pit bull children....


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
well ted has a point... cockers arnt that strong... but pitbulls on the other hand are 100% muscle
Try telling that to my vet. His career was nearly ended by a 23-lb. Cocker Spaniel. The dog went off on him during a routine check-up, with the owner present, swearing the that dog never bit and that his growling was "play". My vet had his face ripped open down to the bone, cutting major nerves in his face and exposing his teeth and gums. His right hand was so badly mangled that it took three consecutive surgeries and months of therapy before he could use it again. He nearly lost his ability to perform surgery himself, which would have meant early retirement. He had a substitute intern come in for that purpose for a year while he recovered. This is not a small person, nor one who is not experienced with animals, including fighting dogs brought in by animal control, yet the ferocity of this Cocker was so intense that it took four people to eventually restrain it. Don't ever discount the ability of a small dog to cause severe damage, and keep in mind this was an ADULT-what if that same dog had gotten ahold of a toddler or an infant?



Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
Yeah, my folks had a cocker spaniel, and it definitely bit the hell out of everyone on our street. I like the "outkast" brand pitbulls. They're blue!


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I love most dogs but have a soft spot in my heart for pits. they are such a maligned breed. Most of the ones I have been around are big goof balls. Thanx for sharing pics of your kids.


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I adore dogs, and I love pitt bulls, they are just so wonderful. It's nice to see the old man near me walk his spotted brindle past me in the mornings as it allways gives me that "play with me he's so boring!" look!

My face got completely ripped to shreds when I was a kid by the same scottish terrier on two different occasions (don't even ask me how this happened, I was only five and all I can remember is the couch and playing with strands of my face) but the poor wee lad was from a shelter, I don't blame him honestly, I was so little - it was my fault, I was stupid and unsupervised, it's how it goes. I don't judge dogs on bites. Some do, most don't.

And back to my point - I love interracting with dogs. Small itsy dogs tend to be a bit angry but the really big ones seem to tell whole tales in a glance. And bulls are fun to pet for their lovely muscular frame!

I really envy you folks with your gorgeous dogs! :) I'd love one to spend time with!


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
well since i dont own one nor do i know anyone with one, yes, my sources come from all forms of media.
thats the best resource right now.
I don't have any pits right now but I know pit bulls and any other dog only act the way they are treated. a lot of narrow minded people who only get their dog news from the TV don't realize you have to TEACH pit bulls to be mean. which means if they arent taught to kill they aren't going to hurt people for no reason at all. To the person who originally made the post that is a very beautiful dog you have. I my self have a deep passion for the "red noses" soon I will be getting one and have it registered with my local police station and all that so I can avoid all the non sense sterotypes that come with these dogs especially in urban neighbor hoods where their reputation has been destroyed because idiots in Boston want to use them as a " I am a tough guy because of the type of dog I have" dog and its so stupid. Because these dogs are actually family orientated and LOVE people.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
My wife and I recently decided to get a dog. Unfortunately, pitties are now banned in Ontario and we haven't previously owned one, so we couldn't even get a rescue. We did manage to find a rottie/shephard cross with good character, but I am still sad that a pitt was not an option.



Dec 16, 2004
I use to be a vet tech., Ive NEVER come across a pit that was aggressive or intolerant towards me, and I was sticking things in them. Ive only heard of their loyalty and patients toward their families and children. The media is based on FEAR, fear of everything. Dont let ignorance keep you from the most loyal, gentle and intelligent companion you will ever have!


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
Little yappy things like chihuahuas and yorkies are way more vicious than any pits I've ever come across. As long as they are properly trained and kept well socialized and exercised you couldn't ask for a better dog than a pit.

Don't believe the media hype...think of what they say about T's.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
To the OP: Gorgeous pit! Tragic though the past of game lines is, they are fantastic looking dogs. Do you do pulling competitions or anything of the sort with her to get that lean, muscular look?

