Pitbulls are monsters!


Dec 25, 2014
They really are a breed that would die by your side before saving themselves
True. My family had a Mastino Napoletano named Kagyr when we were little kids, waaaay back then (Christ, I'm almost 38, go figure) and that's another breed that is a no joke. Here in the Southern part of Italy (therefore far from where I live), during the bloody unification war wanted by English freemasonry (uh, a thing that ended covered by the stains of history, eh eh, and no one talks about) that breed almost disappeared... for that Borbone's soldiers used those dogs as "mercenaries" against the House Of Savoy military. It's a miracle that the "giant" still is alive today: one of Italy's jewel, and on Top 5 of IMO best dog breed ever :-s


Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
The "evil" pitbull. My feeling that they should be taken from their sociopathic owners and be taken to a safe haven. Then the owners should be taken to a shelter and be euthanized because they're dangerous to the dog and human race.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2011
Such monsters haha. I love my pitbulls to death, even if their gas is deadly. They are amazing with are kids and habe never shown a single act of aggression AT ALL


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2011
I really hate pit bulls. Try to go to sleep and a pit bull is on your bed. So you move the pit bull. Pit bull now sleeps on you.

In all seriousness I want one. I want a puppy but I know how many are homeless in shelters. I want one to grow with my cat but... so many are in need for a home. Conflicted.
I stand for the adopt, dont shop, but ive also came to the conclusion you can usually find a quality dog for cheaper than an those at an adoption place. I also like the idea of meeting the dogs parents on site to sort of see their personalities/temperaments/size etc.. which you cant do with adopting

I also really like raising them up myself, so their more suited to my families needs/wants.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2013
Not on topic as I don't own a pit (sick bird in the UK) but I was at the vet with my little man. Annual check up. There was a bloke with a little terrier that barked/yapped non stop.

Now if my lad did that I'd be looked at and my dog would be judged. Exactly the same thing only little dogs that are allowed to misbehave get "ahhhhhh" and other dogs get "ooooooooo".

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
While the jury is still out on these things being monsters... Oh come on. A terrier, read, sniff-o-matic zooper zoom hound, cross bred with the amiable bumblefudge slobber and drool bulldog... left to their own devices free of demented owner interference these things are, generally speaking, in the scratch-my-butt-for-a-half-hour-please category.

Saw a really deadly dangerous 'pitbull' the other day let off the leash. It made 43 circles around the owner in about 7 seconds then dashed over and jumped in the car. More like at the car. The window was rolled up. KERFLUMPH! It sort of dropped to the ground like a load of wet manure, got to it's feet, staggered a little then demonstrated the common pitbull trait giving the world that goofy 'I-meant-to-do-that' grin.
(That particular dog has trained the owners. They have two little girls around 3 and 7 years old. When they see the monster coming they quickly dodge behind something or plop their butts on the ground to keep from getting knocked arse over teakettle as it zooms between their legs. Or the curl up in a fetal ball maneuver to keep it from leaping in your lap and licking your face off.)

PS And how many owners of untainted pitbulls have managed to avoid the 'Oh!! Was that the clean laundry on the clothes line?'
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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
They really are a breed that would die by your side before saving themselves
Most definitely...one of many breeds that would do the same.
That really sucks, it makes no sense to ban a bread to me. I have a staffy too and she's even sweeter :happy:
Agreed, the majority of pits get labeled because of the few (doggie racism), and its almost always because the dogs are in the homes of the wrong people. In the right hands, they really are amazing dogs...and they are pretty durable health-wise as well.

Pits banned....just get a boxer...its like having a pit...only smarter...hehehe:astonished::astonished:
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