but he got a pretty good deal.

Now he just needs to buy my juvy unsexed OBT, so I can get my female Euathlus sp. "red". lol
Haha, as soon as I get rid of Alex I'd be more than happy to take an OBT off your hands. We could do the trade at DQ one day xD Use it to scare off those stupid kids who always leave their garbage on the floor.