Pit Bull kills 16 month old boy


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
do you think the owner can be charged with murder of any sort?

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
da_illest said:
do you think the owner can be charged with murder of any sort?
In all *real* honesty, no. Unless that dog had a history of agression, what exactly is negligent or murderous in letting a toddler play with a dog. However, in this political climate where a DA is going to see a poor black woman (read little chance of getting a good defense and unlikely to drum up too much public sympathy because it was the dreaded pitbull) who 'killed' her grandchild, you know the legal team is combing the statutes to see just how much they can toss against her. In true modern American fashion, we're going to see tragedy piled on top of tragedy so others can further their political careers.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
Race has nothing to do with it. the dog no doubt has to be put down. I would never let any of my kids play with a dog of that breed. Place where I live white people are more of a minority. But don't know about the area in the article.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2004
Scorpiove said:
the dog no doubt has to be put down. I would never let any of my kids play with a dog of that breed. Place where I live white people are more of a minority. .
I totaly agree the dog should and most likely will be put down but a pittbull is just a dog with a bad rep. because of its upbringing their really a gentile K-9 unless tought to protect. I own a 2 year old pittbull (american staffordshire) and my son has a 4 year old pittbull while my pitt would atack an adult it would protect a child even from myself, and my sons pittbull is scared of her own shadow. believe it or not a staffordshire is a good childs dog as long as its bought as a pup and not tought to fight and is scoulded why tries to fight.
but like I said the rep is because of their abuse any large dog is capable of this kind of monstrosity.It is a tradgety though. :(


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
While I'm sure this woman thought the dog was trustworthy, it's just plain irresponsible to leave a dog and a child together unsupervised. Children poke, prod, and pull and even the most patient dog can sometimes get fed up and that's when accidents like this happen. It's cases like this that give certain breeds a bad rap.
I feel sorry for the family, but this was an accident that in all likelihood did not need to happen.
Sadly, most people will read the article in the original post and all they'll remember was that it was a Pit that attacked the child, and not the woman's irresponsibility in leaving a child with the dog.
Also, because this dog is a Pit, it will be put down. That's Detroit's policy on pitbulls. Any of them brought into the shelter are pts, regardless of temperament.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
What kind of idiot leaves a little kid unsupervised with ANY dog? (By little kid I mean baby :8o )

I may dislike children, but even I know better than that! I trust my dogs, but if a little kid (baby) tried to use their fur to pull themselves upright or something similar I can't say what would happen.

I wish they would leave the breed out of it. The worst bite I ever recieved was from a golden retriever, proving that breed isn't always a factor. I know some pretty snuggly pits, and one golden retriever that shouldn't be around little kids (babies) at all!
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Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
Wolfchan said:
What kind of idiot leaves a little kid unsupervised with ANY dog?
99.99% of people do.. there is nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't be calling people idiots for doing so.. people who own dogs don't see them as a threat.. as a matter of fact it's quite the oppisite and if a dog happens to go *wild* for a minute and attack somebody it's not our faults.. you need to check what you say before you say it...

we have a toy poodle and my parents leave my little sister with it unsupervised all the time and the dog has never bitten unless it was playing, which btw aren't lethal bites...

now if like you said the kid pulled on the fur and got bit it's a different story.. also it depends on species.. if it's a pit bull i see where your coming from but if it's a small sp then what harm can be done?
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Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
99.99% of people do.. there is nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't be calling people idiots for doing so.. people who own dogs don't see them as a threat.. as a matter of fact it's quite the oppisite and if a dog happens to go *wild* for a minute and attack somebody it's not our faults.. you need to check what you say before you say it....
Alex, anyone stupid enough to leave a small child with a dog (or any other animal) unsupervised is irresponsible. It's dangerous for the child, and it's dangerous for the animal. Like I said before, ANY animal can attack if provoked, and children tend to poke and prod animals until they feel they need to defend themselves. Any responsible parent/pet owner knows better.

now if like you said the kid pulled on the fur and got bit it's a different story.. also it depends on species.. if it's a pit bull i see where your coming from but if it's a small sp then what harm can be done?
A small dog can do a hell of a lot of damage to a child as well. It's not an issue of big dog/little dog, it's a matter of common sense.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2004
Leaving a young child alone with with a dog isn't irrisponsible leaving a young child alone period is irrisponsible as far as the dog thing goes probing and prodding I don't care if you bit a chunk out of my dogs ear which is a pittbull he would not bite a child like I said before and will say again its the dogs upbringing that makes them aggresive and defensive if a dog is properly trained and cared for it is perfectly safe unless it is protecting Ive watched my sone do plenty of things to my dog I wouldn't have dealt with if he was doing it to me and the dog just laid there content and passive not even a growl I don't know what you thing of dogs but your phobia is a little extreme