I can only shake my head sadly about some of the close-minded fear-mongering towards pit bulls expressed in this thread; thankfully, it is not the majority opinion here, which suggests that at least most people are making an effort to get informed.
For those of you who think the media is a good source of information on a breed or species, stop a second and think of how the media portrays reptiles, arachnids, and other animals we hold near and dear to our hearts. Statistically, APBTs/Amstaffs are one of the least likely dog breeds to bite or kill a human and score among the highest on temperament testing. They have been valuable to miltary service, police work, narcotics detection, and yes - some even helped search for people on 9/11. Yet you only hear about when they attack people - just as you're more likely to get killed by a dog, horse, or family member than a shark, but reporters literally swarm all over every one of those extremely rare shark attacks we have yearly.
Most dogs that attack people are un-nuetered males in a group/pack setting, a high percentage are or were teathered, and a significant number were neglected, abused, poorly trained, left unattended, or provoked by a human; in other words, the way a person cares for and interact with a dog has a strong influence on its likelihood to attack. Pit bulls were bred to be extremely disinclined to bite their masters, enough so that you could split up a fight by hand without being harmed, and are some of the most intensely loyal dogs around. It is their willingness to please their master at any cost to their own personal safety that makes them a target for assholes who abuse and exploit them.
Yes, they are powerful, and when trained or treated in a way that makes them aggressive to humans, they can be very dangerous. But many breeds of dogs are unpredictable even with the best training and treatment, and I see no one crying to ban those. In fact, just for some fun reading, here's a story about a Pomeranian that killed a 6 week old infant. The media reported it, so you better hurry up and go hate some pomeranians now.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
To the OP: Gorgeous pit! Tragic though the past of game lines is, they are fantastic looking dogs. Do you do pulling competitions or anything of the sort with her to get that lean, muscular look?

I can only shake my head sadly about some of the close-minded fear-mongering towards pit bulls expressed in this thread; thankfully, it is not the majority opinion here, which suggests that at least most people are making an effort to get informed.
For those of you who think the media is a good source of information on a breed or species, stop a second and think of how the media portrays reptiles, arachnids, and other animals we hold near and dear to our hearts. Statistically, APBTs/Amstaffs are one of the least likely dog breeds to bite or kill a human and score among the highest on temperament testing. They have been valuable to miltary service, police work, narcotics detection, and yes - some even helped search for people on 9/11. Yet you only hear about when they attack people - just as you're more likely to get killed by a dog, horse, or family member than a shark, but reporters literally swarm all over every one of those extremely rare shark attacks we have yearly.
Most dogs that attack people are un-nuetered males in a group/pack setting, a high percentage are or were teathered, and a significant number were neglected, abused, poorly trained, left unattended, or provoked by a human; in other words, the way a person cares for and interact with a dog has a strong influence on its likelihood to attack. Pit bulls were bred to be extremely disinclined to bite their masters, enough so that you could split up a fight by hand without being harmed, and are some of the most intensely loyal dogs around. It is their willingness to please their master at any cost to their own personal safety that makes them a target for assholes who abuse and exploit them.
Yes, they are powerful, and when trained or treated in a way that makes them aggressive to humans, they can be very dangerous. But many breeds of dogs are unpredictable even with the best training and treatment, and I see no one crying to ban those. In fact, just for some fun reading, here's a story about a Pomeranian that killed a 6 week old infant. The media reported it, so you better hurry up and go hate some pomeranians now.
Excellent points there, with the comparison of how popular notions of animals like snakes and spiders have been strongly influenced by the media, to the point that it takes after Goerbels' "Big Lie" propaganda policy of the Nazi party in Germany-if you tell a lie often enough, people will begin to accept it as the truth. The news media has definitely made a concerted effort, led by the so-called "animal rights" movement that wants to see ALL animal ownership banned, to create this monster called Pit Bull, that destroys everything it encounters, cannot be killed by ordinary means, has jaws stronger than a crocodile's, etc. Politicians who make a living capitalizing on the public's fears have had a field day passing bans and restrictions on one breed after another, while refusing to hold dog OWNERS responsible for their animals' behavior. Any time there is a bite or attack that involves a dog that cannot in any way possible be called a "pit bull", it either never gets reported at all, or it gets shoved to the back of some local paper in a tiny, two-inch column, and never would be known if it weren't for people posting links to it, yet whenever there's an incident involving any short-haired, medium-large dog, it makes "PIT BULL MAULING" headlines all over the country. The article about the Pomeranian is a case-in-point; here's another more-recent one, from Chicago, involving a miniature Dachshund chewing off a baby's genitalia while the dad shagged his girlfriend in the next room. Notice how the dog HERE wasn't blamed, nor its breed bashed, but its mutilation of the baby was simply a natural behavior, while if it had been a dog that the press could call a "pit bull", the BREED of the dog would have been blamed, and more outcries to ban and destroy these child-killers would have gone out across the land. Here's the story:

