

Apr 29, 2015
No one. Think different, buy 'Baboons' :troll:
Yeah try H. gabonensis, I mira, h. pulchripes....but stay away from the Queen her local cult is very sketchy at best!!! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
All joking aside^^^ the largest seem to be P. ornata and P. rufilata, most of them are similar with some being more defensive than others. Its more a personal preference than anything else as well as considering costs.


Dec 25, 2016
All joking aside^^^ the largest seem to be P. ornata and P. rufilata, most of them are similar with some being more defensive than others. Its more a personal preference than anything else as well as considering costs.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
What would be the best pokey to start with
P. rufilata are great IMO, gorgeous and large. However, if you have not owned OW, this genus is not the one to get as your first OW as any members will outgrow your skills generally speaking.


May 6, 2016
Get a regalis. Cheap. Skittish. Potent venom. If you kill it by bad husbandry or you just decide you may not want this type of arachnid around. You won't be out a whole lot of money.


Dec 25, 2016
Get a regalis. Cheap. Skittish. Potent venom. If you kill it by bad husbandry or you just decide you may not want this type of arachnid around. You won't be out a whole lot of money.
I have 10 t's once I get one it stay with me for ever

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Can I Ask why you say no
He didnt say no, he just tried to point you in a better starting place for ow...and i agree, but for all we know youve been keeping baboons already.

Get a regalis. Cheap. Skittish. Potent venom. If you kill it by bad husbandry or you just decide you may not want this type of arachnid around. You won't be out a whole lot of money.
I agree. Get a few cheaper slings and raise them. Perfect starter. But if you come across another dirt cheap sling, go ahead, but i would stay away from ornata, rufialata, tigrinwesselii and formosa....the first 2 are huge, the second 2 seem to be most high strung.

My first was a vitatta freebie, and unlike the previous poster, it stands today as the single slowest growing pokie ive ever had. Terrible eater when small, but a total beast as an adult....pretty sure shes gravid, too.

I have 10 t's once I get one it stay with me for ever
Good to know. Have you owned Psalmopeous? Theyre great prep for pokies, especially cambridgei....you will like raising a pokie sling, great hunters generally and they grow to juvies at a good pace.


Dec 25, 2016
He didnt say no, he just tried to point you in a better starting place for ow...and i agree, but for all we know youve been keeping baboons already.

I agree. Get a few cheaper slings and raise them. Perfect starter. But if you come across another dirt cheap sling, go ahead, but i would stay away from ornata, rufialata, tigrinwesselii and formosa....the first 2 are huge, the second 2 seem to be most high strung.

My first was a vitatta freebie, and unlike the previous poster, it stands today as the single slowest growing pokie ive ever had. Terrible eater when small, but a total beast as an adult....pretty sure shes gravid, too.

Good to know. Have you owned Psalmopeous? Theyre great prep for pokies, especially cambridgei....you will like raising a pokie sling, great hunters generally and they grow to juvies at a good pace.
Thank agian for this


Dec 25, 2014
Can I Ask why you say no
Because 'Pokies' are IMO only a bunch of sissy colored Theraphosidae. That's the reason why I've never owned one in 25 years of T's keeping (note: I've worked with those in the past).

I like T's with an attitude, not "run & hide" shy ones.

A P.irminia (notably, a NW) on that matter wins hands down, not even mentioning the arboreal 'baboons' or the likes of L.nigerrimum.

They (genus Poecilotheria) possess striking colors, but that's all IMO. That's what I think (even if I was joking also, that's why the "Troll" icon).


Bad At Titles
Dec 6, 2015
Because 'Pokies' are IMO only a bunch of sissy colored Theraphosidae. That's the reason why I've never owned one in 25 years of T's keeping (note: I've worked with those in the past).

I like T's with an attitude, not "run & hide" shy ones.

A P.irminia (notably, a NW) on that matter wins hands down, not even mentioning the arboreal 'baboons' or the likes of L.nigerrimum.

They (genus Poecilotheria) possess striking colors, but that's all IMO. That's what I think (even if I was joking also, that's why the "Troll" icon).

I agree, out of my 17 pokies right now none of them have any real attitude, my striata is the closest but her threat poses are all a facade, as soon as you call her on her bluff she may strike once or so then she scrams.
All my others, specifically my hanumavillasamica, metallicas, ornata tend to all be out all the time and don't really give two loops about anything, but also never throw threat poses.

Fastest growing are metallicas in my experience, by a staggering margin.


Sep 4, 2015
Yeah I have a juvie P. regalis and a juvie P. metallica and my metallica has grown far faster than my regalis...they were both about the same size when I got them and my P. metallica is probably almost an inch larger...and my regalis is no slouch when it comes to growth.

One question I have is what tarantulas do you own currently? Mostly NWs or OWs as well? Terrestrials, arboreals, both? I love pokies ( :p @Chris LXXIX) but just remember that these guys are FAST and their venom packs a serious punch. Some of them get very large as well. If you want a generally smaller and less defensive (usually...YMMV) pokie then a P. metallica is the closest there but they are also very expensive so it might be a better idea to start with something cheap like a P. regalis to make sure you enjoy keeping them and are comfortable with them.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
I bought my first pokie a few months ago. I believed I was ready, and like everyone else say, almost all of them are the same care/temperment. Skittish, really bad bite, like to hide. Personally, I had to go with a rufilata. I love huge Ts, and the green and red sold me on them. I also hear they are more forgiving when it comes to humidity and aren't as "finicky". They DO get a huge size, so I have to be careful, but the choice is yours. My vote is for a rufilata (since I love mine), but just pick your favorite looking one :D To me, they are a interesting soecies to own. They aren't my favorite, but few can beat their patterning and, in some cases, size. Good luck, hope yours does well (if you decide to get one ;))

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I bought my first pokie a few months ago. I believed I was ready, and like everyone else say, almost all of them are the same care/temperment. Skittish, really bad bite, like to hide. Personally, I had to go with a rufilata. I love huge Ts, and the green and red sold me on them. I also hear they are more forgiving when it comes to humidity and aren't as "finicky". They DO get a huge size, so I have to be careful, but the choice is yours. My vote is for a rufilata (since I love mine), but just pick your favorite looking one :D To me, they are a interesting soecies to own. They aren't my favorite, but few can beat their patterning and, in some cases, size. Good luck, hope yours does well (if you decide to get one ;))
Most pokies are pretty tolerant of a wide range of moisture....i have yet to own one that didnt do fine for stretches kept dry with a dish.

Its funny, dry, freshly soaked or anything in between, they always seem to act the same.