Playing with my P. metallica


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Roaches have been known to cause breathing problems for a long time. Usually its with someone that already has an existing problem, but in this case I was the exception to the rule. Roaches should not be around kids ether it has been proven that roaches in the same house as children can more then triple their chances of having breathing troubles later in life.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
What a pretty girl. One that's going to be on my list for some time. Hehe!

Have you tried the flashlight method on her yet or is it too early to see you think? I really hope you get a sac from her.

Hope you also don't mind me asking, but would you mind making a video about your cricket keeping? I had 250 pinheads and most either died from dehydration (they dry VERY quickly) or drowned even with rocks in the water cap. I even considered putting in more water dishes.

- No, can't use roaches either. We had a bad experience with the non-purchased ones at the old house and the parents will never let it down.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
To keep pin heads alive just used a paper towel not a water cap. I wet down the paper towel daily and that worked like a charm.
I keep them in a tub with no substrate, egg crates stacked two high, feed chicken mash and veggies.
So most of the setup is dry other than the paper towel I wet down with water. And that paper towel is on the opposite site of the tank as the chicken mash.
I have way more then I need here now that is for sure. My third generation is starting to mature and lay eggs now.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Awesome, thank you so much! I hate that cricket quencher stuff!! Getting more crickets soon so this will help a lot.

To keep pin heads alive just used a paper towel not a water cap. I wet down the paper towel daily and that worked like a charm.
I keep them in a tub with no substrate, egg crates stacked two high, feed chicken mash and veggies.
So most of the setup is dry other than the paper towel I wet down with water. And that paper towel is on the opposite site of the tank as the chicken mash.
I have way more then I need here now that is for sure. My third generation is starting to mature and lay eggs now.