Man charged in dog attack on baby

November 8, 2007
By ART PETERSON apeterson@...

Robert A. Schultz, the father of an infant who was mutilated by a dachshund dog Sunday in Waukegan, was arrested Thursday and charged with child endangerment and domestic battery.

Schultz, 25, of Lake Villa, appeared in Lake County Circuit bond court, where Associate Judge Theodore Potkonjak released him on a recognizance bond.

Schultz is facing two counts of child endangerment and one of domestic battery. Each is a Class A Misdemeanor and carries, upon conviction, a sentence of up to one year in jail or probation.

He had taken his four-month-old son to the apartment of his girlfriend. She owns the dachshund but is not the child’s mother. The boy was left on a couch, wrapped with blankets, while the man and woman slept for several hours in another room.

They awoke to the infant’s screaming. Police believe the dog may have smelled urine and began chewing the diaper. The boy was bleeding profusely and was taken by a Flight For Life Helicopter to Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge.

The boy reportedly is undergoing surgery today in Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

The woman has not been charged.



Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
You pretty much gave the reason for why "pits are pretty well known for killing children" in your opening statement: "can't say i ever heard of a registered pitt(supposed to be ONE t, not two) bull...". That's because the vast and overwhelming majority of child-killing or people-biting "pit bulls" reported on by the media AREN'T registered anythings-they're plain old MUTTS, that might or might not have some iota of actual American Pit Bull Terrier genes in them. It's pretty much standard practice for the media to sensationalize any dog-bite incident by first calling the dog in question a "pit bull", even when it has no resemblance to an actual APBT whatsoever, and to refer to even the most minor injury as a "mauling". Very often, the dog involved is either a stray, with completely unknown background(never known a stray dog to carry around any registration papers proving its breed), or is a dog kept for illegal purposes, such as fighting or guarding drug stashes. Many times THOSE dogs are stolen property themselves, and the owner doesn't really have any clue other than what the person he bought the dog from for $25.00 told him. I would not count on the numbers of REGISTERED and verifiable purebred American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers or Staffordshire Bull Terriers involved in bites or attacks on humans would be high at all, but they are inevitably lumped in with the mongrels. Mixed-breed dogs have always been responsible for more bites/attacks than all others, simply by virtue of outnumbering purebred dogs by a long shot. Even the Center for Disease Control, whose non-scientific "study" a few years ago concluding that "pit bulls" were responsible for more fatal attacks on humans has since retracted that statement, on the grounds that it simply is not, in most cases, possible to accurately identify a given dog, especially when the dog is a stray, free-roaming animal, and that there are countless cross-breeds that can resemble an APBT, as well as many purebred often mistaken for one. Case in point: a few years ago, I attended a "fun match" dog show, and was walking one of my Akitas, a big black male I had at the time. There was a lady there who was involved in Greyhound rescue, who was walking a petite brindle female Greyhound. We were walking along, discussing dogs, when a woman and two kids, about aged four and six, got out of her car. One of the kids got all excited seeing the dogs, yelling, "Look mommy! Dogs! Can I go pet 'em?" Their astute mom answered, "You can go pet the big black one that looks like a teddy bear, but stay away from the one with stripes; that's a PIT BULL and it'll kill you!" Both myself and the Greyhound lady were stunned, but not so much that I couldn't respond, by telling her that my dog was an Akita and was not used to kids, and the other dog was a GREYHOUND, about as far physiologically from any bully breed as possible, but her answer was, "I'm married to a police officer and he had to shoot those all the time, so I know what I'm talking about!"

