Poecilotheria Secrets Unveiled?????


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Hey Gang,

Sending out my frustration with Poecilotheria today....

What in the heck is the secret to getting these turds to drop sacks? All of mine seem to want to molt out. Candling yellow, but just can't get them to drop. Had a couple molt out. Had one candle yellow and for some reason isn't anymore.

Room is 78 degrees and 75% humidity. Typical cycle is:

Pair a couple times. Power feed till they candle yellow and quit eating. Then they seem to lounge around like a couch potato untill they molt out.

I have heard of - Rehomeing them to trick them into making a new home and getting them to drop. I've heard of - soaking the substrate till its wet. I have heard of misting 3 to 5 times per day.

Nothing works!

Someone has to have a secret to these frustrating beasts! I'm willing to send slings to whomever can help me unlock a successful secret!

Will someone please help me unlock the secret? I have something (probably something stupid) that i'm doing or not doing that is holding it up.


Gravid P.bara
Gravid P.regalis
Gravid P.ornata
Unsure about P.formosa, but she has been sealed in for a long time, but can't candle her.
Paired P.pederseni, but don't think she is gravid.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Do you have pictures of your setups?

I do, but don't have access to photobucket at work. I'll dig up links and manually post them on here.

Long story short, they are 5.5 upright tanks with plexi lids on the front with 4, 2" vents on the front. I typically use a couple of cork flats in kind of an upright / slightly angled hole that opens up a bit inside to give the spider room to rehome as she sees necessary. I use a cork flat across the back also.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2007
you have to have a magic powers {D
it take a turd to get a turd ;P


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2005
Are you keeping the males near the females? There's some anecdotal evidence floating around that some species, rufilata comes to mind, have a reputation for molting out if a mature male is present. I've heard someone say they won't even keep them in the same room.



Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Are you keeping the males near the females? There's some anecdotal evidence floating around that some species, rufilata comes to mind, have a reputation for molting out if a mature male is present. I've heard someone say they won't even keep them in the same room.

That's interesting. I have had MM's of other species in this genus in the general vicinity. And yes, my rufilata was one that had the male hanging out. Up until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I had 3 other Poec MM's at the top of the shelf. I think I have one more hanging out. Might be a good thought to isolate ALL mm's in a separate room.

Thanks Bill!


Old Timer
Nov 16, 2007
It was Ray Gabriel that suggested this.

I find it hard to put the males in other rooms as my spider room is setup for them but other rooms are not, I guess the drop in temps wont be too much of a worry. Ive certainly had rufilata and subfusca failure but Ive also had success with regalis, striata and pederseni too.

I find the set-up has a lot to do with it. the hide I provide is small opening but bulb bottom. Plenty of substrate and a little sphagnum moss. Moist during breeding with plenty of food, move over to dry for 1 month or so and then soak the substrate. I was actually pouring the water over my P. striata to key it in. I also tend to raise the temps from my 75F default room temp.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
It was Ray Gabriel that suggested this.

I find it hard to put the males in other rooms as my spider room is setup for them but other rooms are not, I guess the drop in temps wont be too much of a worry. Ive certainly had rufilata and subfusca failure but Ive also had success with regalis, striata and pederseni too.

I find the set-up has a lot to do with it. the hide I provide is small opening but bulb bottom. Plenty of substrate and a little sphagnum moss. Moist during breeding with plenty of food, move over to dry for 1 month or so and then soak the substrate. I was actually pouring the water over my P. striata to key it in. I also tend to raise the temps from my 75F default room temp.
Thanks Pox!

You all will be mine and my 11year (as of today!) old boy's hero's if we can dial this in!

I do have some rehoming to do based on some of the responses I have found.

Joe - CAK


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Regarding temps...

I tend to side with the idea of keeping the temps warm. My (hopefully) gravid rufilata is in my spider room, that's sitting at a comfortable :)rolleyes:) 67 degrees. She's still looking good, so I'll just let her hang there until the weather warms up again, and see what happens.

I'd need to check my regalis and formosa breeding reports, but I'm pretty certain I paired them around the October-November '09 timeframe and they dropped their sacs after the weather warmed up in '10.

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Can we have a citation on this male begone theory? This obviously cannot be true as I have bred hoards of Poecilotheria and have had females drop sacs with the male still present in the tank, however I'm intrigued.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Can we have a citation on this male begone theory? This obviously cannot be true as I have bred hoards of Poecilotheria and have had females drop sacs with the male still present in the tank, however I'm intrigued.
Have you got any pictures that show this?

I'm intrigued as well.

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Probably not I can check. We haven't been big on pictures until recently as we are now formulating a website and have a need for them. Can we get a citation please? A link? I have not heard of this until now.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Honestly guys and gals... i'm willing to try anything! If someone reputable said; eating chili in the vicinity and popping balloons that have screen printed unicorns on it... I would probably crack a cold one, hide all cameras and try it!

What i'm doing isn't working.

So far, the advice I am seeing does seem plausible.

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Honestly guys and gals... i'm willing to try anything! If someone reputable said; eating chili in the vicinity and popping balloons that have screen printed unicorns on it... I would probably crack a cold one, hide all cameras and try it!

What i'm doing isn't working.

So far, the advice I am seeing does seem plausible.
Im willing to talk to you. Email me at crowsarachnids@live.com and I'll provide you with a number and we can go from there.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Makes sense Tanner.

Most all of the advice I am getting has been revolving around seasons. Wet a bit, dry it out and cool off for a few weeks and then bring it warmer and soak. All around mimicking spring.


Old Timer
Nov 16, 2007
You have to remember there aren't papers on every little question we have, I fail to see why everyone seeks written proof, its rather doubting Thomas but heh!

We should consider when people provide their experience it doesnt mean you'll experience the same, even with the same conditions. Its an observation. He also noted that you can use this to your advantage when you want a female to moult out. Ive clearly stated that despite having mature male pokies and females in the same room Ive had success, but Ive also had blank results, perhaps this was why. So, considering the OP is not seeing success its prudent to at least consider experience from well known arachnologists.

This was Ray Gabriel's experience, he was breeding quite a few Poecilotheria at the time. I think I might be right right in suggesting it was in one of the BTS journals, but don't quote me on that. Of course you could email him, though I believe he's in Panama at mo.

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

Makes sense Tanner.

Most all of the advice I am getting has been revolving around seasons. Wet a bit, dry it out and cool off for a few weeks and then bring it warmer and soak. All around mimicking spring.
This is the natural process we see in many animals. To simlify it, the rains come and encourage the plants, the bugs come out to eat the new shoots, the bigger bugs come out to eat the smaller ones. The raised moisture levels encourage moults and the males go looking for mates. The rains ease off, less bugs and moulds, great for gestation, the rains come again and as things go full circle the new arrivals get on the scene.

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I have faith in people's experiences, you provided me with someone else experience rather than your own, I assumed you read it somewhere. Miranda can go home.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
I have faith in people's experiences, you provided me with someone else experience rather than your own, I assumed you read it somewhere. Miranda can go home.
Well, I can certainly tell you what DOESN'T work! Hahh!

Crow, I sent you a personal email. We can chat more offline.

Joe - CAK