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2004
Man thats so sad can u imagine how the grandmother feels:(


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
maybe I didn't read the article closely enough, but I don't see where it even said that the child was alone with the dog. It just said that the grandmother placed the child on the floor with the dog.
I think it's a bit naive to think that a dog will NEVER attack, even when provoked (by provoking, it's whatever happens to trigger that particular dog). Even if a dog is trying to be gentle, they can hurt you in play.
That said, I don't see that she was being irresponsible, if she didn't leave the room, and was watching the child. Do I leave Shelby alone with our dogs? Yes, with one of them, and no, not with the other one. However, they all go roaming around outside together all the time. (without supervision, on a fenced acre). I'm 99.99% sure that it's safe to let that happen. You can never be 100% sure of anything. Does that mean I'm irresponsible?
(it's basically a rhetorical question) ;)


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
It said she left the child with the dog while she went in the kitchen. I don't care how trustworthy a dog is, you don't ever leave a small child alone with an animal. Holley, Shelby isn't 16 months old and has been raised to respect animals. Too many children aren't. I spend a lot of time in various dog forums, and if I were to go in there and say "my child/grandchild/niece/whatever was mauled by my dog while I was doing something else" I would get slammed as an irresponsible person. It is considered by many to be a bad practice.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
da_illest said:
99.99% of people do.. there is nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't be calling people idiots for doing so.. people who own dogs don't see them as a threat.. as a matter of fact it's quite the oppisite and if a dog happens to go *wild* for a minute and attack somebody it's not our faults.. you need to check what you say before you say it...

we have a toy poodle and my parents leave my little sister with it unsupervised all the time and the dog has never bitten unless it was playing, which btw aren't lethal bites...

now if like you said the kid pulled on the fur and got bit it's a different story.. also it depends on species.. if it's a pit bull i see where your coming from but if it's a small sp then what harm can be done?
I'm really surprised that you would say that...I've never met anyone who would actually admit to leaving a small child unsupervised with a dog. You simply can't predict what the kid's going to do or how the dog is going to react. (I just asked my mother and she agreed) It is not safe.

I remember once when I was little I did something that my five-pound dog didn't like and wound up needing stitches in my nose. That's an example of how even a supervised dog can cause harm to a little kid, and I was a hell of a lot older than 16 months. I stick by what I said...leaving a little kid unsupervised with ANY dog is a BAD IDEA.

I get a lot of people who come in to the pet store I work at and tell me "Oh, my snake has eaten live rats TONS OF TIMES, and hasn't had a problem!" Well, it only has to happen ONCE. The more often you put the snake (or child, in this case) into the potentially dangerous situation, the higher the odds that something bad will happen eventually.

Maybe a small dog couldn't kill a little kid, but how about a life-long irrational phobia, or some lovely scarring? A few years back someone lost their nose to a Jack Russell terrier. Pretty traumatic. There aren't different "sp" of dogs BTW, just breeds.

Oooh, I rambled a bit, sorry...


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
xalbinox said:
as far as the dog thing goes probing and prodding I don't care if you bit a chunk out of my dogs ear which is a pittbull he would not bite a child like I said before and will say again its the dogs upbringing that makes them aggresive and defensive if a dog is properly trained and cared for it is perfectly safe
thank-you very much albino... i was assuming that we all raise our dogs properly and don't neglect them when i said what i said.. if you own a dog and care for it properly and show it a lot of love like my family does the dog is NOT aggresive at all... unless you start kicking it and stuff and even a properly trained dog would not then go and bite to kill but more threaten you with one quick bite or a growl... i've been around many dogs as a child and bothered them to heck and yet i've never been bit...

many of you are way too uptight... when you buy your kids a voilence rated video game do you supervise them while playing? when you buy your kid a toy, do you supervise them while playing to make sure they don't swallow a piece and choke? accidents happen period! now if your dog has been beat all it's life, starved, chained 24/7, and is a pitbull or doberman it's EXTREMELY unsafe and irresponsible to leave any kid with it alone and even yourself with it alone...

that grandma is probably old fashioned and back then life wasn't so uptight like now a days where there's restrictions on everything.. my grandpa and uncle used to play with horse's when they where kids yet there both up and running... it's not irresponsible at all..

Let me ask you *RESPONSIBLE* people something and i expect AN HONSEST ANSWER please... When your at home where your dog is are you CONSTANTLY there to watch the dog?? do you FOLLOW it around the house to SUPERVISE it incase it attacks your kid/s who are roaming the house? if so can you let me know how often they use the bathroom and how often they scratch themselves??

i don't care what you say i KNOW you've went to the washroom or cooked something or even masturbated (whatever tickles your fancy) while leaving a child unsupervised for those 5 to 60 minutes it took you to do whatever you did...