:clap: nice post! it was a good read, thank you! :clap:


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
There is a mis-guided notion in the media that pit-bulls are inherently more aggressive than other breeds of dogs and prone to attacking people. What the majority of these people don't know is the history of the breed. True, pit-bulls were bred for fighting, but it was a condition of fighting that the referee/umpire could get in there, grab the dog and remove it without biting. If it bit, it was destroyed, and so the dogs that were genetically more aggressive were removed from the gene pool. As such, pit-bulls are not wired to aggression against humans.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2007
First I must say Very Pretty Pit Bull They are by far my favorite breed. And Sadly so Misunderstood.

Also I must add I had a Pit bull when i was 1 and 1/2, That pit Was the sweetest dog I have ever meet. (Along with other pits that'll lick you to death:D ) She'd never snap, growl or anything. I now have a small Cocker spaniel Whom has bit me more times then I can ever count! Bottom Line I would Trust a pit bull before I'd trust any other breed of dog.

People that think Pits are mean Listen to to much news that talk about a "pit bull" attacked when it turns out to be just some mutt.

Only Exotics

Old Timer
Mar 1, 2006
People, buy from a reputable breeder who knows what he is doing and is not only in it for profit. Where you buy from & how you raise the animal is what it is about... accept responsibilty:wall:


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
proper care and right owner they can be great

I love the breed even though i have never had one they seem really friendly. my friend has a pit and is very sweet. It is sad that they are misunderstood I think with the right owner and the proper care they can be great pets.

P.S little dogs are pretty mean.


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
...In over 20 years of dog rescue....I've only been bitten by ONE dog.....a CHIHUAHUA!!!!
No kidding...and thanks for sharing your pit kids! :clap:
*Anyone who believes that game dogs are the biters - obviously DON'T know the rules of the game....
I would NEVER approve of fighting.....but you have to understand the sport - before you can understand the breed.
GAME dogs never bite....ILLBRED pitbulls bite.
The APBT is the ONLY breed in the world specifically bred to never bite humans. Only opponants or stock animals....;)
Learn the rules....then you'll understand.
Stop watching the news.......it's for RATINGS.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I'll just share the list of favorite and least favorite dogs form the kennel I worked at:

Bassett Hounds
English Bulldogs
Basengi (not for the perosnality just because it was quiet)
and most of the Staffies and APBT

Least Favorites:
Chow Chows


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
I would be intersted in knowing why they were your favourite and least favourite.:)


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I would be intersted in knowing why they were your favourite and least favourite.:)
the favorites were because of either being quiet or just having a great personality. the bassets were all really young and loved to play and were really fun to walk. The bull dogs just had great personalities and were always happy to see you. The basengi was just silent. and the staffies and APBTs were all very friendly and just loved ot get out of the runs and walked. The only incident we had with a pit bull was trying to get one to walk a little after sugery. He decided he wanted to lay down and bit through his lead. we threw another one over his head and he bit through that one. We tried to pick him up and he snapped at us. We wound up calling the owner to come down and help us move him into his run. I don't attribute that to anything other than he felt crappy after surgery.

The least favorites were because of unpredictability. Chows and Akitas were good at having a poker face and not showing what mood they were in. YOu could be walking them and thinking they were content but then they would just snap. Dalmations were just very ill behaved most of the time and just as un predictable. And weimeraners were basically noisey spazzs that yelped all the time and would try and run a marathon while you were wlaking them.

My personal least favorite was a Newfoundland that tried to have his way with me. While walking him he jumped on my shoulders with his little red rocket set to blast off. :eek: