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Poecilotheria rufilata


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I received a MM Rufilata today. Not even two hours after setting him up in his tank he constructed a sperm web. My 7.5"+ female had molted on 11/19/07 and had eaten about 6 roaches so I decided to pair them up.

Lighting- a lamp in the room but it was dim over all.

Temps- 70-72.

MM was placed in the females cube with the lid left off the cube. The female was in her hide in the corner but once the MM started tapping she came out of her corner exhibiting very receptive behavior. The MM tapped and led the female out onto the outside of the tank and shortly after that got one very good insert. Right after the insert the female went back into her tank without me having to guide her and the MM was caught after a 10 minutes chase. :D

I will feed the female for a few more weeks then her temps will be dropped into the low 60's. 6-8 weeks later I plan on returning her to the T room and raising the temps to the mid to high 70's. Feeding will resume and misting will increase to try and stimulate a sac.
Updates of course will be added when and if there are results. Here are a few pictures from the pairing.



Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Sac completed as of the 29th by my first bred female almost 4 months after the first pairing.

** note** I did not cool down as planned.
I will add updates as I have them.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006

Complete failure.......:(
The female was found dead clutching the sac. I am not sure how long she had been like that but the weight of her on top of the sac broke some eggs and caused others to clump together. The remaining eggs were placed in an incubator but shriveled and went bad within 24 hours.

I have one more bred female, and I hope I get better results with her.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006

As of the 27th of May my second female made a sac. This one is put together much better then the first one. She is being a great mother so far and the eggs are nice and yellow with no apparent issues so far. I plan to take the sac around the 16 day mark, maybe less if I am impatient and I will add photos when I have time to take some. :)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Final outcome.
146 little boys and girls made it from this sac! I am holding back about 60 for myself to raise for future breeding. But the others are on their way to new homes already.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2007

# Successful?
- Yes.

# Any special care or preliminary notes for the lovers
- Temps were kept at 75F & 70F at night. Male was fresh, just a month from his ultimate molt. Female also was fresh & measured 7 1/2" post-molt.

# How they were paired
- In female's enclosure. First pairing went well, female was recetive yet no insertion witnessed. Second pairing, same result. Third pairing, male was left to cohabit w/female for 2weeks.

# Any special post mating care
- No cool off, the substrate was kept moist and female fed heavily. After 3months, female begin showing signs of being gravid. She fasted for 4weeks before egg sac construction.

# Time to sac
- I think, mating took place in Jan. 09, sac dropped May 25th.

# Care of the sac - Egg sac was left with female for 30days.

# The final details
- 165 eggs, with 150 making it to 2nd instars. :)



Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Successful x2!

This year, I was lucky enough to get two eggsacs from this species. The first female was paired between the 7/15/12 and 8/30/12. An eggsac was produced on 5/7/13, and was pulled 6/11/13. At that point the contents of the eggsac were EWL's. 1st instar was reached 7/6/13. My records aren't that great with these two eggsacs, but 2nd instar was reached somewhere around 8/1/13. The temps were kept between 70-80 degrees and the humidity was probably near 80%-90% throughout the entire process. The final count was 30 slings.

The second female was paired between 7/11/12 and 8/24/12. An eggsac was produced 6/23/13 and was pulled 7/25/13. At that point they were all 1st instars. Again, my records aren't that great, but somewhere around 8/16/13 second instar was reached. The temps were kept between 70-80 degrees and the humidity was probably 80%-90% throughout the entire process. The final count was 84 slings.

Eggsac #1

Eggsac #2