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
Wolfchan said:
I'm really surprised that you would say that...
well then, SUPRISE!!!!

whatever you say about the breed/sp thing.. you all never mentioned it was a baby we're talking about.. YOU CLEARLY SAID KID and to me or anyone else that could be a toddler of 10 years of age even more.. nor me or my family (or pretty much any adult) would and haven't ever left a BABY unattended with anything! that's plain irrational.. as soon as the kid can speak and walk i say it's alright to leave the kid alone with the family dog.. now if i'm irresponsible for being like that then you need to check yourself...

if it's that bad why the heck would you have a dog then?? i imagine you must follow it around 24/7 being as responsible as you are...
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Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
you all never mentioned it was a baby we're talking about.. YOU CLEARLY SAID KID and to me or anyone else that could be a toddler of 10 years of age even more
Actually Alex, I specified several times that I was referring to a small child.


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
LPacker79 said:
Actually Alex, I specified several times that I was referring to a small child.
yep and a small child could be a 10 year old.... there's a big difference between a baby and a small child who can walk, run, talk, yell, kick, scream, brake, and all that stuff you as parents hate ;P

oh and leanne i didn't mean to offend you and if i did i'm sorry... i just didn't like the fact that wolvie called people idiots when in fact i used to play with our dog when i was a young kid... not when i was a baby but a young child, i think we got our first dog when i was 6 or 7...
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
LPacker79 said:
Actually Alex, I specified several times that I was referring to a small child.
And I said little kid, which (to me anyways) implies baby/toddler.

We never mentioned that it was a baby?! Look at the title of the thread for goodness' sake! A 16 month old hardly has the mental capacity to know how to behave around a dog.

I don't follow my dogs everywhere, but I know my larger dog is timid, especially around loud noises and sudden movements (like LITTLE KIDS) so I'd never let anyone leave a little kid with her...in fact, I don't even let them pet her, but that's more because I never put myself in a place where I'll be around little kids if I can avoid it. I do have younger siblings, and they're FINE around the dogs, supervised or no, but they're old enough to know how to behave around them.

No dogs are infalliable. My two aren't neglected, but they each have their buttons that shouldn't be pushed. My big one I already said is a bit timid. (Not due to lack of socialization, it's just how she is), and my little one, despite our best efforts and our work with a reputable local behaviorist, continues to attack any large dog he comes across. (Nobody ever accused him of being smart!!)

If leaving little kids unsupervised around a dog is bad why would I have a dog? Why, I've got a ten-year IUD in, and when that's gone I'm getting a tubal, so my dogs won't ever be put in such a position! *Chuckles* Works out the best for everyone involved!!


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
Wolfchan said:
And I said little kid, which (to me anyways) implies baby/toddler.

We never mentioned that it was a baby?! Look at the title of the thread for goodness' sake! A 16 month old hardly has the mental capacity to know how to behave around a dog.

I don't follow my dogs everywhere, but I know my larger dog is timid, especially around loud noises and sudden movements (like LITTLE KIDS) so I'd never let anyone leave a little kid with her...in fact, I don't even let them pet her, but that's more because I never put myself in a place where I'll be around little kids if I can avoid it. I do have younger siblings, and they're FINE around the dogs, supervised or no, but they're old enough to know how to behave around them.

No dogs are infalliable. My two aren't neglected, but they each have their buttons that shouldn't be pushed. My big one I already said is a bit timid. (Not due to lack of socialization, it's just how she is), and my little one, despite our best efforts and our work with a reputable local behaviorist, continues to attack any large dog he comes across. (Nobody ever accused him of being smart!!)

If leaving little kids unsupervised around a dog is bad why would I have a dog? Why, I've got a ten-year IUD in, and when that's gone I'm getting a tubal, so my dogs won't ever be put in such a position! *Chuckles* Works out the best for everyone involved!!
buddy, you need to seriously chill out a bit and watch what you say.. you just called my parent's idiots pretty much cause i used to play and cuddle (yes, cuddle! lol :D ) with my dog when i was 6 or 7... a six year old kid is a small child... i don't know what ages are considered toddlers but to me a toddler is a child... as a matter of fact you called a bunch of people idiots and then you go on ranting about how irresponsible they are just to make things worse.. my parents are not irresponsible and have raised me with love... i come from a good home and i'm proud to say that as many are not as fortunate as i am..

you know that's the reason many argumeants arise on forums.. you type something that gets at people and then when someone says your wrong you try to defend it by stating how you wheren't specific enough... i bet if i hadn't said anything you wouldn't have cleared this up saying that leaving small children applies ONLY to little ones such as baby's and 16 month old baby's..

go back and read your post and tell me if you get the impression that your talking about all, and i quote, *Little kids*... is an 8 year old not a little kid to you?? like i said, watch what you say when throwing insults around...
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