I would tend to agree with Lucanidae that in outward it appearance it seems to be a Lycosid and not a huntsman. Maybe a better shot of the eye pattern from a frontal view would help.
Ok, so now I have come back to take a closer look. Improver, while your points are valid I dont believe either spination or the scopula are definitive traits of Sparassidae but are more common there than in Lycosidae. There are some examples in Lycosidae (however few like in a species of the now defunct Rabidosa).
But now that I have taken a better look at the eye arrangement, it does not appear to be Lycosidae, there is enough view of the eyes to see that the arrangement is not correct for Lycosidae and definitely closer to a common Sparassidae arrangement. This combined with the other traits would make me agree with Improver that my original idea was incorrect. I guess earlier I was to brief and glanced only at outward "overall" appearance and was not paying enough attention to detail.
Thanks to Improver for adding to this post, always helps to have others come in and show where you are not paying enough attention and hence why it is always good to have many opinions and ideas.
I saw some other thread earlier where it was said, why bother ID'ing something when someone else already said what you just did, well this is exactly why, people make mistakes and others catch them!
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