I'm a lover of Pokie communities and wondered if anyone had any interesting pix of their communities.
My latest community is 30 x P. ornata slings 2-3cm 2nd instar which I rehoused from this:
to this:
I've found this species to be less communal than other pokies and lost 3 in a tank of 4, probably because they created their own territories and I missed a feeding.
The remainder:
However I have another community of 4 of these which are doing well after 9 months+ even though the sizes range from 2-4"!
I also have a community of 23 x P. regalis which are the same size as above at 2-3cm, living together since slings.
I have a community of 3 x P. miranda in a sweet jar which are about 2" max and show good communal characteristics, whilst also seeming to be quite calm.
The same can be said of my 4 x P. pederseni.
My community of 5 x P. subfusca have recently been moved into an Exo-terra but were originally kept in a sweet jar. These showed excellent communal characteristics, huddling together and looking after each other during moults. In the sweet jar I could see them, although they seemed very skittish but now that they are in the Exo I usually only see 1. I shall get some updated pix of these soon but for the meantime here's how they were:
My first community was 3 x P. rufilata which were raised together from slings and eventually matured into males. One has subsequently come to an end, the 2nd is looking a little tired but the third is firmly in the breeding program.
Here's the last of the males:
Here's their home, which now houses the P. subfusca
All enclosures are kept slightly damp, with springtails and pillbugs as cleaner insects. Good ventilation, no heating (they are in a warm room), surplus and regular feeding.
Enjoy and lets see your own examples.
My latest community is 30 x P. ornata slings 2-3cm 2nd instar which I rehoused from this:

to this:

I've found this species to be less communal than other pokies and lost 3 in a tank of 4, probably because they created their own territories and I missed a feeding.
The remainder:

However I have another community of 4 of these which are doing well after 9 months+ even though the sizes range from 2-4"!

I also have a community of 23 x P. regalis which are the same size as above at 2-3cm, living together since slings.
I have a community of 3 x P. miranda in a sweet jar which are about 2" max and show good communal characteristics, whilst also seeming to be quite calm.

The same can be said of my 4 x P. pederseni.
My community of 5 x P. subfusca have recently been moved into an Exo-terra but were originally kept in a sweet jar. These showed excellent communal characteristics, huddling together and looking after each other during moults. In the sweet jar I could see them, although they seemed very skittish but now that they are in the Exo I usually only see 1. I shall get some updated pix of these soon but for the meantime here's how they were:

My first community was 3 x P. rufilata which were raised together from slings and eventually matured into males. One has subsequently come to an end, the 2nd is looking a little tired but the third is firmly in the breeding program.

Here's the last of the males:

Here's their home, which now houses the P. subfusca

All enclosures are kept slightly damp, with springtails and pillbugs as cleaner insects. Good ventilation, no heating (they are in a warm room), surplus and regular feeding.
Enjoy and lets see your own examples.